June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Cynthia McKinney Tweets, I am no longer participating in the ARISE USA Tour.

On April 29th, 2021 at 7:53AM, Cynthia McKinney says she is backing out of the ARISE USA Tour.

The Power Hour reached out to Cynthia McKinney PHD earlier this morning to request an interview to discuss her recent decision to no longer participate in the ARISE USA Tour. We are awaiting her response. Story is developing…

Robert David Steel was on The Power Hour announcing the ARISE USA Tour 4 weeks ago. You can listen to the broadcast and learn more about the ARISE USA Tour HERE which Cynthia McKinney stated on April 29th, 2021 through her twitter account that, “I am no longer participating in (the ARISE USA Tour).”

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