June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Friday, December 08, 2017: Joel Skousen w/ Guest Host Mary Ellen Moore

Mary Ellen Moore of Free Mind Films Guest Hosts The Power Hour Today
Executive Producer / Director of Public Affairs
Mary Ellen Moore’s parents helped her to become politically aware of the New World Order Globalists at a young age; encouraging her to read and study on her own. She put that knowledge to work as a door to door volunteer in Barry Goldwater’s 1964 Presidential campaign. After attending college, she worked several years as an actress in L.A. and flew for 33 years as a flight attendant with Delta airlines. She retired early to return to the film industry and continue her activism with health and wellness and political issues; helping others become critical thinkers in these areas as well as our status within our perceived Constitutional Republic of the United States. She currently lives near Austin, TX – serving as an Executive Producer and Vice President of Public Affairs with Oklahoma City based film production company – Free Mind Films, LLC.

Joining Mary Ellen is scientist Joel Skousen who discusses Korea’s latest missile test, and sexual harassment scandals and other current affairs.




Archives for today’s show:

December 08, 2017 (hour 1) –  News live with guest host Mary Ellen Moore

December 08, 2017 (hour 2) – Mary Ellen Moore interviews Joel Skousen

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