July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power


Video Shows Forensic Proof of The Assassination

In these times of Enemy occupation and Usurpation of the US Constitution, Federal Agents and their State infiltrated accomplices are not reprimanded for murder and assassination, or the unleashing of militarized “agencies” for purposes of stealing land and water rights, they are promoted.
FBI special agent Joseph Astarita was acquitted of charges of lying when he claimed he did not shoot twice at Lavoy Finicum; Astarita not unexpectedly was acquitted by in the court of his employer, a Federal Court, on August 9, 2018, in Portland. The actual officer who shot and killed Finicum, Casey Codding, was recently promoted to Captain, as Investigators in 2016 had already called the shooting “justified.” 
Lavoy Finicum, was an Arizona farmer who participated in saving the Bundy Ranch, in Nevada, in 2014, also tried to save his own ranch from the Bureau of Land Management in 2015, you can see his side of the story here, ‘LaVoy Finicum – Stood Up for The US Constitution & Natural Rights’. Finicum later went to Oregon to help Dwight Hammond save his land and water rights, it was in Oregon where Lavoy Finicum fought his last fight.
The video below explains the likely truth about the manner in which Lavoy Finicum’s life was taken. Watching the video and the supporting materials below, it’s clear the Executive Branch Agencies are actually a militarized mafia in service of a Federal Government operating outside of Constitution Law and continue to serve an agenda to intimidate to buy and, if not possible, steal valuable land and water rights in the western States. The Federal Government now “owns nearly half the land in the 11 coterminous western states, as well as more than 60 percent of Alaska” and 80% of Nevada.
The plan to run all people off the most valuable lands and into soft prisons called smart cities was recently called Agenda-21 and now called Agenda-30. For a short discussion of the plan to change forever into a single world government, while downsizing the population and forcing mass movement of remaining people off their lands, please listen to Australian politician Ann Bressington, former Member of the South Australian Legislative Council, explain how the Club Of Rome planned to create fabricated crises to motivate people to support a “profound reorientation of all human societies.”  
In 1992, Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Earth Summit and member of the Club of Rome said: “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, ownership of motor vehicles, small electrical appliances, home and work air conditioning and suburban housing are not sustainable.(ibid)
Dixie Raye, former Washington State Governor and Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs stated:    “Agenda 21 seeks to establish a mechanism for transferring the wealth from citizens to the third world.  Fear of environmental crisis will be used to create a World Government and UN central direction. From a report in the 1976 UN’s Habitat One Conference:    “Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market  . . . Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth  . . . therefore contributes to social injustice (ibid) 
Lavoy Finicum was an American, with Constitutionally protected rights to own property and accumulate wealth and act independently of the wishes, whims, and control of a mentally ill authoritarian dystopia. State law in Nevada and Arizona and Oregon does not support the arbitrary taking and redistribution of land, but the Federal Government pretends it has authority to do so and to do so violently if necessary. Lavoy Finicum was shot and killed by a Lawless and criminal Federal Government for believing his rights could be defended.
In the final moments of Lavoy Finicum’s life, the FBI pursued him at high rate of speed into a blind-curve roadblock killing zone, shooting up his car, even before Lavoy could see the roadblock, terrorizing the occupants of his car and then shooting unarmed Finicum in the back as he walked outside the vehicle with hands up. Finicum was set up to be murdered, as the scholarly video below indicates, and the Oregon Federal Court system finds FBI agent Astarita not guilty of lying, which the video below disputes, and previously the state of Oregon pressed no charges against Codding.

This case indicates the extent to which the US Federal Government and the Executive Branch with its military agencies are corrupt to the point of being a hostile enemy force, willfully operating lawlessly, outside the bounds, by thousands of miles, of the US Constitution.
In these times of Enemy occupation and Usurpation of the US Constitution, Federal Agents and their State infiltrated accomplices are not reprimanded for murder and assassination, or the unleashing of militarized “agencies” for purposes of stealing land and water rights, rather they are promoted.
The Case of Lavoy Finicum, an American hero, who operated peacefully invoking Constitutional Law to stand his ground, should not be dismissed and forgotten. Lavoy’s story should be taught to our children and his fight against the hostile take over and take down of America should be immortalized by repeating his efforts; we must all stand against the cancerous occupation of the United States by agents of the Zionist-Communist mafia working to finish the task of destroying America and transferring its wealth to the East for purposes of establishing a New World Tyranny.

Further References:
Officer that shot Lavoy Finicum said to have been involved in three Police related killings
FBI Agent Accused Of Lying In Finicum Shooting Found Not Guilty
Lavoy Finicum’s Last Moments, Video From Inside The Truck
Investigators: Oregon State Police justified in shooting death of LaVoy Finicum
Dubious decisions in LaVoy Finicum shooting case revealed in trial of acquitted FBI agent

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