July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

A Third Russian Missile Crisis In Latin America Coming?

By Charlotte Iserbyt
I wouldn’t ordinarily send you an email like this one on Christmas Day.  However, having lived on the island of Grenada for several years and being somewhat knowledgeable regarding the Stalinist-type takeover of that small island and Reagan’s response to it, citing the safety of American students at the medical college there (disinformation to keep Americans from freaking out), I felt obliged to forward this to you.  I know John Spring and he is a very credible source. 
John, a credentialed geographer, knowledgeable regarding geopolitical affairs as well, was in touch with President Kennedy during the Cuban  missile crisis and provided the White House with important intelligence gleaned from his knowledge of geography of island of Cuba.  

Forward with discretion. 
P.S.  Pray. 

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt 
Former Senior Policy Advisor 
U.S. Department of Education 
http://www. deliberatedumbingdown.com 
http://www.americandeception. com 
http://www.abcsofdumbdown. blogspot.com 

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From  John Spring  12-24-18 

Missile Crisis At Punta Huete, Nicaragua And La Orchila Island, Venezuela  Dear Friends, Russian President Vladimir V. Putin is planning the Third Russian Missile Crisis that will involve the Punta Huete Airport in Nicaragua and also La Orchila Airport on La Orchila Island in Venezuela with runways over 3,000 meters or nearly 10,000 feet in length, which can not only accommodate the Russian Tu-160 long-range nuclear bomber, but also the giant An-124 Antanov Ruslan heavy military air transport that can carry up to 150 tons of cargo or the U.S. C-5 Galaxy Lockheed Martin military air transport that can carry 120 tons of cargo.To explain why this situation in the Caribbean Sea and Central America would be the Third Russian Missile Crisis is based on the Cuban Missile Crisis being the First Russian Missile Crisis and the U.S invasion into Grenada being as a result of the Second Russian Missile Crisis , which was never released to the public. Putin is using a plan that is very similar to the Second Russian Missile Crisis , except that the Island of Grenada will be replaced by La Orchila Island in the Caribbean Sea as the stop-over refueling base for the Russian An-124 military air transport that is capable of carrying a completely-integrated mobile launcher with an Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile with a Thermonuclear Warhead that can reach a distance of 3,300 nautical miles .The An-124 would then reach Nicaragua in Central America and land at Punta Huete where it would then be deployed and promptly targeted at the United States without any warning. Merry Christmas !Sincerely, John W. SpringThe Prelude To The Third Russian Missile Crisis In Latin America 
By John W. Spring 12-22-18 
Dear Friends, America is now facing the prelude to the Third Russian Missile Crisis in Latin America . While the first was the Cuban Missile Crisis during 1962, the second was the Second Soviet Missile Crisis that occurred in 1983 when U.S. Armed Forces invaded the small island of Grenada in the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean Sea to halt the construction of a mile-long airstrip that could accommodate a gigantic Soviet air transport for refueling on a stop-over to reach another mile-long airfield at Punta Huete in Marxist Nicaragua of Central America where a fully-integrated mobile missile launch site for a Russian Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile with a Thermonuclear Warhead could be deployed to strike within a distance of 3,300 nautical miles that would be able to destroy any strategic target with great accuracy within the continental or coterminous United States . Of course, the aforementioned information was kept from the public and the American people were only told that the mission’s purpose for invading Grenada was to rescue American students who were on the island, which was depicted in the motion picture film ” Heartbreak Ridge .”Because the American people were never informed by the Reagan Administration of the actual reason for the invasion of Grenada where Cubans, North Koreans and Russians were present during the construction of that one-mile long airstrip, it will be a challenge to explain this earlier attempted clandestine operation by Moscow during the Cold War to them now. However, in spite of it being rather abstract for people comprehend, Russian President Vladimir V. Putin has already copied the plan for the Second Soviet Missile Crisis , with only one exception. Instead of the island of Grenada , the Russians have already built a very long airstrip on La Orchila Island , which is part of Marxist Venezuela where the An-124 Antanov Ruslan giant military air transport that can carry 150 tons of cargo would be able to land, refuel and takeoff for Punta Huete in Nicaragua of Central America to deploy a fully-integrated mobile launch site for an Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile and also a Thermonuclear Warhead for destroying any major city in the United States .While we should be concerned about the two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack Bombers landing in Maiquetia at Simon Bolivar International Airport near Caracas Venezuela on December 1 0, 2018, I am more concerned about the very long airstrip that has already been completely built by the Russians on La Orchila Island , which is in the Caribbean Sea and it can also accommodate their An-124 Antanov Ruslan heavy military air transport that can carry up to 150 tons of cargo.So Russian President Vladimir V. Putin has already begun the prelude for the Third Russian Missile Crisis in Latin America , which will involve the Marxist nations of Nicaragua and Venezuela . So we may be now only a matter of days from his “checkmate” for a thermonuclear holocaust .Sincerely,John W. SpringJohn W. SpringPost Office Box 18945Anaheim, California 92817December 21, 2018
The President 
The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20500 


Dear Mr. President:This is definitely the most shocking letter that I have sent to you so far during your presidency. While you have signed the Nicaraguan Human Rights and Anticorruption Act into law, which should send a strong message to the Communist regime of Daniel Ortega in Managua, Punta Huete , if it is not yet fully operational, it will be ready very soon for landing the Russian An-124 Antanov Ruslan heavy military air transport that can carry up to 150 tons of cargo, which might include a completely-integrated mobile missile launch site with a nuclear Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile that could target America with a Thermonuclear Warhead . While the Russian very-long airstrip on La Orchila Island can accommodate the Tu-160 Blackjack Bomber , which is west of Grenada Island in the Caribbean Sea , it can also land the An-124 giant air transport for refueling on its way to Nicaragua .With the recent arrival of two Russian Tu-160 long-range bombers at Maiquetia in Venezuela on December 10, 2018 as well as an An-124 heavy military transport and an Il-62 Ilushin long-haul plane for the Russian Aerospace Forces, we may soon be facing the Third Russian Missile Crisis , which may become very much like the Second Soviet Missile Crisis that was halted by the invasion of Grenada with U.S. armed forces in 1983 where a very long airstrip similar to the one in operation on La Orchila Island was being constructed.As for the planned surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists , I very strongly advise against it.Sincerely,John W. SpringJohn W. SpringPost Office Box 18945Anaheim, California 92817December 20, 2018
The President
The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, DC 20500 


Dear Mr. President:Regarding the tentative U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria and Iraq , which may be even now occurring, while I do not have access to all intelligence information that you may be receiving, there are many concerns and issues related to this geopolitical and military decision that must be addressed.First, although I respect your determination to keep the promises you made to the American people, there exists a situation in the Near East section of the western Middle East , which is based mainly upon a promise that was kept for a nation at the end of World War I nearly a century ago. It was the land of Kurdistan that was never given back to the Kurds . So, a hundred years later, they are hoping to regain their country. Kurdish troops are some of the best warriors and they have been very cooperative and loyal towards America . If we were to pull-out completely from Syria and Iraq , what would be their fate? As things stand right now, the word of any U.S. official from Washington means very little. Second, as I have mentioned in an earlier email letter, the clandestine headquarters for ISIS probably still exists in northeastern Syria near the Euphrates Corridor that leads to Baghdad and it dispatches communications to all areas of the Middle East . So with its infrastructure remaining intact, the so-called Islamic State or Daesh is functioning and operating in various locations inside Syria and Iraq as well as in Afghanistan and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa . Third, I would propose an entirely different strategy that would enable most U.S. Armed Forces to return home while maintaining significant bastions or defensive strongholds in the Middle East for geopolitical stability.Sincerely, John W. SpringPost Office Box 18946 
Anaheim, California 92817

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