Reinventing Collapse (By) Dmitry
Chapter Excerpt:
Excerpt from Pages 54
and 55:
Permission to reprint by author
Dmitry Orlov to TPH Feb 23, 2009
Ed - - - added highlighted areas
and underlined most significant.
The American model of supposedly
unadulterated capitalism is
producing steadily sinking fortunes
for the vast majority, but is
propped up by the fact that it
allows a small minority to become
fabulously rich, coupled with the
notion that you (or any random
person) could somehow miraculously
become one of them. There is
also a pathological fiction known as
the “American Dream,” which is
aggressively promoted by the media
and finds most of its victims among
the working class. It consists
of the notion that diligent work and
playing by the rules will make you
successful. Masquerading as hope,
it gains its effectiveness from a
perversion of pride, a psychological
trick people choose to play on
themselves to obscure their
powerlessness. They can sense that
they are oppressed, and they can see
that rebelling against this
oppression would be futile, and so
their last prideful stand is to
pretend that their failures are of
their own making, even if they have
been most conveniently arranged for
them by their oppressors.
Both the Soviet Union and the Untied
States devoted a great deal of
fanfare to publicizing their
democratic institutions - - - much
more than these institutions
deserved. Far more democratic
countries make far less noise about
their democratic institutions - - -
they simply take them for granted
because they work. The Soviet
election system was a system of
coerced consent: the Communist party
selected candidates and the voters
were compelled to either vote for
them, by depositing an unmarked
ballot in an urn, or to vote against
them, by crossing out the ballot
under the watchful eyes of election
officials. Needless to say, most
candidates sailed into office with
astronomically high poll numbers.
The American election system is one
of optional false choice: the one
uniquely meaningful choice that is
perennially missing is “none of the
The Soviet Union had a single,
entrenched, systemically corrupt
political party, which held a
monopoly on power. The US has two
entrenched, systemically corrupt
political parties, whose positions
are often indistinguishable and
which together hold a monopoly on
power. In either case, there is, or
was, a single governing elite, but
in the United States it organizes
itself into opposing teams to make
its stranglehold on power seem more
sportsmanlike. It is certainly more
sporting to have two capitalist
parties go at each other than just
having the one communist party to
vote for. The things they fight
over in public are generally
symbolic little tokens of social
policy, chosen for ease of public
posturing. The Communist Party
offered just one bitter pill. The
two capitalist parties offer a
choice of two placebos. The
latest innovation is the photo
finish election, where each party
pre-purchases exactly 50 percent of
the vote through largely symmetrical
allocation of campaign resources and
the result is pulled out of
statistical noise, like a rabbit out
of a hat. It is a tribute to the
intelligence of the American people
that so few of them bother to vote.