June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guests: Rick Caylor + Ryan T. Anderson + James Fetzer

Friday, March 02, 2018:
Rick Caylor from Rick’s Satellite joins The Power Hour today to discuss his satellite systems and why they are a great option for anyone who listens to The Power Hour.
Website: www.rickssatelliteusa.com
Phone: 816-228-1801
GLOBAL STAR SATELLITE SYSTEMS Featuring: The Power Hour, GCN, World Wide First Amendment Radio, Scriptures For America, and many more.
**Please remember to vote with your dollars and support The Power Hour so we can continue to spread the truth and give away more systems to our well deserved listeners.
Also joining today is  Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. to discuss a what you need to know about a recent case where parents lost custody of their teenage daughter who wants to ‘transition’ to a boy.
Ryan is the William E. Simon senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and the founder and editor of Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton, New Jersey.  He is the author of  Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, and he is the co-author of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense and Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination.
In his newest book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment he offers a balanced approach to the policy issues, a nuanced vision of human embodiment, and a sober and honest survey of the human costs of getting human nature wrong. He draws on the best insights from the fields of biology, psychology and philosophy to explore the many contradictions at the heart of the transgender movement.
Follow him on Twitter: @RyanTAnd For his latest essays and videos
Follow his public Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RyanTAndersonPhD   

James Fetzer joins the show to the Valentine’s Day shooting in Parkland Florida.

Blog: jamesfetzer.blogspot.com
JFK site: assassinationscience.com
9/11 site: 911scholars.org
Blog post of Interest:

Archives for today’s show:
March 02, 2018 (hour 1) – News + Guest Rick Caylor
March 02, 2018 (hour 2) – Guest Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. + James Fetzer

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