September 26, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

James Perloff’s new 9/11 blog post: Here Are My 9/11 Tweets that Twitter/X Suppressed 

Here Are My 9/11 Tweets that Twitter/X Suppressed

Last week, in my post “Yeah, I Got Scammed,” I mentioned that every year, on the anniversary of 9/11, I Tweet out many (100 plus) memes, short videos, and links pertinent to 9/11. The problem is that, starting in 2021, Twitter began an extreme shadowban against me.

According to Microsoft Edge’s AI tool, Copilot, the number of views an un-retweeted Tweet gets should equal about 15-20% of the person’ followers. Screenshot:

Based on this, since I have over 25,400 followers, I should be getting around 4,000 to 5,000 views on average—many more if a posting is retweeted.

However, my un-retweeted Tweets are pretty consistently limited to from 170 to 220 views. In other words, as soon they hit around 200 views, Twitter/X automatically shuts them off, preventing them from being further seen in the feeds of my followers. If they get retweeted by some of the few people who saw them, the views rise, occasionally by a few hundred. This means Twitter/X is acting in bad faith toward their own subscribers, blocking my Tweets for more than 95 percent of the people who requested to follow me. And I believe that X’s algorithm is set so that the only individuals who see my Tweets are people who have few followers, or are shadowbanned themselves. Thus if something I post does gets retweeted, it won’t go far anyway—there will be no ripple effect.

It was the same this year with my 9/11 Tweets. For me, gone are the days of getting hundreds of retweets.

So I’ve decided—even though it’s a week late—to reorganize these 9/11 Tweets into a blog post. At least that way, someone gets to see them.  By September of next year, who knows if the Internet will even still be around as we know it?

So what you’ll see here is what my Twitter followers were originally allowed to view in abundance for years. I’ve organized them by 9/11 sub-category. Some are educational, but most are just for humor and recreation—while still being relevant. For some of them, you need to be a 9/11 Truther to “get it.” Some material has unfortunately been lost over the years, often due to censorship on various platforms like YouTube. And occasionally I’ve dropped something because I’ve realized I was wrong about it. As many of my readers know, in 2019 I was writing a major book about 9/11, but the COVID agenda interrupted it. My intention in writing that book was to correct some of the over-speculation about 9/11 I had engaged in.  I wanted to make sure I didn’t write anything that I couldn’t walk into a courtroom with, under strict rules of evidence. Unfortunately, I don’t expect I’ll ever get to finish that book. The enemy is moving ahead with new agendas too quickly.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t still take potshots at 9/11, to learn and/or to laugh. Unless I indicate otherwise, the memes here are my own. That’s how I built most of my original Twitter following. But I make very few memes nowadays—there’s no longer any point, since Twitter/X won’t let people see them.

“Catalyzing Event”

As many 9/11 Truthers know, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, published by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) in September 2000, called for an increased U.S. military presence overseas, especially the Middle East. But, it warned (page 62): “The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.” (As I discovered during my book research, several prominent people referred to a “new Pearl Harbor” in the days approaching 9/11.)   

For me, that was a small goldmine for memes:

It’s not just me, it’s mainstream. Check these remarks by Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute (3 minutes):

Predictive Programming

Predictive programming is not something I’m overly serious about. But it’s happened too often to simply disregard. I’ve organized 15 examples pertinent to 9/11. These are simply arranged in the chronological order in which they occurred prior to 9/11.

No. 1. Jetliner crashes into skyscraper in The Medusa Touch (1978). The film’s executive producer was Arnon Milchan, who, as has been widely documented, was an Israeli spy and Mossad asset. 2 minutes.

No. 2. Supertramp cover reversed (1979):

No. 3. In Wrong is Right (1982), the CIA plants two suitcase nukes at the South Tower of the World Trade Center. A Middle East terrorist is blamed as a pretext for war. The nukes are disarmed at 9:59 AM, the exact time South Tower exploded on 9/11. 3 minutes.

No. 4. Here is an expose of innumerable 9/11 predictions in Back to the Future (1985) and its sequel (1989). Most memorable may be the Twin Towers seeming to collapse in Back to the Future II. A little long at almost 13 minutes, but worth a watch. Nearly 5 million views.

No. 5. In this Iron Man episode (1994), an attack on the World Trade Center is followed by a plane crashing into the Pentagon. 2 minutes.

No. 6. The Illuminati card game (1995) featured an explosion at twin skyscrapers and an attack on the Pentagon.

No. 7. A relevant clip from The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996). 1 minute:

No. 8. The Simpsons (1997):

No. 9. Frasier clip (1997). A mysterious phone call references American Airlines Flight 11. Per the official Flight 11 manifest on 9/11, Frasier creator David Angell and his wife sat beside Mohamed Atta.

Clip (2 minutes):

If the clip won’t play, try this link:

No. 10. At a 1998 Netherlands concert, Prince sings about Osama Bin Laden bombing America in 2001:

No. 11.  In the opening scene of The Big Lebowski (1998), at about the 2:50 mark, Jeff Bridges writes a check dated 9-11-91 (exactly 10 years before 9/11) as George Bush Sr. talks about the Gulf War on TV.

No. 12. “The Matrix” (1999). Neo’s passport (images generated by someone else):

No. 13. Fight Club (1999). Executive producer: Mossad asset Arnon Milchan. In the full scene, the area is described as “the financial district” and “Ground Zero.” 1 minute. Looks like you’ll have to watch this one on YouTube:

No. 14. In 2000, Israeli ex-commando Daniel Lewin had a portrait taken before panels resembling the Twin Towers, wearing a Swatch watch, model name “Hijacker”—the hour, minute, second hands and date all set to “11.” On 9/11, Lewin sat in row 9 of Flight 11.

No. 15. In the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen, a jetliner out of Boston is electronically hijacked to fly it into the World Trade Center. This aired on March 4, 2001. (4 minutes)

Finally, for those with time, here’s a video with almost an hour of 9/11 predictive programming—some examples, of course, more significant than others, and some of which are redundant of the previous examples.

Still More Believable than the Official Story (Applies to All the Following):

(These are not my memes.)

Still More Believable than the Official Story:

Still More Believable than the Official Story:

Still More Believable than the Official Story:

(If the above video moves on to something else, press the “stop” button.)

 The Bush Administration and 9/11

“Your mission—should you accept it, Jim—is to help Mossad destroy the World Trade Center and blame it on Muslim patsies.”

Less than 2 months before 9/11, Attorney General John Ashcroft stopped using commercial flights and began using private chartered planes due to a “threat assessment” by the FBI. It would have been nice if the public had been alerted as well. This was mainstream news. CBS News report, July 26, 2001:

SALESMAN (slaps nose of plane): “This bad boy will collapse a steel-frame skyscraper at the speed of gravity, and we’ll even throw in an extra building for free.”

On 9/11, Bush stayed in classroom for five minutes after learning that the second plane hit. Note the words the kids say: KITE—HIT—STEEL—PLANE—MUST. Freeman @freemantv pointed out to me that it may not be coincidence that Bush was reading a story about a goat on 9/11.

Leslie Nielsen’s hilarious parody of Bush’s reaction to being told about the 9/11 attacks:

(My thanks to Stonetoss who provided the great template for the above meme.)

FLASHBACK: When Robert Mueller headed the FBI’s investigation of 9/11:

For a source on above quote, see

For the source of the above meme, see General Wesley Clark’s remarks at

9/11 “mastermind” Khalid Shaikh Mohammed confessed to planning an attack on the Plaza Bank in Washington state. Why is this a problem? The bank didn’t even exist until years after his incarceration. Amazing what confessions you can get with waterboarding.

SKIPPER—“We won’t be here long. The NSA can find anyone anywhere, right, professor?” PROFESSOR—“Unless your name is Osama Bin Laden.”

Israel and 9/11

The one thing Mossad failed to anticipate when they planned 9/11:


Just seven days after 9/11, Mohamed Atta’s father says 9/11 was a Mossad job. This was well before the “dancing Israelis” had been publicly identified as Mossad agents or even as Israelis.

Back in 2002, the Saudi minister of the interior said he suspected Zionists were behind the 9/11 attack:

Did you ever wonder what music the “Dancing Israelis” were dancing to on 9/11?

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, who was Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College for over 5 years: ISRAEL DID 9/11. Includes comments by Congressman Jim Traficant (5 minutes):

For thorough information regarding Israel’s involvement in 9/11, see:

The meme below was sent to me by a friend:

Netanyahu (Specifically) and 9/11

“You did it, Netanyahu, I know you did. You did 9/11.”

Guess whose passport they REALLY found outside the World Trade Center:

REMEMBER 9/11. BIBI DOES. Image seen in the web.




This is a screen shot from Page 125 of Benjamin Netanyahu’s 1995 book Fighting Terrorism. Notice that he predicts a nuclear bomb will be placed in the World Trade Center. Also note his fear-mongering about Iran having nukes, and this was 29 years ago.

Miscellaneous 9/11 Memes (from Me)

Construction of the Pentagon began on September 11, 1941, 60 years to the day before 9/11. There is too much numerology in 9/11.

Bin Laden plans 911:



Miscellaneous 9/11 Memes and Data (from Others)


In an interview, Scott Forbes of Fiduciary Trust affirms that there was an unprecedented “power down” in the South Tower on the weekend before 9/11. 5 minutes.

In a street interview, Gary Corbett of Fiduciary Trust confirms Scott Forbes’s report that there was a “power down” in the South Tower on the weekend preceding 9/11. 7 minutes:

Dr. Bob Bowman. A highly credible debunker of the official 9/11 story. 5 minutes.

Detailed comments from Hordon are at

TSA Screening Results:

Humor from “The Onion” from 16 years ago. Al Qaeda is ticked off at the Truth Movement for taking away the credit they deserve for 9/11.


New Yorker cartoon by Robert Mankoff, 1-21-2002:

Great art by the late David Dees:

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