June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Comer on FBI’s Wray Failure to Comply with Subpoena: ‘I Wouldn’t Want to Be Held in Contempt of Congress and End Up in Prison’

During an appearance on Tuesday’s broadcast of “Fox News Tonight,” Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, explained how the FBI was doing all it could to block the release of a document related to a possible investigation involving President Joe Biden.

Comer disputed his counterpart, House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin’s (D-MD) public account of the document in question.

The Kentucky lawmaker also hinted at possible prison time for FBI Director Christopher Wray for not complying with the congressional subpoena.

“If Christopher Wray doesn’t turn that document over, is he going to go to prison?” FNC host Harris Faulkner asked.

“Well, that’s up to Christopher Wray,” Comer replied. “I know that I wouldn’t want to be held in contempt of Congress and end up in prison being the former head of the FBI. Look, this is a simple request. This is not a classified document. They acted like it didn’t even exist. So, just hand the document over.”

Reposted from Breitbart

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