of MARCH 22 - MARCH 26, 2010
Los Angeles litigating attorney ELLEN HODGSON BROWN
strongly believes each state should have its own bank in order to
generate "credit" (i.e. money) in the national currency, acceptable as
legal tender to all, just as North Dakota does. This is a new movement
that is taking off – your local participation is greatly appreciated and
timely answer for financially ailing states, cities and towns across
"But Governor, You CAN Create Money! Just Form Your Own Bank."
TPH Recommended Reading Books by Ellen Hodgson Brown:
The WEB of DEBT available at:
Also, Forbidden Medicine available at:
Ellen’s latest article, posted on the Yes! Magazine website -- "The
Growing Movement for Publicly-owned Banks"
Additional Recommended Reading:
We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform (By) Richard C.
Available online "24/7"at
ThePowerMall.com or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 5
Central Time.
Exchange, like property, is a natural right. Every citizen who has
produced or acquired a product should have the option of applying it
immediately to his own use or of transferring it to whoever on the face
of the earth agrees to give him in exchange the object of his desires.
To deprive him of this option when he has committed no act contrary to
public order and good morals, and solely to satisfy the convenience of
another citizen, is to legitimize an act of plunder and to violate the
law of justice. - - - Frédéric Bastiat,
Property and Law [1848]
3rd HOUR: OPEN LINES LIVE with JOYCE: To call the show -- Toll free:
1 800 259 9231 or International: 651-289-4333 X125.
ANITA UNTERSEE, Heartland Emergency Foods,
announces new individual items, or assorted variety packs, as family
pantry building blocks to their emergency food storage supply.
"We now have some other basic dehydrated pantry items such as milk,
butter, cheese, oats, tomato powder, lima beans, pinto beans and
potatoes! All include free shipping and are great staples to have on
Heartland Emergency Foods 830-431-1776
Audio Archived at:
March 22, 2010 (hour 1)
March 22, 2010 (hour 2)
March 22, 2010 (hour 3)
Professor of Engineering Mechanics JUDY WOOD, Ph.D.,
discusses “free energy” and its specific link to what happened on Sept
11th at the WTC. Her findings indicate that something even worse then
September 11th could be taking place - - - with the advancement of
Directed Energy Weapons. These researches lead her to file a Qui Tam
case against NIST's contractors - for fraud.
Click Here to see the Documents
“Man has in his hands a method of disrupting the molecular basis for
matter and the ability to split the earth in half on a moments notice.
(It gives the term, "scortched-earth policy" a new significance.) The
technology that was demonstrated on 911 can split the earth in half or
it can be used to allow ALL people to live happily ever after with free
See Websites:
UK researcher ANDREW JOHNSON supports Dr.
Wood’s findings and details the effects of such weaponry being deployed.
He has written a number of articles documenting the curious developments
in a cover up, censorship, and controversary that has muddle up of Dr
Wood's research proclamations.
This page also includes a 2-hour long video about these matters.
Audio Archived At:
March 23, 2010 (hour 1)
March 23, 2010 (hour 2)
March 23, 2010 (hour 3)
DR. FRED BELL, former participant in the
government's M. K. Ultra project, shares his updated information on how
an "evil" emergence and one-world government has manipulated the
population and will outlined a number of current mind control and
surveillance techniques, some you may have never heard about, being used
against an unsuspecting public.
3rd HOUR: OPEN LINES LIVE with DR. BELL and JOYCE: To call the show
-- toll free: 1 800 259 9231 or International: 651-289-4333 X125.
Audio Archived at:
March 24, 2010 (hour 1)
March 24, 2010 (hour 2)
March 24, 2010 (hour 3)
Arkansas farmer RON KLINEFELTER shares his
timely organic gardening tips.
Regardless of geographically location, the time is now for spring
planting preparations.
New and Revised BOOK:
An Easy to Build Greenhouse and Other Projects (author) Ron
An Easy to Build Outdoor Cooker (author) Ron Klinefelter
The Winter Harvest Handbook by Eliot Coleman
New Organic Grower by Eliot Coleman
Four Season Harvest (revised, expanded second edition)
Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning -Traditional
Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold
Storage, and Lactic
Fermentation Foreword by Deborah Madison, First Edition
Foreword by Eliot Coleman.
Greenhouse Plans (author) Ron Klinefelter
Gardening Section
Gardening Section One
Gardening Section Two
For More Gardening Products click here!
Sonic Bloom & Music CD's
Seed Kits
Available online "24/7"at
or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 5 Central Time.
Health Researcher WAYNE BLAKELEY educates
on the powerful benefits of bringing life to your starving soil with the
use of specific bacteria, a naturally occurring lactic acid flora (probiotics)
TPH Garden Products:
Living EARTH Probitics
Recommended BOOKS:
The Power of Probiotics
Health Benefits of Probiotics
Companion Product and Book:
Kefir Culture Starter Kit and/or
Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz and Sally Fallon
also available by calling 1-877-817-9829 or online at
”When we think of health, we usually don't think of dirt. But
dirt, or soil, is the primary factor in maintaining our nutritional
health because all our food comes from the earth. Since our bodies are
literally composed of the ’dust of the earth,’ meaning minerals, healthy
bodies are connected to healthy soil. If any element is missing from the
soil, then it will be missing from the foods we eat and as a result, we
will not be properly nourished. Unfortunately, our commercial methods of
agriculture are not only depleting the soil of precious trace minerals,
they are also destroying the ability of plants to be able to utilize
those elements. Hence, our food is nutritionally deficient right from
the start. To make matters worse, our food gets refined and more of its
nutritional content is removed in the process. While there are still
those diehards in the medical community who preach the old dogma that
supplements aren't necessary if you eat a ’balanced diet,’ it is
nonetheless a fact that animal feeds - ALL contain nutritional
supplements. Agricultural experts recognize that farmers must supplement
animal feeds. They know that grain and other foodstuffs do not contain
enough nutrients to maintain healthy livestock without adding
supplements. If animals can't stay healthy eating our modern crops, how
can human beings?“
Dr. Bernard Jensen (Excerpt form Empty
Harvest 1990)
ADAM LOCK provides "Water In The News."
Current news items relating to water, that made the news in the past
month. (February)
Water In the News:
Click Here for specials only good for The Power
Hour listeners!
For all Berkey Products please call 1-888-803-4438 and please be sure
to mention that you listen to "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" - Thank
Audio Archived at:
March 25, 2010 (hour 1)
March 25, 2010 (hour 2)
March 25, 2010 (hour 3)
Generation to Save the World: GENERATION Y
PAUL VERGE gives us reason to believe as he
shares what he, and his like-minded techno-peers, have been working on
for years: A well-planned underground network, made from the most
brilliant of minds (the inventors, the explorers, the discovers, the
leaders, the artists) that have been quietly developing, and already
implementing, a take-back plan that has the potential to shut the New
World Order down – permanently.
For the first time ever – they are now ready to
go public on “The Power Hour”. They have the solution literally in the
palm of their hands.
Common Law courts come into play - fully!
Brain Model now online:
"Modern Activist
Network Affiliations"
Technicians, Tech-Nerds, and Technology: How An Underground Network of
Media Activists & Computer Geeks Are Re-Shaping the Fight Against the
Corporate Elites --By Paul Verge
* Download and
start making their own Brain Model using the Free 30-day demo of The
Brain Pro-Trial
* Click Here for
videos explaining how the Brain Software
Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Next
or Net Generation describes the demographic cohort following Generation
X. Its members are often referred to as Millennials or Echo Boomers.
Characteristics of the generation vary by region, depending on social
and economic conditions. However, it is generally marked by an increased
use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital
technologies. Coming soon..."Revenge of the Nerds" will be America, and
the entire planet's, salvation.
3rd HOUR: OPEN LINES LIVE with PAUL and JOYCE: To call the show --
toll free: 1 800 259 9231 or International: 651-289-4333 X125.
NEW TPH DivergentFilms DVD:
The Cause of Effect: Hijacking Humanity
2 Disc DVD with Jewel Case (professionally pressed)
NOW available online "24/7"at
ThePowerMall.com or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 5
Central Time.
*** If you missed this dynamite broadcast with Paul on March 16th [2nd
hour] it is available at
GCNLive.com archives.
It's FREE Satellite FRIDAY Day!
Rick Caylor from Rick's Satellite joins us
for Free Satellite Friday.
Don't miss the replay of hour three where we surprise Roger and his
brother Lanny with a Free Satellite System.
Jack and Shirley have also donated a Satellite dish today to Southland
Senior Services.
**Please remember to vote with your dollars and support The Power Hour
so we can continue to spread the truth and give away more systems to our
well deserved listeners!
Rick's Satellite
Email: RickCaylor@aol.com
Audio Archived at:
March 26, 2010 (hour 1)
March 26, 2010 (hour 2)
March 26, 2010 (hour 3)