June 30, 2024

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Nevada Democratic Party staff quits after Democratic socialists sweep party leadership positions: report

Every candidate except one was a dues-paying member of a local Democratic Socialists of America

By Sam Dorman on March 09, 2021

The entire Nevada Democratic Party staff quit after a left-wing slate of candidates picked up seats in the party’s leadership.

The party’s executive director, Alana Mounce, sent an email to Judith Whitmer, who won a spot as the party’s chair on Saturday, notifying Whitmer that she and other staff members were resigning.

That included the party’s operations director, research director, communications director, and finance director, The Intercept reported Monday.

Whitmer had run as part of the “The NV Dems Progressive Slate,” in opposition to the “The Progressive Unity Slate,” run by the Democratic Party.

“We weren’t really surprised, in that we were prepared for it,” Whitmer told the Intercept. “But what hit us by surprise and was sort of shocking is that for a slate that claimed that they were all about unity, and kept this false narrative of division going on throughout the entire campaign — in fact they kept intensifying that — that’s what was surprising about it, was the willingness to just walk away, instead of working with us.”

A former party staffer indicated to The Intercept that Whitmer would reverse progress seen in the party.

“I knew I couldn’t work with her and watch her destroy the years of hard work so many operatives put into making our state party the best state party in the country,” the anonymous staffer said.

The incident reflected longstanding tension within the party, which has seen conflict between more establishment members like Hillary Clinton and progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who identifies as a Democratic socialist.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), along with the Left Caucus, reportedly ran “The NV Dems Progressive Slate” for leadership, with every candidate except one as a dues-paying member of a local DSA.

Original Article from Fox News

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