June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Maskless Protesters Mob Trader Joe’s!

Mask Rebellion: Maskless Protesters Mob Trader Joe’s. Act of defiance comes as more regard coronavirus mask mandates as useless compliance theater.

Footage out of California shows the moment a group of anti-mask protesters stormed a Trader Joe’s grocery store in defiance of Covid-19 mask rules.

Once inside the supermarket in Santa Cruz, the large group proceeded to shop for various items, as masked onlookers and employees shouted and assaulted them.

“No one wants you here!” one employee shouted at the crowd, while another yelled, “You people are privileged people! Get out!”

“If you are buying stuff, we are not going to serve you, so you know,” an employee told the crowd. “You are wasting our time and everyone else’s.”

Meanwhile, protesters left money at cash registers and photographed their payment as proof of purchase, but angry employees took the items off scanners and threw the cash back at them.

As protesters attempt to exit the store with merchandise they claim they purchased, employees block them and snatch items from their hands accusing them of shoplifting.

“Leave now please,” an employee tells a protester, who tells him, “We love you still. We still love you.”

“Great, good for you,” the irate employee says, adding, “God hates your ass.”

The act of defiance comes as more regard coronavirus mask mandates as useless compliance theater, with many including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) calling for Americans to push back against the control freak medical tyrants.

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