June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

(VIDEO FOOTAGE) Radio Show Executive comes face to face with National Guard, FBI & the surveillance tyranny in Minnesota!

A local Minnesota man and marketing executive for the nationally syndicated talk show, The Power Hour, traveled to the Brooklyn Center Police Department on April 21st, 2021.

Jason Worsley traveled from his hometown south of Rochester, Minnesota after the shooting of 20 year old Daunte Wright by Brooklyn Center police officer Kimberly Potter. The shooting sparked outrage by local Brooklyn Center residents and renewed ongoing demonstrations against police brutality in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area, leading to citywide and regional curfews.

Demonstrations have also spread to cities across the United States in the wake of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin trial, who was found guilty on all counts in the murder of George Floyd, after his case caused national uproar over a year ago.

Video Footage of the Brooklyn Center Police Department on April 21st, 2021. Jason Worsley scales a 6 foot fence in the rear of the precinct and is met by 3 National Guard and a Brooklyn Center Police Officer.

“I honestly thought I was going to be arrested once my feet touched the ground and I looked up and saw the three national guards,” said Worsley, when asked about venturing over an older 6 foot fence in the rear of the precinct while surveying the newly erected security fence meant to limit damage from protesters and minimize risks to officers.

When I realized I was somewhere I wasn’t suppose to be, I was astonished when the (National Guard) just stood there, and barely moved or said a word. So I walked up and just tried making small talk.” That’s when Worsley says a Brooklyn Center Police Officer got out of his squad car, shine his flashlight in his face, and told him to, “turn around and leave immediately.”

He immediately complied with the officers demands and never intentionally meant to cross boundaries set to protect the well being of officers and protesters.

In one of the videos posted to The Power Hour’s Twitch Account by Worsley, he encounters an individual who claimed to be from the NSA.

“He almost immediately rescinded his statement and made it into a joke, and made comments such as, “The CIA have got to be here.” “I asked him his name numerous times which he refused to acknowledge and ignored”. He later provided Worsley with the alias of, “Chicago.”

While the number of demonstrators were very few, Jason states he’s certain the numbers of protesters will increase over the next couple days.

“I expected there to be a larger group of demonstrators when I arrived at the police station,” stated Worsley.

“I spoke with a 30 year old who drove all the way up from Kansas City to show his support in any way possible.” The young liberal man assures once the funeral for Daunte Wright is over and he is laid to rest; the protesters will return.”

There were plain clothed “agents” who were attempting to blend in with the protesters, but with the days protesters numbers relatively low, it was obvious who the undercover officers were in the crowd.

Later in the evening, as Mr. Worsley was leaving the area, he claims his license plate number, his vehicle and himself were videotaped by a female dressed entirely in black combat clothing, and with a black mask, which hid her identity.

Jason pointed out that there was also a male in a similar mask and combat clothing who, “were definitely there for one reason, and that was to gather intel on everyone present outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department.”

Video Footage of the Brooklyn Center Police Department on April 21st, 2021. Undercover officers are seen videotaping Jason Worsley and his vehicle as he attempts to leave the precinct.

He also traveled to Minneapolis where he got video footage of the 15 foot security fences entangled with barb wire which surrounded nearly all government buildings. He also states there seemed to be an elevated police presence which included the national guard who were stationed at local and federal court buildings throughout the city.

Aside from the local police force and National Guard, many city residents chose to remain in doors and off the city streets.

As many small businesses have had to close their doors permanently due to financial hardships during the Pandemic, those who are able to open their doors for business seem to be taking a more cautious approach, by closing early or boarding up their business in an attempt to avoid falling victim to property damage or looting.

Jason Worsley interviews a suspected undercover officer in the deserted streets of Minneapolis on April 21st, 2021.

“In the nearly two decades I lived in the southern suburbs of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, I have never seen the streets so empty.” “It just felt like a ghost town, says Jason.”

“At what point can our city streets begin to look like neighborhoods once again, and not like a militarized zone?”

“Is this the new normal in America?”

For more information about Jason Worsley, visit his website at www.jasonworsley.com

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