June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

The Odd Couple’s Excellent Adventure – Robert Steele & Cynthia McKinney Launch ARISEUSA!

The Resurrection Tour – 84 Stops, 50 States, Five Months!

Arise USA is a 3-month tour kicking off May 17, 2021, with 84 stops across the United States, the themes including: Constitutional Counties, Faith, Family, Freedom, Election Reform, Sovereignty and Truth. Robert David Steele and former congressional rep Cynthia McKinney are the primary tour leaders. Sacha Stone is the tour’s Creative Director. The tour’s official websites are BigBatUSA.org and ARISE.world.

There is nothing more important in life than relationships. I am 68 years old, and since leaving government service in 1993 when the CIA successfully got the USMC to order me to stop my intelligence reform efforts, I have been building relationships with change agents.

No one is more important than Dr. Cynthia McKinney because we are opposites in some interesting ways, and yet we both agree that bringing together the populist right with the populist left and the Libertarians and Independents and others is the ONE THING that can actually Make America Great Again.

Sacha Stone is a former rocker and humanitarian innovator who is connected to so many thought leaders and indigenous leaders that he is able, in the space of just two weeks, to line up 120 change agents to join our tour, almost all of them US citizens…we have talked about making this a world tour at some point, he can internationalize the talent for that as well.

Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) has inspired deep respect across the country for his vision of Constitutional Sheriffs that protect their county citizens from federal, state, and local officials who have been bribed, blackmailed, or brainwashed to betray the public trust in favor of the 1%. Because of him we have made Constitutional Counties a core aspect of our tour.

Leigh Dundas is a lawyer and COVID-CDC truth teller – she and another dozen to two dozen truth tellers will be bringing real world facts to the public, face to face, in a way that cannot be censored.

And then they have Trent Loos and Scott McKay, one a truth-telling cowboy and the other a Patriot Streetfighter beloved by freedom fighters who favor motorcycles over horses.

Put simply, I know everyone that matters in the real world, and they all agree it is time we fire all the politicians and take our country back.

I also believe God is on our side and the Angels have my back.  There is no way I could have done what I have done in the past year and plan to do in the next year without divine intervention.  In my humble opinion.

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