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Joe Bidens First Pr...
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Joe Bidens First Press Conference A POTUS

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This was, literally, the BEST he could pull off after: - Handpicked, loyal, lapdog media sycophants selected to ask questions - Questions provided to the White House in advance, and subject to approval - White House scripted answers to said questions - Weeks of rehearsals by the dingbat and staff - Written notes and answers on the podium with him - An earpiece through which he was prompted to stay on topic and given reminders of what to say - Friendly, gushing and gentle decorum by the media in the room - Nothing approaching the ambush style media who screamed questions at Trump - And a cocktail rich in dementia meds, mood elevators and whatever else the docs could pump in his feeble body to keep him alert long enough to get by And it still was a hot mess of mumbling, meandering gibberish. - Quiet Mike (YouTube Comment)


Posted : 30/03/2021 8:44 am

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