June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Directed Energy Weapons and the California Fire

The Northern California “wildfires” are as unnatural as they can be. Many researchers have concluded that Directed Energy Weapons were used. These are  advanced technologies that can be difficult to comprehend. The Plane Truth, a You Tube investigator writes that  “Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. There were also Sudden, unexplainable  60 – 70 MPH wind, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many. Cars were torched, with tires and glass melted, homes reduced to rubble and dust. Glass and rubber take thousands of degrees to melt.  which means the fires generated their own direct heat, like a directed energy butane torch, except they are using directed energy LASER technology to pulse the plasma clouds, stir the wind for energy and release up to a trillion watts of laser power at any one source. This is why cars and homes completely melted but shrubs, leaves, plants and neighbors houses, were untouched.

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