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Week of MARCH 11, 2013


Week of March 11 - March 15, 2013:

MONDAY - MARCH 11, 2013:

NOTE: LIVE NOW - CLICK HERE to listen to Fukishima hearing being held by the Helen Caldicott Foundation NOW
Live coverage March 11 -12, 2013
from 9:00am to 6:15pm EST (both days)
Website of The Helen Caldicott Foundation:

Special Report: JESSIE WALTMAN will join The Power Hour to update us on the current happenings regarding the Bayou Corne Salt Dome.
Video of Interest: Massive Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
CLICK HERE TO view various Bayou Corne YouTubes
Articles of Interest:
Erin Brockovich visits sinkhole site
* Erin Brockovich advises Assumption Parish residents on sinkhole issue
* Erin Brockovich gets involved with Assumption sinkhole
Website of Interest:

The USDA is sending meat inspectors packing which in turn shuts American meat packing plants down opening the doors wider to foreign meat in our markets that is not inspected. Um, is anyone paying attention to horse and donkey meat showing up now in Taco Bell foods? What will happen next is what DOREEN HANNES will disclose to us today on The Power Hour.

To call the show live: 1-855-995-6923

CINDY SHEEHAN has been the voice in the quiet, fighting to expose the truth and her personal battle with IRS is drawing to a close. Tune in to hear her latest updates! She will also bring out her personal thoughts on the passing of Hugo Chavez, her friend - this story will blow you away!

Today's Show is Audio Archived at:

March 11, 2013 (hour 1) - News LIVE with host Joyce Riley + at 7:30AM Jessie Waltman updates us on the Bayou Corne Salt Dome
March 11, 2013 (hour 2) - Guest Doreen Hannes discusses foreign meats in our markets & much more
March 11, 2013 (hour 3) - Guest Cindy Sheehan discusses her battle with the IRS and her personal thoughts on the passing of Hugo Chavez

TUESDAY - MARCH 12, 2013:

7:30AM: Special Report: JESSIE WALTMAN joins The Power Hour again this morning to giver us another update on the Bayou Corne Salt Dome situation.  Please help us to further investigate this issue by going to and donate thru PayPal to help raise funds to support this investigation by doing a fly over and talk to some of the locals to find out what "really" is going on with the Bayou Corne Salt Dome situation and whether the Macondo Well is Still Leaking.
Jessie's Website: 

, outspoken radio talk show host and journalist, will share some thoughts on democide and what is occurring in America as well as the sovereignty movement.

To call the show live: 1-855-955-6923

Wow! The DOW is setting records and Wall Street sings but what about main street? GREGORY MANNARINO will give us the real economic truth and what it means to us - what could be the possible scenarios playing out for us in the near future.

Today's Show is Audio Archived at:
March 12, 2013 (hour 1) - News LIVE with host Joyce Riley + at 7:30AM Jessie Waltman continues to update us on the Bayou Corne Salt Dome
March 12, 2013 (hour 2) - Guest Al Adask shares some thoughts on democide and what is occurring in America as well as the sovereignty movement
March 12, 2013 (hour 3) - Guest Gregory Mannarino give us the real economic truth and what it means to us


Learning to grow your own food should be a priority with each and every one of us with our general food supply becoming more and more tainted. To help us get the very best heirloom seeds is MIKE NOCKS of White Harvest Seed Company - a family owned seed company bringing us seeds our Creator made and not seeds man has tinkered with.
* Seed Packages are available online 24/7 at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.

Your journey into gardening can be confusing trying to figure what to plant and when or trying to decide what to start inside, but to help us figure this all out is RON KLINEFELTER, author and master gardener. He will share tips to hopefully help you get ready to grow your own bounty.
For all of your gardening books, please visit or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.
Ron's Website:

* Greenhouse Plans - by Ron Klinefelter
* Easy To Build Outdoor Fire pits, Cookers, And Other Projects - by Ron Klinefelter

And don't forget to order your Soil Cube!

What are
Soil Cubes
A Soil cube is a cube of growing medium that has been lightly compressed and shaped by a form. A soil cube serves as both a container and the soil for starting and growing seedlings, eliminating the need for plastic pots and trays for transplanted seedlings. Seedlings grown in soil cubes form stronger root systems than those grown in containers due to increased oxygen to the roots and the soil cube's natural tendency to "air-prune" roots. This creates a substantial advantage when seedlings are transplanted into the field, because plants establish themselves more quickly and, because of lessened root disruption, they are less prone to transplant shock. The key to making good soil cubes is to use a mix containing the correct proportions of peat, compost, soil, and sand or perlite... and LOTS of water... although you can make soil cubes out of almost any kind of SOIL...!

Today's Show is Audio Archived at:
March 13, 2013 (hour 1) - News LIVE with host Joyce Riley
March 13, 2013 (hour 2) - Guest Mike Nocks educates us on how to grow our own food with the very best heirloom seeds
March 13, 2013 (hour 3) - Guest Ron Klinefelter shares tips to help you get ready to grow your own bounty

THURSDAY - MARCH 14, 2013:

Getting oxygen, hydrogen and trace minerals into our cells is vital now more than ever with all of the assaults upon our bodies from the foods we eat to the air we breathe. Cleaning our intestines out is a must if we want to get our immune systems healthy and ED McCABE will tell us how his products will benefit everyone who uses them.

For all of these incredible products by Ed McCabe please visit 24/7 or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 AM Central Time.

Super OxyFlush® 

Additional Items:
Book: Flood Your Body With Oxygen
4 DVD Set: Flood Your Body With Oxygen

Today's Show is Audio Archived at:
March 14, 2013 (hour 1) - News LIVE with host Joyce Riley
March 14, 2013 (hour 2) - Guest Ed McCabe educates us on how to get our immune systems healthy
March 14, 2013 (hour 3) - Joyce discusses the newest news article: Veterans Affairs Covered Up Data on Mental Health, Gulf War Syndrome + Open Lines for Veterans

FRIDAY - MARCH 15, 2013:

8AM - Bonny Schumaker, Ph.D
joins The Power Hour to address the condition of the Gulf and Bayou Corne. She flies regularly to rescue animals.

NOTE: Don't forget to order the book: The Story of Pellie Lou by Bonny Schumaker, Ph.D. - A pelican who survived the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.  This helps to continue to support Bonny Schumaker, Ph.D flights to rescue more animals and give us updates on the Gulf and Bayou Corne.
To donate to this effort:


9AM -
Joyce will be having a sick Gulf War Veteran on The Power Hour to discuss 'Veteran Health' and other veteran issues.


Today's Show is Audio Archived at:
March 15, 2013 (hour 1) - News LIVE with host Joyce Riley & Josh
March 15, 2013 (hour 2) - Guest Bonny Schumaker, Ph.D. addresses animal rescue and the condition of the Gulf and Bayou Corne
March 15, 2013 (hour 3) - Chris, a sick Gulf War Veteran, explains his health challenges and getting proper care and respect from the VA system



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