Doug Rokke, Ph.D.
Major, retired, U.S. Army
Revised – March 19, 2009
'YOU ARE GOING TO WAR"-- those words
echoed through my mind, bringing
back memories of my Vietnam
experiences, as I sat down in my
physics research laboratory at the
University of Illinois after
receiving a telephone call from the
Lieutenant Colonel I worked for in
the Army Reserve during November
1990. I knew this would happen after
Iraq invaded Kuwait during August
1990. I just did not know when my
activation order would arrive.
Anyway, on Thanksgiving Day 1990 I
would be on my way to war again just
as I did on Thanksgiving Day of
1969. Twenty-one years to the day
after going to South East Asia
(Vietnam War) for the 2nd time, I
was going back to war for the third
time. Significant events in my
military career all revolve around
Thanksgiving Day because I was
released from active duty once more
just in time for Thanksgiving Day
1995 after serving as the U.S. Army
Depleted Uranium Project director
from August 1994 through November
Today, I am a disabled and retired
Army Reserve Medical Service Corps
officer who specialized in nuclear
medicine; and nuclear, biological,
and chemical warfare operations
(NBC); intelligence; medical
operations; and emergency field
medicine as a former enlisted combat
medic. When Gulf War 1 started
during August 1990, I was initially
assigned to teach nuclear,
biological, and chemical warfare
(NBC) operations to 4th U.S. Army
personnel. I was finally ordered to
active duty and sent to Saudi Arabia
with the order "to bring them home
alive". That was quite a contrast
from my duties during Vietnam as a
Bomb Navigation Hard-Hat on B-52's
when my job was to ensure weapons
systems were optimized to kill.
Astonishingly I had deployed to
South East Asia on Thanksgiving Day
1969 and then again for Gulf War 1
on Thanksgiving Day 1990. I was sent
to Saudi Arabia as the theater
health physicist assigned to the
12th Preventive Medicine (P.M.)
Command professional staff. The 12th
P.M. was in charge of all Preventive
Medicine within the combat theater.
Basically we were the public health
department. I also was assigned to
three special operations teams:
Bauer's Raiders, the Depleted
Uranium Assessment team, and the
Captured Equipment team.
Today, 17 years since the completion
of Desert Storm, with 1994 and 1999
combat actions in the Balkans, and
with Gulf War 2 (Operation Iraqi
Freedom and Operation Enduring
Freedom) ongoing, I am frustrated
that the required medical care for
"all" (combatants and noncombatants)
casualties and environmental
remediation of all contamination
still is delayed, denied, or for
many cases ineffective. Casualties
include those who were killed in
action (KIA), wounded in action (WIA),
and disease and non-battle injuries
(DNBI). Sadly the majority of
casualties or those classified as
disease and non-battle injuries are
not reported in the public media. As
of May 2007 over 407,911 of our
nations sons and daughters have
applied for lifetime VA medical care
and a pension as result of combat-
military service related injuries,
illnesses, and wounds (
“May 2007 GWVIS report). Medical
problems (ICD –9 diagnoses) that
have been verified in over 400,304
DNBI casualties between FY 2002 and
January 2009 (Analysis of VA Health
Care Utilization Among US Global War
on Terrorism (GWOT) Veterans;
Operation Enduring Freedom;
Operation Iraqi Freedom; VHA Office
of Public Health and Environmental
Hazards; VA; January 2009) include:
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases,
Malignant Neoplasms, Benign
Neoplasms, Diseases of
Endocrine/Nutritional/ Metabolic
Systems, Diseases of Blood and Blood
Forming Organs, Mental Disorders,
Diseases of Nervous System/ Sense
Organs, Diseases of Circulatory,
Disease of Respiratory System,
Disease of Digestive System,
Diseases of Genitourinary System,
Diseases of Skin, Diseases of
Musculoskeletal System/Connective
System, Symptoms, Signs and Ill
Defined Conditions, and
Injury/Poisonings. An April 6, 2008
Army Times report written by Kelly
Kennedy “Reservists confused about
disability benefit eligibility”
reveals that too many injured and
ill warriors have been given
administrative discharges and have
not been told that they are eligible
for medical disability. Sadly U.S.
Air Force Colonel Kenneth Cox
verified that Department of Defense
medical officials deliberately
delayed and denied medical diagnosis
of traumatic brain injury (“Colonel:
Pentagon delayed brain injury
exams”; By Gregg Zoroya - USA Today;
Posted : Tuesday Mar 18, 2008
8:08:48 EDT ). Sadly we also found
out recently that "8,763 vets died
waiting for benefits" because of
administrative snafus (
Since 1991 authors of numerous
Department of Defense reports have
stated that medical and tactical
commanders were unaware of the
probable NBC-E (WMD) exposures and
never told about the adverse medical
and environmental consequences of
these exposures. They were told!
They were warned! We recommended
immediate and long-term medical
care. We identified the probable
threats and expected adverse health
and environmental consequences in
written messages and during courses
we taught. These courses included
the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM)
& 3rd U.S. Army Central Command (ARCENT)
Medical Management Of Chemical And
Biological Casualties Course (
the NBC-E Defense Refresher Course,
Decontamination Procedures Course.
We taught these courses to over 1200
persons assigned to individual units
and those assigned to the theater
command staff between December 1990
and February 1991. I gave the threat
briefing specifically identifying
the anticipated NBC-E exposures and
taught the NBC-E Defense Refresher
Course, the Combat Lifesaver Course,
and Decontamination Procedures
Course between December 1990 and
February 25, 1991. We also discussed
preventive medicine issues such as
food and water borne illnesses,
endemic diseases, and hazardous
materials exposure issues.
Therefore, most unit commanders,
medical; staff, specified
individuals at all levels knew what
to expect and how to respond to any
given incident! On November 17, 2008
the United States Department of
Veterans Affairs Research Advisory
Committee on Gulf War Veterans'
Illnesses committee chaired by James
Binns published a report (
acknowledging that complex set of
diagnosed and reported medical
problems collectively known as Gulf
War Illness do exist and are a
result of complex synergistic
exposures that occurred. The
committee concluded that "Illness
profiles typically include some
combination of chronic headaches,
cognitive difficulties, widespread
pain, unexplained fatigue, chronic
diarrhea, skin rashes, respiratory
problems, and other abnormalities.
This symptom complex, now commonly
referred to as Gulf War illness, is
not explained by routine medical
evaluations or by psychiatric
diagnoses and has persisted, for
many veterans, for 17 years. While
specific symptoms can vary between
individuals, a remarkably consistent
illness profile has emerged from
hundreds of reports and studies of
different Gulf War veteran
populations from different regions
of the US and from allied
countries." Since the medical
problems emerged while individuals
were still deployed, upon return to
military bases, and homes across our
country Department of Defense and
Department of Veterans Affairs
officials have attempted to classify
all these medical problems as
psychological or stress related.
Sadly, while at least 278,713
Operation Desert Storm veterans have
applied for medical care and
pensions with the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs, the medical
problems affect hundreds of
thousands of other military
personnel and noncombatants around
the world who faced the same
exposures as a consequence of
coalition military operations known
as Operation Desert Shield and
Desert Storm.
Uranium munitions are still being
used during ongoing combat actions
causing air, water, soil, and food
contamination with consequent
adverse health effects even though
the United Nations Sub-commission on
Human Rights has ruled DU munitions
are an illegal weapon. Recently
uranium weapons contamination as a
result of U.S. Army operations has
been confirmed at two locations in
Hawaii after initial denials (
During the summer of 1991, the
United States military had collected
artillery, tanks, Bradley fighting
vehicles, conventional and
unconventional munitions, trucks,
etc. at Camp Doha in Kuwait. As
result of carelessness this weapons
depot caught fire with consequent
catastrophic explosions resulting in
death, injury, illness and extensive
environmental contamination from
depleted uranium, conventional
explosives, and unconventional
munitions. Recently the emirate of
Kuwait required the United States
Department of Defense to remove the
contamination. Consequently, over
6,700 tons of contaminated soil sand
and other residue was collected and
has been shipped back to the United
States for burial by American
Ecology at Boise Idaho. When Bob
Nichols, an investigative
journalist, and I contacted American
Ecology we found out that they had
absolutely no knowledge of U.S. Army
Regulation 700-48, U.S. Army PAM
700-48, U.S. Army Technical Bulletin
9-1300-278, and all of the medical
orders dealing with depleted uranium
contamination, environmental
remediation procedures, safety, and
medical care. They had never heard
of U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency guidelines for dealing with
mixed – hazardous waste such as
radioactive materials and
conventional explosives byproducts.
(reference "Approaches for the
Remediation of Federal Facility
Sites Contaminated with Explosives
or Radioactive Wastes",
EPA/625/R-93/013, September 1993).
The shipment across the ocean,
unloading at Longview, Washington
State port, transport by rail, and
burial in Idaho endangers not only
the residents of these areas but
poses a significant agricultural
threat through introduction of
pests, microbes, etc. foreign to our
Sadly the known adverse health and
environmental hazards from uranium
weapons contamination are in our own
backyard. The EPA has listed the
former Nuclear Metals- Starmet
uranium weapons manufacturing site
in Concord, Ma. on EPA’s Superfund
National Priority List because it
poses a significant risk to public
health and the environment.
Consequently the community in which
our nation was born on April 18,
1775 is now the location of
America’s own closed dirty bomb
factory that will endanger the
health and safety of the descendants
of our original patriots- “the
Unbelievably, U.S. Department of
Defense officials continue to refuse
to comply with their own written
directives requiring immediate
medical care "Medical Management of
Army Personnel Exposed to Depleted
Uranium (DU)" Headquarters, U.S.
Army Medical Command 29 April 2004
and the previous directive "Medical
Management of Unusual Depleted
Uranium Casualties", DOD, Pentagon,
10/14/93 and still refuse to
complete thorough environmental
clean up as required by U.S. Army
Regulation 700-48,Logistics,
"Management of Equipment
Contaminated With Depleted Uranium
or Radioactive Commodities",
Headquarters, Department of the
Army, Washington, D.C., 16 September
2002 and Department Of The Army
Technical Bulletin 9-1300-278:
Guidelines For Safe Response To
Handling, Storage, And
Transportation Accidents Involving
Army Tank Munitions Or Armor Which
Contain Depleted Uranium
(Headquarters, Department Of The
Army, July 1996). Basically United
States military personnel have
illegally disposed of tons of solid
radioactive waste in other nations
then ignored the consequences. The
primary U.S. Army training manual:
STP 21-1-SMCT: Soldiers Manual of
Common Tasks states "NOTE: (Depleted
uranium) Contamination will make
food and water unsafe for
consumption." [Task number:
acknowledgment indicates that
uranium munitions should never be
used because food and water
contamination will affect all
individuals for eternity. The
critical fact is that the
contaminated food and water can
never be made safe for consumption.
The toxicity of uranium munitions
also is acknowledged by Army
leaders. Assistant Army Secretary
Walker, in a December 1992
memorandum ordered the Director of
the U.S. Army Environmental Policy
Institute, AEPI, as mandated by the
U.S. Senate to figure out how to
reduce the toxicity of depleted
uranium. The AEPI director stated in
the final report that "No available
technology can significantly change
the inherent chemical and
radiological toxicity of DU. These
are intrinsic properties of
uranium." (AEPI Executive Summary,
June 1995). A internal Department of
Defense briefing conducted by
Colonel J. Edgar Wakayama also
confirmed the known and serious
adverse health and environmental
effects (
These acknowledgments substantiate
the ruling by the United Nations
Sub-commission on Human rights that
DU munitions are illegal.
The continuing concerns regarding
known adverse health and
environmental effects of depleted
uranium, confirmed inadequate
preparation of military personnel,
and preliminary findings of the AEPI
study resulted in the creation of
the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium
Project. On August 1, 1994 I was
recalled to active duty as the
Director of the U.S. Army Depleted
Uranium Project in response to
congressional inquiries and the June
8, 1993 order from the Deputy
Secretary of Defense to:
"1. Provide adequate training for
personnel who may come in contact
with depleted uranium equipment.
2. Complete medical testing of
personnel exposed to DU
contamination during the Persian
Gulf War.
3. Develop a plan for DU
contaminated equipment recovery
during future operations."
The Depleted Uranium Project and
review of previous research
reinforced our original 1991
conclusions and recommendations
1. All DU contamination must be
physically removed and properly
disposed of to prevent future
2. Specialized radiation detection
devices that detect and measure
alpha particles, beta articles,
x-rays, and gamma rays emissions at
appropriate levels from 20 dpm(cpm)
up to 100,000 dpm (cpm) and from .1
mrem/ hour to 75 mrem/ hour must be
acquired and distributed to all
individuals or organizations
responsible for medical care and
environmental remediation activities
involving depleted uranium / uranium
238 and other low level radioactive
isotopes that may be present.
Standard equipment will not detect
3. Medical care must be provided to
all individuals who did or may have
inhaled, ingested, or had wound
contamination to detect mobile and
sequestered internalized uranium
4. All individuals who enter, climb
on, or work within 25 meters of any
contaminated equipment or terrain
must wear respiratory and skin
5. Contaminated and damaged
equipment or materials should not be
recycled to manufacture new
materials or equipment.
Since 1991 numerous DOD and VA
directives (
based on the previous directives and
then the findings and
recommendations of the AEPI study
and DU Project have required medical
care and environmental clean up.
However even though DOD, VA, and UN
officials know what should be done,
visual evidence, photographic and
video tape evidence, on site
radiological measurements, personal
experience, and published reports
verify that:
1. Medical care has not been
provided to all DU
2.Environmental remediation has not
been completed.
3. Individuals are not wearing
respiratory or skin
4. Contaminated and damaged
equipment and materials
have been recycled to manufacture
new products.
5. Training and education has only
been partially
6. Contamination management
procedures have not been distributed
and implemented.
The unceasing efforts by senior U.S.
Department of Defense, U.S. Army,
U.S. Department of Energy, U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs,
British, Canadian, Australian, and
United Nations officials to prevent
acknowledgment of these problems and
their refusal to accept
responsibility must be stopped. For
example, Colonel Robert Cherry, U.S.
Army retired and formerly the
Pentagon's Senior Radiation
Protection officer, has sent out
emails stating that (quote): 'He
(Dr. Rokke) was not the director of
the "U.S. Army depleted uranium
project." No such project with that
name ever existed' (end quote). This
and other lies by senior Department
of Defense officials are designed to
sustain use of uranium munitions and
avoid liability for adverse health
and environmental effects by
discrediting and destroying any of
us who attempt to ensure DOD
officials comply with their own
existing medical care and
environmental remediation
requirements as specified in the
March 1991 Los Alamos
memorandum-directive even though the
March 1991 Defense Nuclear Agency
memorandum warned us of serious
adverse health and environmental
hazards (
U.S., Israeli, Australian, Canadian,
and British officials have
arrogantly refused to comply with
their own regulations, orders, and
directives that require United
States Department of Defense
officials to provide prompt and
effective medical care to "all"
exposed individuals. Reference:
Medical Management of Unusual
Depleted Uranium Casualties, DOD,
Pentagon, 10/14/93, Medical
Management of Army personnel Exposed
to Depleted Uranium (DU)
Headquarters, U.S. Army Medical
Command 29 April 2004, and section
2-5 of U.S. Army Regulation 700-48.
Sadly after the Israeli use of
uranium munitions during their
combat actions in Lebanon and
probable use recently in the Gaza
Strip Israeli officials must also
provide medical care to all
casualties and clean up all
environmental contamination.
United States Department of Defense
officials simply refuse to clean up
dispersed radioactive Contamination
as required by Army Regulation- AR
700-48: "Management of Equipment
Contaminated With Depleted Uranium
or Radioactive Commodities"
(Headquarters, Department Of The
Army, Washington, D.C., September
2002) and U.S. Army Technical
Bulletin- TB 9-1300-278: "Guidelines
For Safe Response To Handling,
Storage, And Transportation
Accidents Involving Army Tank
Munitions Or Armor Which Contain
Depleted Uranium" (Headquarters,
Department Of The Army, Washington,
D.C., JULY 1996). Specifically
section 2-4 of United States Army
Regulation-AR 700-48 dated September
16, 2002 requires that:
(1) "Military personnel "identify,
segregate, isolate, secure, and
label all RCE" (radiologically
contaminated equipment).
(2) "Procedures to minimize the
spread of radioactivity will be
implemented as soon as possible."
(3) "Radioactive material and waste
will not be locally disposed of
through burial, submersion,
incineration, destruction in place,
or abandonment" and
(4) "All equipment, to include
captured or combat RCE, will be
surveyed, packaged, retrograded,
decontaminated and released IAW
Technical Bulletin 9-1300-278, DA
PAM 700-48" (Note: Maximum exposure
limits are specified in Appendix F).
DOD leaders are not showing the
congressionally mandated depleted
uranium training tapes to military
personnel. These three video tapes:
(1) "Depleted Uranium Hazard
Awareness", (2) "Contaminated and
Damaged Equipment Management", and
(3) "Operation of the AN/PDR 77
Radiac Set" are essential to
understanding the hazards from the
use of uranium weapons and
management of uranium weapons
contamination. DOD leaders must show
these tapes to all military
personnel involved in the use of
uranium weapons and the consequent
management of uranium contamination.
The previous and current use of
uranium weapons, the release of
radioactive components in destroyed
U.S. and foreign military equipment,
and releases of industrial, medical,
research facility radioactive
materials have resulted in
unacceptable exposures. Therefore,
decontamination must be completed as
required by U.S. Army Regulation
700-48 and should include releases
of all radioactive materials
resulting from military operations.
We can not continue to ignore the
consequences of depleted uranium
weapons use that include adverse
health and environmental effects. No
person or nation has the right to
disperse tons of radioactive toxic
waste throughout any other or their
own nation then ignore adverse
health and environmental effects.
There is one question that U.S.,
British, and Australian officials
refuse to answer. That is: What
right do they have to willfully
disperse radioactive materials into
any nation then refuse to clean the
contamination and refuse to provide
medical care for all exposed
Consequently, all citizens of the
world must raise a unified voice to
force the leaders of those nations
that have used depleted uranium
munitions to recognize the immoral
consequences of their actions and
assume responsibility for medical
care of all individuals exposed to
uranium contamination and the
thorough environmental remediation
of all uranium contamination left as
a result of combat and peacetime
During January 2004, Mr. David Kay,
U.S. chief weapons inspector,
acknowledged that there is no
evidence that Iraq possessed weapons
of mass destruction, an ongoing
program, nor the ability to deliver
these weapons as claimed by
President Bush. Prime Minister
Blair, and Prime Minister Howard in
their justification for the 2003
preemptive invasion of Iraq. This
revelation verifies that statements
by Scott Ritter
Richard Butler (
prior to and since the invasion were
correct. Sadly, White House and DOD
officials have finally acknowledged
that they knew there were no WMDs
but still attempt to justify the
illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq based
on changing reasons. While
casualties from our military actions
throughout the world and
specifically in Iraq and Afghanistan
continue to increase there has still
been no justification for our
preemptive invasions of Iraq and
Afghanistan, continued occupation of
those nations, and no end in sight.
Given the expected threat of
chemical and biological weapons from
those that the United States and
other nations provided to Iraq and
from those Iraq then manufactured,
General Schwartzkopf and General
Horner with General Powell's
approval decided during December
1990 to blow up Iraq's known
stockpiles of WMDs (N. Schwartzkopf,
It Doesn't Take A Hero, pg 390,
Bantam books, 1992). Iraq also
released WMDs on coalition troops
during Gulf War 1 as verified by
thousands of chemical agent alarm
activations. Although U.S. Army
personnel started on-site
destruction of Iraq's WMD stockpiles
during March 1991 UNSCOM continued
this effort until 1998. Consequently
adverse health and environmental
effects have occurred due to
uncontrolled and deliberate releases
and exposures. During 1998 UNSCOM
team members under Scott Ritter (W.
Pitt & S. Ritter, War on Iraq,
Context Books, 2002) were ordered to
leave Iraq by U.S. Department of
Defense officials and President
Clinton's staff.
My source of frustration is that
today our warnings, requests for
medical care, and requests for
environmental remediation have been
ignored! I and others who care must
continue to try to obtain medical
care and completion of environmental
remediation even though United
States, British, Canadian.,
Australian, United Nations, and NATO
officials do not care because they
deny what has occurred to avoid
liability for economic and political
reasons. Coalition forces have, are,
and will apply technology during
battle thus we must consider the
potential and expected adverse
health and environmental
consequences of our actions. The
United States shipped WMD agents
including anthrax to Iraq; released
toxic chemicals during combat
actions; used depleted uranium
munitions; destroyed Iraq’s and
Afghanistan’s infrastructure
resulting in air, water, soil, and
food contamination; administered
experimental vaccines to hundreds of
thousands of us; and now our leaders
ignore these facts in order to avoid
liability. We have contaminated the
earth! Our actions have resulted in
and continue to cause serious
adverse health and environmental
Since 1967, I have answered "the
call" during two wars and various
special projects. Today, I am
retired from the U.S. Army Reserve
with a 60% VA disability. My
objectives throughout my military
career were to research, write
procedures, write education and
training programs, teach, and
evaluate programs to improve combat
readiness, complete environmental
remediation, and provide medical
care for all casualties. I was
assigned, accepted, and then
completed various dangerous
These included: (1) planning,
conducting, and evaluating military
medical operations, (2) making sure
everyone was prepared for expected
use of weapons of mass destruction,
(3)cleaning up the hazardous
materials and uranium contamination,
(4)developing the U.S. Army
environmental compliance and
education programs, (5) serving as
the Depleted Uranium Project
Director, (6) serving as Director of
the U.S. Army's Edwin R. Bradley
Radiological Laboratories, (7)
developing, teaching, and evaluating
civilian and military emergency WMD
response programs, (8) researching
and developing the U.S. Department
of Defense's environmental
remediation and education program
for Formerly Used Defense Sites.
The personal cost for trying to
finish my assigned mission and to
make our leaders take care of the
troops has been rejection, lost
jobs, family turmoil, missing and
probably destroyed medical and
personnel records, and medical
problems. I and hundreds of
thousands of other warriors now
receive delayed or inadequate
medical care. We served our nation
and thus earned optimal medical care
for service-connected wounds,
injuries, and illnesses. But
instead, we have been abandoned! We
have been raped! I now experience
retaliation from Department of
Defense and Department of Veterans
Affairs officials because I refused
to comply with the March 1991 Los
Alamos memorandum (
to ensure depleted uranium can
always be used during U.S.
Department of Defense combat or
peacetime actions because at the
same time a memorandum from an
officer at the Defense Nuclear
Agency cited serious health effects.
But I am not alone. Anyone who
demands medical care and
environmental remediation faces
ongoing and blatant retaliation.
Today, war must be considered
obsolete because we can not deal
with either the adverse health or
environmental consequences caused by
destroying a nation's infrastructure
thus releasing toxins that affect
all combatants and noncombatants. We
can not deal with the adverse health
and environmental effects of the
weapons we use to destroy the
targets- a nation’s infrastructure.
The human cost of war is staggering.
According to the May 2007 VA GWVIS
report, at least 407,911 Gulf War 1,
Balkans Conflict, Afghanistan, and
Gulf War 2 U.S. military combat
veterans who are wounded, ill, or
injured must fight for the medical
care they earned while serving our
nation. The most recent U.S.
Department of Veterans affairs
casualty report: Analysis of VA
Health Care Utilization Among US
Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)
Veterans; Operation Enduring Freedom
(OEF); Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF);
VHA Office of Public Health and
Environmental Hazards; January 2009
reveals that over 400,304 U.S.
combat veterans have serious medical
problems related to toxic exposures
that mirror the same medical
problems diagnosed by Operation
Desert Storm combat veterans. Sadly,
medical care is still ineffective
for both groups because the
diagnosed medical problems are a
result of deliberate United States
actions or failure to act. For
example, physicians are diagnosing
serious neurological problems in
returning OIF – OEF combat veterans
similar to those diagnosed in Desert
Storm combat veterans. These
problems are probably a function of
pesticide exposures, troops wearing
flea collars, and uranium toxicity.
But, those and other exposures are
ignored. DOD officials continue to
deny any correlation between current
open pit burning throughout Iraq and
Afghanistan releasing complex toxic
materials and consequent verified
and diagnosed adverse health
We are also seeing increasing
numbers of spinal injuries because
of operational procedures and
equipment overloading (“Stress
injuries rising due to combat
loads”, Richard Lardner - The
Associated Press, March 11, 2009).
However, before wounded, ill, or
injured veterans can even hope for
rudimentary medical care their
disability claims must be processed
and approved. Sadly with the
confirmation that some claims have
been shredded and Department of
Veterans Affairs employees
squirreled away tens of thousands of
unopened disability claims letters (
medical care is denied. When a
injured, ill, wounded warrior
submits a claim VA officials often
ask for the veteran for additional
information in addition to
requesting medical files directly
from the Department of Defense to
assist in processing of the claim.
The veteran is asked to send those
via the U.S. Mail through the
regional office mailroom. This does
not guarantee that the documents
will be included or considered in
the claims process. Unless tracking
is assured there is no method to
maintain accountability or chain of
possession and security. Given the
verified squirreling away of and
shredding of claims records by VA
personnel an accountability process
must be established and maintained
by providing the veteran the
specific name of and direct
communication with the person
processing their claim. However,
even if claims are processed because
processors do not even have primary
information or reports regarding
toxic exposures; uranium; nuclear,
biological, radiological, and
conventional weapons toxicity, and
battlefield trauma medical care will
never be prompt and optimal until
those problems are resolved must
claims may be denied! .
Although we have thousands of U.S.
casualties who have been wounded in
action or killed in action the
actual casualty count also includes
hundreds of thousands of disease and
non-battle injury casualties
including combatants and
noncombatants, primarily children,
woman, and the elderly who live in
nations we attacked. Sadly DNBI
casualties including thousands of
our own personnel do not have access
to prompt and optimal medical care.
Today the numbers of personnel with
adverse medical effects of Traumatic
Brain Injury, TBI, and Post
traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, are
increasing. It is imperative that we
look at the possible enhancement of
adverse medical effects due to
documented toxic exposures. We
should also recognize the
enhancement of PTSD as a result of
the poor treatment veterans have
received from those leaders and
administrators we trusted but who
abandoned us. .
Health problems are not limited to
U.S. warriors but affect all exposed
World-wide estimates exceed 2
million casualties while over
1,000,000 of America's finest sons
and daughters are wounded, injured,
or ill, and thousands have died,
including too many of my friends.
Consequently, as one of the
individuals who was assigned as part
of my military duties to resolve the
problems it is frustrating when
United States Department of Defense
and United States Department of
Veterans Affairs officials do not
implement the programs we developed
to protect our earth and treat all
Beyond the battlefield and training
casualties we have thousands of
civilian and military casualties as
a direct result of the U.S.
Department of Defense operations
throughout he United States and
abroad that have contaminated air,
water, soil and food with resulting
adverse health effects. We must
address the medical care of those
understand that “the government
isn't required to notify veterans of
their possible exposure to
contaminants and their health
effects” and consequently does not
do so leaving ill warriors, family
members, and the public in the
lurch. (
Our nation's sons and daughters
answered our nation's call to fight
and consequently die, get injured,
get wounded, or get ill as a
consequence of combat operations
that were conducted without
justification. Too many have died
and continue to die while others who
were injured, exposed to toxic
compounds, and became sick have been
abandoned by our Nation's leaders as
has happened throughout history.
Sadly the most casualties are
classified as “disease and
non-battle injuries” and are the
direct result of our own actions or
failures. The human cost is
increasing because many got sick and
died after they returned home and
that number is still increasing at
this time. Our leaders knew what
happened and is happening! However,
these same DOD, DA, VA leaders still
keep denying what has occurred and
will not implement the programs we
designed to resolve the serious
health and environmental issues.
Numerous orders and military
regulations specifying medical care
for depleted uranium exposures have
been ignored and continue to be
ignored. These requirements always
will be ignored. This is about
avoiding liability for observed
adverse health and environmental
problems caused by combat and
peacetime military actions.
When political correctness and
avoiding economic costs are used to
determine what medical care is
provided, to whom medical care is
provided, when care is provided, and
what environmental remediation is
completed then we, warriors and
civilians alike, lose. Our leaders
have decided to ignore the problems
hoping that they will just go away.
Their objective is to avoid
liability for adverse health and
environmental consequences of their
willful actions and war.
Recently, the Department of Defense
has instituted the “wounded warrior”
program to begin resolution of the
serious and lingering delay, denial
of, and delivery of ineffective
medical care to our nation’s ill,
wounded, and injured warriors. If
our nation’s leaders had not
abandoned ill, injured, wounded, and
deceased warriors resulting from
Department of Defense actions since
the early days of WW2 (atomic test
veterans); Cold War (Project Shad);
Vietnam War (Agent Orange); Desert
Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring
Freedom (Depleted uranium, chemical
agents, biological agents,
immunizations, hazardous materials,
pesticides, RF beam weapons, etc.)
then we would not have the hidden
and abandoned casualties that we
have today with a staggering toll.
Although the wounded warrior program
staff are helping they still refuse
to help resolve the fundamental
problems – policy decisions to deny
and delay prompt and effective
medical care, retaliation efforts,
and destruction-altering of records.
Warriors who have been assigned to
these units are dying while awaiting
medical care that is limited because
of administrative snafus. Sadly the
overloading of these units is
resulting in assignment restrictions
and consequently ill, injured, or
wounded personnel are not being
assigned to these units and when
assigned some are expected to run
the units instead of focusing their
efforts on getting well (Army Times,
December 22, 2008, pages 14-16).
Recently, it was confirmed that
wounded, ill, and injured warriors
assigned to “WTU units have high
rate of punishment’ (By Kevin Maurer
- The Associated Press, Mar 11,
2009). According to retired Army
Lt. Col. Mike Parker “It creates a
hostile environment where soldiers
buckle and take a low-balled
disability rating and benefits just
to get out when they can”. Thus we
have additional evidence of the
abandonment of ill, injured, ands
wounded warriors. .
Our leaders have abandoned our
nation's and the world's citizens
and consequently I believe they are
ignoring President Lincoln's
immortal words spoken during his
Gettysburg Address: "It is for us
the living, rather, to be dedicated
to the great task remaining before
us---that from these honored dead we
take increased devotion to that
cause for which they gave the last
full measure of devotion--that we
here highly resolve that these dead
shall not have died in vain--that
this nation, under GOD, shall have a
new birth of freedom--and that the
government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth."
Today as a combat veteran and
patriot; I pray that GOD will answer
my and others call for intervention
and thus guide our leaders to
finally provide the necessary
medical care to all casualties and
to complete the environmental
remediation required to restore our
precious resources. I will never
cease my efforts to do what is right
for GOD and the citizens of the
world because this has become "A
have been a "warrior in battle"
today I must be a "warrior for
The three questions that each of us
must ask are: (1) When will United
States Department of Defense and
Department of Veterans Affairs
officials acknowledge the adverse
health and environmental effects of
military operations then provide
prompt and effective medical care to
all military and civilian
casualties? (2) When will they
finally clean up all environmental
contamination in order to mitigate
future adverse health and
environmental effects? (3) When will
the citizens of the world demand an
end to this nightmare and find a way
to live together in peace? While we
wait we must act. Thank God that on
March 13. 2009; General Eric
Shinseki, Secretary of Department of
Veterans Affairs, wrote “"Veterans
are our clients, and delivering the
highest quality care and services in
a timely, consistent and fair manner
is a VA responsibility. I take that
responsibility seriously and have
charged all of the department's
employees for their best efforts and
support every day to meet our
obligations to you (
The hope and dreams that these
comments may fulfill was shattered
briefly on March 19, 2009 when the
Obama Administration suggested then
withdrew the proposal to have
private insurance companies pay for
the medical care provided by the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
to those of us who have been
wounded, injured, or become ill
while serving our nation.
Considering we have a million
casualties from recent Department of
Defense “adventures” our nation’s
leaders must come up with some way
to provide costly medical care and
disability pensions. But where the
money will come from is unknown.
Maybe it is time for us to strive to
live together in peace rather
sustain war with the continued
creation of casualties.