Urgent warning of imminent cataclysm in Northwestern United States

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March 28, 2006

As Americans are distracted by manufactured news of an impending attack on Iran or the baseless threat of a bird flu epidemic, a dedicated campaign of electronic scalar tectonic warfare is ongoing worldwide that will bring America to the brink of destruction.

Within months, and possibly weeks, the northwestern coast of the United States will experience a tectonic and volcanic cataclysm quite unlike any other in recorded history. In the process, millions of people will die or be injured. The American economy will be shaken to its very foundations. In the process, a draconian form of martial law will be declared that will make our once cherished institute of constitutional democracy a thing of the past.

What would you think if you were told that America was being subjected to a series of irregular, electronically induced scalar tectonic attacks? What if you were shown seismic waveforms with anomalies that do not correspond to normal earthquake activity? Most people would think those waveforms and the claims that preceded them were just a hoax. Unfortunately, what you are about to view is not a hoax.

The seismogram on the left is a typical, normal earthquake waveform. After the arrival of the P and S wave components, there is a normal damped vibration as the waveforms echo and settle.

On the right is a waveform that is different from a normal earthquake. After the event, there are no damped vibrations. This Octopus Mountain, Washington seismogram shows a brief series of large, bipolar spikes. After the last spike occurs, the seismogram resumes its trace as if nothing had happened. These spikes are evidence of an electronic scalar tectonic attack.

Does this mean that the ground at the event location shook during this event? No, it does not. If not, why are we seeing this trace? Don’t seismometers record ground movement?

Many seismometers currently in use detect earth movement using a suspended wire coil that is free to move in one axis. The wire coil sits around a permanent magnet that is mechanically coupled to the ground at the seismometer site. When the earth moves, the coil, because of the way in which it is suspended, does not move. Thus, only the magnet moves with relation to the earth. In doing so, the coil senses a momentary change in flux due to the movement of the magnet, and a small electrical current is induced into the coil. This signal is then electronically amplified and output as a seismogram. The recording shown on this and all the pages of this article are vertical axis recordings.

One of the signatures of a scalar tectonic attack is a change in the magnetic flux level of any magnet in the area where an attack is taking place. In the case of this seismograph, the scalar wave attack component has momentarily changed the flux level of the magnet that sits inside the pickup coil. The coil detects this change in flux and outputs a current in response. Thus what this seismograph is recording is not necessarily a seismic event; it is the dynamic change in the flux level of the magnet. This seismogram image is but one of many examples of a scalar tectonic attack.

The wire coil of a seismometer does not detect a scalar wave directly. This is because scalar waves by themselves do not induct current into a wire coil. It is the momentary change in the flux level of the seismograph magnet that is being detected. As an example, magnets have been known to slide off refrigerator doors before and during local earthquake events. The flux level in these magnets has been momentarily reduced, allowing gravity to take effect.

Scalar (or longitudinal) waves react quite differently than the transverse waves of our electrical world. This will be discussed in greater detail later to enable a more complete understanding of what is happening, but it is important to realize that they react differently than transverse waves.

In the seismogram from Pine Mountain, Oregon on the left, two anomalous events can be seen. Unlike the attack near Octopus Mountain, which was bipolar (moving above and below the event timeline) these scalar attacks move in a negative direction only. Both events shown are off scale and of short duration, with no after oscillations.

These are not normal seismic events. Can scalar waves like these create actual seismic events? Yes, they can.

In the seismogram from Green Mountain, Washington on the right, there is a series of anomalous spiked waveforms. Green Mountain is near the Mt. Baker volcano. Like the Pine Mountain attack, these waveforms are negative going monopolar waves that shoot off the bottom of the chart, and then return quickly to the timeline where they began.

The effect of these spikes is to create a build up or release of scalar energy in highly localized areas of tectonic stress. Tectonic plate margins, fault zones and volcanoes are all receivers and transmitters of scalar energy - by virtue of their basic nature.

The method of electronic transmission of scalar energy into tectonic plate margins, fault zones and volcanoes will be explained in detail later.

Remotely inducing scalar energy into tectonic plate margins, fault zones and volcanoes is within the capability of the present generation of scalar tectonic weapons. This capability produces an overwhelming offensive force that can wreak havoc on humankind and our planet.

Devices having this capability individually or in tandem are known by various acronyms, including HAARP, EISCAT, SPEAR, SOUSY, SUPERDARN and others. They are located in many nations around the world. Norway alone has over seven sites in the Svalbard Islands. It is devices such as these that are creating an electronically manufactured geological Armageddon.
Perhaps the best known of all these acronyms is the HAARP facility at Gakona, Alaska, shown on the right. This is an early photograph showing an array of 48 antennas. The facility now has 180 antennas installed and operational. There is a transmitter building for each group of 6 antennas, for a total of 30 transmitters. HAARP is referred to as an “atmospheric heater,” implying that it only transmits “up” and only heats the atmosphere. Your Acrobat viewer can zoom in close to view this and all the images in this article.

Note the distance between the antenna farm and the control building in the site picture.

While HAARP is promoted as a civilian science project, it is actually owned by the Department of Defense (DOD) and operated by the Navy and the Air Force. HAARP has long been suspected as being a weather control weapon that is used in conjunction with chemtrails. Various opponents cite HAARP as having mind control capabilities. HAARP is also a scalar tectonic weapon.

Effective radiated power estimates for this type of facility abound, and range up to three terrawatts at a single station. For some eye opening perspective, a terrawatt of electrical power is 1,000,000,000,000 watts. The average household light bulb consumes about 50-100 watts. A large electric home oven consumes around 3,500 watts.

There are eight advertised HAARP facilities on the North American continent. Another facility is located at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and possibly one or more in the Hawaiian Islands. Other HAARP-like facilities may be present, but are operated at clandestine locations. There are far more atmospheric heater sites on our planet than most people realize. The pages that follow will give a sense of the extent of these facilities and the potential danger they represent.

Many of these devices are being used in an ongoing scalar war that few are aware of. The destruction that these devices are creating is being passed off as acts of nature. Mother Earth is taking the blame.
These two seismograms are from DAWY seismic station in Canada. The anomalous, bipolar spiked waveforms seen in these seismograms are clipped at both top and bottom as they exceed the range of this particular type of seismic instrument. DAWY is the nearest Canadian based seismographic station to Alaska based HAARP facilities.

EISCAT, another acronym known for “atmospheric heater” installations, has its own collection of remote facilities. These have a similar power rating to HAARP sites, although only four sites are publicly advertised. The heater facility shown on the left resides at Tromsø in Norway. There appears to be a rather large power station next to the antenna array. Remote facilities of this type cost a considerable amount of money to install, maintain and operate.

Another remotely located facility in Jicamarca, Peru. Note the large size of the antenna array at this station. Atmospheric heaters are typically placed in remote locations due to the vast amounts of radio frequency energy they radiate. The number of these facilities around the world is quite astounding. One possible reason for this is to have installations that are dispersed around the Earth to increase targeting capability. The logic for this will become evident later in a discussion of the uses of three separate transmitting stations to form a highly accurate scalar tectonic weapon.
CEDAR is advertised as “a broad-based, community-initiated, upper atmospheric research program. The goal is to understand the behavior of atmospheric regions from the middle atmosphere upward through the thermosphere and ionosphere into the exosphere in terms of coupling, energetics, chemistry, and dynamics on regional and global scales.” The CEDAR database includes 11 incoherent scatter radars, 23 coherent ionospheric radars and 101 middle atmosphere radars. That’s a lot of radars isn’t it? The map on the left shows the locations of 34 CEDAR facilities.

To the left is an atmospheric heater design for a new heater facility in Indonesia.

On the right is another atmospheric heater facility. This one is located in Japan

Just how many radar research facilities are actually needed to study the upper atmosphere?”

One answer would be the relative importance of this work to humankind. How many multi-million dollar research facilities are seeking to find a cure for cancer?

Another possible answer is that many of these atmospheric heater facilities are not for research at all. They are weapons facilities operating under the guise of “research.”
SUPERDARN has seventeen “research” facilities in the far northern and southern hemispheres. Countries that operate Superdarn radars include: USA, UK, France, Japan, Canada, Australia and South Africa. There are far more “research” radar sites on our planet than are needed for research. We are being deceived about these installations. Many of them are weapons of aggression that are being used in an ongoing scalar tectonic war.

For a scalar tectonic war scenario to make sense:
There must first be a conspiracy to carry out scalar tectonic warfare.
There must be one or more perpetrators and their lackeys to carry out the conspiracy.
The perpetrators must have access to scalar tectonic weaponry that is in the hands of various world governments.
By necessity, the perpetrators must have control over governments in order to access the scalar weaponry and/or
The conspirators have scalar weaponry of their own.
War in the traditional sense involves two or more factions in order to create a dispute that causes the war in the first place. Without dispute there is no need or excuse for war. Generally accepted examples of dispute include:
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, leading to World War I,
Germany’s invasion of Poland, leading to World War II,
The Tonkin Gulf incident, leading to the Vietnam War,
“Weapons of mass destruction” leading to the current war in Iraq.
There is much evidence to support the contention that all of the wars cited above are based on conspiracies manufactured by a small elite, hell-bent on financial enrichment and the eventual total domination of humankind.

A scalar war is different than any previous forms of war because it is covert, not based on a “dispute” and not readily identifiable as even being a war. The rare exception in the detection of scalar tectonic warfare is the property of longitudinal waves to alter the flux levels of magnets. As many seismometers use magnets, some can record these variations in flux level, depending on the way in which they are biased. In fact, anomalous seismographic examples are the only tangible evidence this article has to offer that scalar tectonic warfare is taking place.

Where before it was guns and bombs, now there is electronic technology available that allows for a new kind of war:
One that can do infinitely greater harm than previous weaponry
One that is essentially invisible
One that is relatively inexpensive
One that requires no dispute or adversary
One that can be conveniently blamed on Mother Nature
It is easy to see why this technology is attractive to an elite intent on dominating our planet - and taking a large percentage of the population out while doing it. A perfect example is the Andaman Island earthquake and tsunami of December 26, 2004. This event was created by the sudden vertical slip of over 1000km of tectonic plate margin. Peak vertical slip was up to 20 meters in some areas. Talk about a whack attack! There were no large aftershocks. The event took the lives of 217,000 innocent people, left millions of others homeless and caused billions of dollars in damage. This campaign was over within a matter of hours. Others to follow will end just as quickly and with even more spectacular results. When the giant waves settle, fingers will point at Mother Nature as the culprit.

The next target on the hit list is the western portion of the North American continent. In this campaign, work is afoot on several fronts since the goal is far greater destruction. Many “atmosphere heaters” are involved in this effort, but not in the atmosphere. The impending events will involve earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and the eruptions of possibly two gigantic calderas. The combined magnitude of all these events will be so great that it will bring down the nation of America and, quite frankly, change life on our planet forever. The attacks that will accomplish this have been ongoing for some time and the results of these efforts will soon reveal themselves with catastrophic consequences.

Like the Andaman Island earthquake, there is a buildup of energy required to achieve the desired and quite sudden result. The larger the target, the more time and energy are required. And, because of the nature of scalar tectonic attack mechanisms, there is little evidence that they are now taking place.

Fortunately, there are seismometers that can detect scalar tectonic attacks. If more people recognize that these unusual and anomalous waveforms signal the presence of scalar tectonic activity, then it is no longer covert warfare.

The Yellowstone caldera problem
The map of Yellowstone Park on the left is overlaid on a chart showing areas of peak acceleration ground movement (the rate of change of velocity of a reference point.)

The green arrows point to red colored areas of maximum acceleration, and hence the greatest danger. The blue arrow indicates the location of the Denny Creek (YDC) seismographic station. The red arrow indicates the location of the Yellowstone caldera (red line.)

The Yellowstone caldera is one of the most potentially dangerous locations in the United States.

Denny Creek sits in a tectonic jigsaw puzzle. It lies to the east of the Foreland thrust belt, to the west of the Cenozoic normal faults and the Yellowstone Caldera, to the north of the Snake River-Yellowstone volcanic rift and inside the Laramide belt. This can be seen in the map on the right.

The Yellowstone caldera itself is located inside the Laramide Belt and is laced with fault lines. Denny Creek would be an excellent location for the influence of scalar tectonic activity that could enhance or speed up the rotation of the Colorado plateau on which the Laramide Belt rests.

Note in the lower section of the map on the right that the Eular pole of relative rotation between the Colorado Plateau and the interior of North America is rotating clockwise from the point shown. Could scalar tectonic activity observed at Denny Creek help to speed up this rotation, thus pushing things along a lot faster than they might otherwise be?

Shown above is one week of seismograms from Denny Creek (YDC) near the western edge of Yellowstone Park from March 8-14 2006. These seismograms reveal the presence of many anomalous, spiked waveforms that are characteristic of scalar tectonic attacks. They can be seen individually on the less active seismograms of March 13-14. This is a mixture of positive going and negative going signals. There appears to be little or no other activity around the active band. It would seem that there are preferential time zones for these events. Are scalar attacks near Denny Creek being carried out on some kind of schedule?
On the right, an earthquake event is superimposed at the bottom of the March 14th seismogram for comparison. Earthquakes are due to earth movement; the spiked waveforms are due to scalar tectonic attacks. The visual difference is evident.

To the left is a close up of a section of this seismogram. The short duration of these spiked waveforms can be seen. They all appear to be clipped at about five divisions. Most of the waveforms in this example are positive going from the timeline on which they originate. Notice that there are no bipolar waveforms of the type associated with normal seismic events. These are not normal seismic waveforms.

Someone is trying to trigger an eruption of the Yellowstone caldera, and Denny Park appears to be one of the locations where they are attempting to do it.
The Mount Rainier problem

Mount Rainier is the highest volcano in the Cascade Range at 14,410 feet. It is regarded as America’s most dangerous volcano. During an eruption 3700 years ago, a lahar (or mud flow like a river of wet concrete) sent a wall of mud over one hundred feet high as far as the waters of Puget Sound. This is one of the largest known lahars in the world. Lahars are formed when the ice and snow on a volcano rapidly melt during eruption. Much of the lowland to the east of Tacoma and the south of Seattle is formed from the debris of Mt. Rainer. The last major eruption was 2200 years ago. The latest eruption was in 1882. US authorities are keeping a close watch on Mount Rainier as you read this.
Over thirty-six miles of glaciers cover Mount Rainier, including 92 x 106 cubic meters of ice and 4.4 x 109 cubic meters of snow. The plains over which a lahar will flow when Mt. Rainier next erupts are now essentially deforested, so there will be nothing to slow it down. It is estimated that Mount Rainier lahars can travel up to 50 mph, and will pose the single greatest danger in an eruption of Mount Rainer.

Classified as an explosive volcano, Mount Rainier can be expected to erupt violently, with hot gas and magma exploding out of the volcano in a shower of dust, ashes, cinders and volcanic bombs. There may be little or no warning, and with the prospect of lahars added into the equation, the lives of millions will be placed at risk. There simply may not be time to evacuate and many will die or be injured. The result could make hurricane Katrina look like a minor thunderstorm by comparison.

The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network says the following about Mount Rainier: “In an average month, 1-5 well-located, high frequency earthquakes are recorded near the summit of Mt. Rainier. In addition, small swarms of 5-10 earthquakes over a 2-3 day period sometimes occur. All of these earthquakes are shallow, with most locating near sea level (~4 km below the summit), and are interpreted by Moran (1997) to be occurring in response to stresses associated with the circulation of hot fluids beneath Mount Rainier.” With these thoughts in mind, let us view some recent Mount Rainier seismograms. Do you have the picture of a nice calm seismogram with a few random jiggles in your mind?
The seismogram shown on the left is a composite of three days of activity during March 16-18 at Camp Shurman on Mount Rainier.

A transparent green line has been added to the seismogram to highlight an unusual series of waveforms. These appear to form a diagonal line that moves downward to the right. Each horizontal trace of the seismogram is ten minutes. The series of events forming the diagonal line occur every ten minutes and seven seconds with great regularity, hence the skewed appearance of these events. Each event lasts approximately eight seconds. Below is a close up of five such events. The odds of this happening randomly are on the order of trillions to one.

Within minutes after this diagonal series of anomalous waveforms begins, overall activity increases. After approximately three hours of this, the activity increases even more, and continues that way for over four hours. Then the activity drops to below the level that was present before the attack began. Five hours later, a new phase of increased activity begins.

Are these unusual waveforms the result of ground movement from scalar attacks or changes in the flux level of the seismometer magnet due to scalar attacks? Interesting question. Could these short events be some kind of calibration waveform? No, the standard calibration signal for Camp Shurman is shown to exact scale on the left.
The waveforms at Camp Sherman are different from those seen on other seismograms. In addition to short, individual spikes, we now see what look almost like short duration earthquakes. But, if you study the waveforms shown in the close up, it will be seen that most of the waveform are above their individual timelines, quite unlike most earthquakes. This author believes that the spiked waveforms are being used to induce varying degrees of scalar charge into fault zones. Some parts of a zone are being depleted of scalar energy and other parts are being charged up, since fault zones are natural scalar receivers and transmitters by virtue of their nature. The 8-second events on the diagonal line appear to be directly induced seismic events. Thus, at a convenient time, a ‘shaped’ earthquake is being set off to perform a particular function.
The waveforms seen in this seismogram are clearly anomalous. One simply does not find this kind of regularity and seismic ordering in nature. The waveform events that make up the unusual diagonal line may indeed be the result of tangible earth movement, but if so they are not like normal earthquake events because their waveforms don’t quite look like normal earthquakes. The regularity and uniformity of these events is a dead giveaway. How can events like this be considered normal? Your Acrobat viewer can zoom in close on all of these images.

The objective of the events taking place near Camp Shurman is to force the eruption of the Mount Rainier volcano. The electronic stimulation is on the volcano itself, and the process is ongoing. When will Mount Rainier erupt? Soon…

Many more anomalous seismic examples exist from different locations on the west coast of America and Canada. They are not included in this article for the sake of brevity.

The Long Valley caldera problem

The seismogram shown on the left is from the Sherwin Lakes (MSL) seismic station located near Mammoth Lake in California.

A diagonal anomaly reminiscent of the one in the Camp Shurman seismogram can be seen in the MSL seismogram. If fact, two diagonal anomalies can be seen. Two green lines indicate these. The waveforms themselves are quite unlike those seen at Camp Shurman, possibly due to differences in seismometer type or instrument biasing. An extracted sample that approximates the event waveforms can be seen on the right.

As seen in the MSL seismogram, after about seven hours of diagonally arrayed waveforms, activity increases, although the waves appear to reverse polarity during this period. The wave phase reverses again as activity decreases. The similarity of all the large waves on this seismogram rules out the possibility that they are normal seismic activity. Actually, the waveforms on this display do not look like seismic waves at all. It appears that the Long Valley caldera is undergoing scalar tectonic influence as well as the Yellowstone caldera.
One week of seismograms from Sherwin Lakes inside the Long Valley caldera of California from March 8-14 2006.
Seismograms from Mammoth Pass west of the Long Valley caldera of California from March 8-17 2006.
The Puget Sound problem

The Puget Sound is by itself a huge tectonic fault. With six major fault zones, the area is exceptionally prone to earthquakes. The major fault zones can be seen in the map at the left, indicated by purple lines. The brown areas are the locations of lahars from previous volcanic eruptions.

One of the most dangerous of the faults in this area is the Seattle Fault, running from Hood Canal through Puget Sound and South Seattle to Bellevue and Issaquah. Much of this fault is through highly populated areas. A red arrow indicates the fault zone.

Along the Seattle fault, a 6.8 earthquake struck Seattle and Puget Sound on February 28, 2001. The quake injured over two hundred people and caused more than one billion dollars in damage.

More large earthquakes will follow on this fault; it is just a matter of when. If someone wanted to create havoc, Puget Sound would be a convenient place to it.
The Seattle picture is made even more complex by the very active Juan de Fuca plate, as shown in the picture to the left. The red circles indicate earthquakes on and around the boundary of the plate during February 22-24. Notice the clustering of these events around plate margins. On March 25th, four earthquakes between 4.1 and 5.0 struck this plate.

Northwest of Puget Sound is Vancouver Island, and the town of Gold River. It is here that the GDR seismic station recorded highly unusual waveforms. But these have an entirely different set of patterns.
On March 22nd, the Gold River (GDR) seismic station recorded the four groups of anomalous waveforms shown on the left. Each event lasted just over two minutes, with about sixteen seconds between events. These are not calibration waveforms. A check of all available previous waveforms from this site revealed no other similarities or calibration waveforms that look like these.

The clipped waveforms shown here are different because the target in this case is not a volcano or a fault line. It is the Juan de Fuca plate itself that lies in the sights of a scalar tectonic weapon.

To the right is an insert of the GDR seismogram showing the clipped waveforms of two events. The frequency of these waveforms is approximately 0.18 Hz. They do not correspond to any standard calibration waveform. One can argue that earthquakes are bound to happen. This is a given. What is not a given are external forces that act to rapidly accelerate seismic events.

These linear, regular waveforms may have just that capability. The method used to do this will be explained in a moment.

What is the difference between dying from a natural earthquake event in five years and dying from the same event in the next two weeks? Fifty-eight weeks of your life. What is that worth to you?

If the waveforms being directed at the Juan de Fuca plate by a scalar tectonic weapon are at the resonant frequency of the plate, then areas near the plate margins, which are already under stress, are being influenced to either accept increased stress or change their modulus of elasticity. Either can result in massive seismic events.

To understand the term “modulus of elasticity”, it will be useful to explain an industrial process used to remove internal stresses in manufactured metallic parts. When a metal part is either machined or cast into a form, it develops internal stresses that can result in the distortion of the part or its early failure during use. The traditional method of relieving stress in metal parts is to treat them by heating to a plastic state, allowing the object’s molecules to reorient themselves, and then allowing them to cool slowly. This is an expensive, time consuming process. An alternative method is to mechanically vibrate the part at its natural resonant frequency, which changes its modulus of elasticity, making if softer, and allowing the object’s molecules to reorient, thereby eliminating internal stress. This same principle can be applied to tectonic plates.
Tectonic plate margins are areas of mechanical stress. By vibrating a tectonic plate at or near its natural resonant frequencies, the modulus of elasticity can be altered, changing stressed areas into a plastic state. The stress is then relieved through rapid (geologically speaking) movement. That is the purpose of the waveforms seen at GDR.

What usually happens when tectonic plates move rapidly with respect to each other?
Earthquakes and their resulting tsunamis
Volcanic eruptions
Death and destruction
Secondary effects including disease, famine, economic and even political disruption
A tectonic weapon is able to achieve all the results shown above in a localized and controlled fashion. It is in fact the perfect weapon for world conquest. But to be effective on something as large as a tectonic plate, it takes two or three scalar tectonic weapons operating in unison at the resonant frequency of the target. Tectonic plates are massive objects requiring tremendous amounts of energy to move, if you can imagine that as a possibility. While multiple scalar tectonic weapons operating at the resonant frequency of their target produce heretofore-unseen amounts of energy, they only have the capability at present to affect the movement of smaller tectonic plates. These are very small movements.

To understand this we can use some research that was conducted in artificially induced movement of the ionosphere of the Earth. The example shown is a simulation, but it is based on actual experiments. The graphic that follows is from:
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 110, A04216, doi:10.1029/2004JA010629, 2005

At the point marked by a red arrow, the ionosphere is stable. The dotted line shows a continuous transmission by a HAARP facility. Note that the ionosphere appears to start oscillating under the influence of the signal, and these oscillations continue to grow in amplitude up to some level and maintain it until transmission ceases. The total experiment time shown here is 900 seconds.

In this example, the experiment is repeated. Now a single HAARP signal is shown, producing essentially the same ionospheric effect. If the diagram were extended, the oscillation in the ionosphere would damp out and settle back to baseline. The result of this and the previous example allow the natural or resonant frequency of the ionosphere to be calculated.

In this example, the experiment is repeated. A series of HAARP signals are applied at discrete intervals that match resonant frequency of the ionosphere. Now the oscillation buildup is continuous. If the diagram were extended in time, it would reveal chaos.

In reality, such a resonant frequency experiment could produce a tear in the ionosphere allowing cosmic and solar energy that is normally attenuated by the ionosphere to strike the Earth below it. The effects of something like that happening are poorly understood, but the danger of doing it is not.

The examples above are based on the transmission of a signal from a single HAARP site at a frequency of 9 Mhz and a level of 83.4 dBW. HAARP’s current energy capabilities are far in excess of this.

Let’s extend this example to tectonic plates. While the ionosphere is a thin, tenuous item, tectonic plates are heavy, ponderous things; so much more energy is required. HAARP-like weapons can generate both transverse and longitudinal waves. Everyday radio and electrical transmissions use transverse waves. Tectonic weapons use longitudinal (or scalar) waves.
Here is a traditional diagram of a transverse electromagnetic wave. Propagation is at right angles to the direction of travel. Shown in the diagram are the two components of an electromagnetic wave: the E plane representing the electric field and the B plane representing the magnetic field. The E and B planes are at an angle of 90 degrees to each other.

Sound waves in air are longitudinal waves, creating compression and rarefaction of the air as they travel though it. The same is true of longitudinal waves in other media....
The remainder of the article is in pdf format linked here or at the top of the page.