July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Friday, November 24, 2017: REBROADCAST

1st hour replay: Norm Novitsky, independent filmmaker, producer and founder of BluNile Films and IC Liberty Films joins The Power Hour today to discuss his latest film project “In Search Of Liberty”. Norm is known for his staunch support of the US Constitution. Norm has dedicated the past several years to raising concern over the corruption of the nation’s founding principles by an ever-expanding government and a need to restore the primacy of the U.S. Constitution and its rule of law.
Website: insearchofliberty.com
Watch the trailer here: https://vimeo.com/231531762
2nd hour replay: Rupert Darwall, Political analyst and former advisor to the UK Treasury joins today to discuss the totalitarian roots of the environmental movement.  As Puerto Ricans are suffering in the wake of Hurricane Maria, environmentalists are capitalizing on the moment saying that Puerto Ricans are the “world’s latest climate refugees.”  Rupert Darwall says climate hysterics have time and again used human suffering to advance their agenda since before WWII in Germany, and Americans should be wary. His new book Green Tyranny shows how the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany similarly politicized the environment and manufactured alarmist scares about “acid rain” and “nuclear winter.” This is a template for the left’s tactics today.
3rd hour replay: Wayne Elliott, lifelong herbal healthcare professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely information on the heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops.
** You can purchase Strauss Heartdrops @ www.thepowermall.com.
Archives for today’s show:

November 24, 2017 (hour 1) – Replay of Norm Novitsky

November 24, 2017 (hour 2) – Replay of Rupert Darwall

November 24, 2017 (hour 3) – Replay of Wayne Elliott

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