June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Labor Day Rebroadcast: John Whitehead + Ron Salley

Monday, September 03, 2018:
Labor Day Rebroadcast
John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute joins today for a discussion on the emerging police state and constitutional issues. The Rutherford Institute is a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose international headquarters are located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Whitehead serves as a member of the Constitution Project, which seeks to formulate bipartisan solutions to contemporary constitutional and legal issues by combining high-level scholarship and public education.
John’s Book: Battlefield America: The War on the American People
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Archives for today’s show:
September 03, 2018 (hour 1) – Replay of guest John Whitehead
September 03, 2018 (hour 2) – Replay of guest Ron Salley

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