June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Meet Gen C, the Covid generation.

The term Gen C first started popping up in media reports early in the pandemic. More recently, investment analysts like Israel and children’s rights advocates have taken to using variations on the phrase.Defining a generation isn’t simple. The names we use to talk about groups of people born in any given period can change over time — sometimes because what seemed to be a defining event later turns out to be less influential than other forces at play, sometimes because a different term gains momentum and sticks. How we define recent generations

*While some experts are using the term “Gen C” to refer to the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on children, scholars in different fields so far have different definitions of when this generation begins and ends. Israel’s definition of Gen C includes children born from 2016 to the mid-2030s — because, he says, the changes we’re witnessing are so dramatic that even kids born years after the pandemic ends will still see it shaping their lives. “They’re going to be different,” Israel says. “They’re being defined by a completely new world. “Asked who comprises Gen C, experts in other fields shared different guidelines with CNN.A senior adviser at the United Nations Children’s Fund said all children should be included — especially those who’ve had points of transition in their lives disrupted. A sociology professor said college students shouldn’t be left out. A mental health expert noted children aged 7-9 are particularly vulnerable

Defining a generation isn’t easy, and sometimes the names we use change over time. Here’s how generations have been defined over the past century:

The Silent Generation: Born 1925-1945

Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964

Generation X: Born 1965-1980

Millennials: Born 1981-1996

Gen Z: Born 1997-? (no endpoint set)

Gen C: ?*

The above story was written by CNN and does not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of The Power Hour.

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