June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Friday, November 10, 2017: Open lines + Ray Clark

2nd hour: Open lines

Ray Clark, Vietnam veteran joins The Power Hour today for a special Veteran’s Day tribute show. Ray joined the Marine Corps in 1966, at age 17. After completing boot camp and training, he was unhappy when he found himself assigned to guard duty at Fort Meade in Maryland. He petitioned the Corps to be sent to Vietnam, and in February of 1969, after two short weeks of jungle training at California’s Camp Pendleton, Clark found himself in the middle of deadly action with K Company of the 3rd Marine pision. The company was assigned to the northernmost region of South Vietnam, an area nicknamed “The Meat Grinder.” The things he did and witnessed in war left deep mental scars on Ray, and when he returned to the States, he soon began to experience symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It was the beginning of a new war, one that continues to this day. Today, Ray has made it his new mission to help other veterans through their struggle to overcome the long-term effects of combat. He speaks regularly on his experience with PTSD.

Book: The Never-Ending War – The combat memoir of Raymond D. Clark. Written by Ray’s wife Laura M. Clark. To learn more about the book visit TheNeverEndingWar.com.

Archives for today’s show:

November 10, 2017 (hour 1) – News

November 10, 2017 (hour 2) – Open lines

November 10, 2017 (hour 3) – Guest Veteran Ray Clark

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