June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

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Composting is essen...
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Composting is essential BEFORE starting your greenhouse project!

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I spent a portion of the 4th of July holiday prepping ... not the usual way either.  I began working on the first two of five projects that Marjory Wildcraft recommended on our shows together: the compost bin and the combo chicken coop/rabbit hutch.  Because I'm on rocky soil, I have to resort to using a hammer drill to break up the tough, clay earth surface to get post holes in to fence in the 4-laying box coop and the 10 rabbit hutches. Because we do have occasional critters show up out of nowhere, I'm going to pour a 4" wide cement border around the base of the fence and encase the 2" x 4" x 5' high fence in the concrete. I'll have pictures when it's done.  The compost bin was my next project. I'm building a bin that approximately 45" wide x 39" tall x 48" high, on skids (which will make it totally portable with a two-wheeler), out of the remaining material from my steel SIPS house.  I got a fairly good start on it on the 4th and plan on finishing it this week. The steel rails around the SIPS panels (as shown) are 26 gauge galvanized steel, wrapped around the steel panels (which have 4" of EPS foam in between them, kind of like a sugar wafer in configuration). I'll be posting more photos as I complete the bin. This will be necessary to have a place to house the rabbit and chicken poop, table scraps and other stuff, which will yield about 10 cubic feet of compost when it's all done. 

Now's the time to make plans (if you haven't already) to get a start on your food production project. We are facing a food shortage, which I deem deliberate, starting with purposeful breaking down of the supply chain.

Compost Bin Side Panels
This topic was modified 2 years ago by powerhourkat
Posted : 05/07/2022 11:21 am
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