Petition For Representation


We the undersigned agree on the following:


            That a vote of yes by our congressman or woman in the United States House of representatives, on any bill or legislation, is a statement of his or her willingness to enter every man, woman and child in his or her district, into a long term, binding contract with the federal government.  We also agree that because of the long term effects, costs and consequences of such a contract on not only the lives of every man, woman and child living today, but on the lives of future generations, we find it to be the most extreme violation of the public trust for any congressman or woman not to read and have complete and unquestionable knowledge and understanding of each and every word in the final draft of a bill as it will appear in the congressional record.


            Therefore, we the people of the first congressional district, in the state of _______________________, require our congressman or woman to enter into a contract with his constituents.




The Contract


I, congressman/woman_______________________________, do pledge and give my solemn oath to the people of the first congressional district in the state of _____________________, that I will read and have complete and unquestionable knowledge and understanding of each and every word in the final draft of any bill as it will appear in the congressional record, before I cast my vote.  And, I also pledge that if I am not given adequate time by the leadership or the rules committee to fulfill the obligation of this contract, I will go on the floor of the house and state on the congressional record, that I will vote no on this bill and on any other bill in the future that I am not given adequate time to read and fully understand. 



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