VOTE AGAINST HR 2510, the Dietary Supplement Regulatory Implementation Act of 2005 and similar legislation

VOTE FOR HR 2485, the DSHEA Full Implementation and Enforcement

Act of 2005 and similar legislation

VOTE AGAINST CODEX ALIMENTARIUS “Harmonization” Legislation to enact CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in the United States and similar legislation


The Honorable xxx

United States Senate
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3301

Dear Senator xx,

Possibly you and I share a desire to stay as healthy as possible with a minimum of invasive medical interventions and drugs. As a health conscious consumer, I routinely exercise my right to access high potency, therapeutic dose nutritional supplements such as Vitamin C, zinc, Echinacea and fish oil to maintain my health and prevent, treat and cure diseases and conditions. As such, I am extremely distressed that there is a movement afoot to undermine the benefits of the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA), passed by Congress in 1994 when more than 52 millions Americans voiced their opinion to protect their access to nutritional supplements.

As your constituent I want to inform you of my very strong opposition to any version of legislation which restricts my Health Freedoms, including access to high potency, dietary supplements as foods.  This includes HR 2510 (which unlike its DSHEA-friendly sister bill, HR 2485) would destroy DSHEA while spending over $200 million in the next 5 years to do so.  It also includes any “Harmonization” legislation or Agency regulation making CODEX ALIMENTARUS regulations law or governing regulation in the United States. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS policy has already been ratified or is being implemented in the European Union (EU), Canada, and Australia/New Zealand. America will soon be put in a unique position globally to say a resounding “No!” to this thinly veiled attempt to wrap the agenda of huge corporate interests in a seemingly benevolent skin alleging to protect fair trade, public health, and individual safety while undermining both American Health and Health Freedom.

I am one of millions who strongly oppose such “protection” from nutritional supplements which, unlike drugs, have been shown to be free of significant inherent danger. CODEX’s suppressive policies are wrapped up in tens of thousands of pages that few have read or will be able to read prior to making it the law of our land if “Harmonization” is allowed to proceed. Under CODEX, it will be illegal for anyone, including licensed physicians, to offer, choose, dispense or use even the safest and most effective natural health remedies at clinically effective dosages.

I urge you to oppose CODEX ALIMNETARIUS “Harmonization” legislation or any similar legislation in either house for what it is: a major and very dangerous industrially- and economically-driven threat to my health and health freedom (and to yours) which will remove safe, effective natural options that only help lower healthcare costs already bulging at their fiscal seams.

I urge you to oppose HR 2510, the Dietary Supplement Regulatory Implementation Act of 2005 and any similar legislation in either house while supporting HR 2485, the DSHEA Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2005 and similar legislation in either house. 

Please be assured that Health and Health Freedom are issues of major significance to me.  In fact, my Health Freedom and Health are so urgently important to me that I will use all legal means at my disposal to support those members of Congress who defend my Health Freedom and Health but will use the same vigor to make sure that legislators who do not defend them are opposed at the both primary and general elections and never return to elected office.

I will be eagerly monitoring your position and actions on these issues and look forward to your support and assistance in promoting, protecting and defending the Health Freedom and Health of your constituents and of all Americans.


Yours in Health and Freedom,