July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

News: November 18, 2022


Techno-Authoritarianism: China And Deep State Have Joined Forces

“If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.”—Senator Frank Church

The votes are in.

No matter who runs for office, no matter who controls the White House, Senate or the House of Representatives now or in the future, “we the people” have already lost.

We have lost because the future of this nation is being forged beyond the reach of our laws, elections and borders by techno-authoritarian powers with no regard for individuality, privacy or freedom.

The fate of America is being made in China, our role model for all things dystopian.

An economic and political powerhouse that owns more of America’s debt than any other country and is buying up American businesses across the spectrum, China is a vicious totalitarian regime that routinely employs censorship, surveillance, and brutal police state tactics to intimidate its populace, maintain its power, and expand the largesse of its corporate elite.

Where China goes, the United States eventually follows. This way lies outright tyranny.

German Meat Industry Warns Of Empty Supermarket Shelves, 40% Jump In Meat Prices

“The current federal government would like to abolish animal husbandry and switch the diet in Germany to vegetables and oatmeal,” says Hubert Kelliger, head of group sales at the large butcher Westfleisch

The German meat industry has warned of impending supply bottlenecks, especially concerning pork, and a board member is putting at least some of the blame on Germany’s current left-wing government, which is well-known for its attacks on meat and efforts to transition to a plant-based food supply.

“In four, five, six months, we will have nothing on the shelves,” predicts Hubert Kelliger, head of group sales at the large butcher Westfleisch and also a member of the board of the Meat Industry Association (VDF), according to Die Welt.

One of the main factors affecting Germany’s meat supply, according to Kelliger, is the reduction of fattening pigs from livestock farmers. Others farmers have simply given up on production and are going bankrupt.

“That inevitably means there will be less stock in the coming months,” said Kellinger, which could result in consumers seeing more empty shelves but also a significant increase in prices.

“Whether that will be 20, 30, or 40 percent cannot be quantified today — but it will increase significantly again,” said Kellinger. Such an increase would already be on the back of already substantial increases. Germany has experienced an overall 40 percent increase in food prices this year, including a 73 percent increase in potatoes. Further price jumps ahead could be disastrous for German consumers.

German Government Worried About Bank Runs, “Aggressive Discontent” Ahead of Energy Shortage

While Europe has been keeping a generally optimistic facade ahead of the coming cold winter, signaling that it has more than enough gas in storage to make up for loss of Russian supply even in a “coldest-case” scenario, behind the scenes Europe’s largest economy is quietly preparing for a worst case scenario which include angry mobs and bank runs should blackouts prevent the population from accessing cash.

As Reuters reports citing four sources, German authorities have stepped up preparations for emergency cash deliveries in case of a blackout (or rather blackouts) to keep the economy running, as the nation braces for possible power cuts arising from the war in Ukraine. The plans include the Bundesbank hoarding extra billions to cope with a surge in demand, as well as “possible limits on withdrawals”, one of the people said. And if you think crypto investors are angry when they can’t access their digital tokens in a bankrupt exchange, just wait until you see a German whose cash has just been locked out.

Officials and banks are looking not only at origination (i.e., money-printing) but also at distribution, discussing for example priority fuel access for cash transporters, according to other sources commenting on preparations that accelerated in recent weeks after Russia throttled gas supplies.

The planning discussions involve the central bank, its financial market regulator BaFin, and multiple financial industry associations, said the Reuters sources most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity about plans that are private and in flux.

Mexicans Angered as a Record Number of Americans Move South of the Border

Mexico has seen a rapid increase in the number of Americans choosing to live in the country since the pandemic started a new trend of remote work.

Nearly 1.6 million Americans live in Mexico, according to the U.S. State Department. Many of them are digital nomads and have chosen destinations like Mexico City, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan to call home. The reason is simple: it’s much cheaper to live there than in the United States.

“I pay $600 for a one-bedroom apartment near the middle of the city,” says Cody Anderson, who recently moved to Guadalajara from Los Angeles. “There’s no way, with my income, I can have the lifestyle I have here in the United States.”

One would imagine the influx of Americans migrating to Mexico with more buying power would be a boon for the economy, especially as the dollar remains strong against the peso. But for some Mexicans, that boon is a nightmare.

“It’s not as simple as spending your money here is good for the economy,” says Carriane Garcia, a Mexico City native. “Foreigners drive up prices, and certain neighborhoods are basically catering to them instead of the locals. It’s definitely a problem.”

She’s not the only one who feels that way. In speaking with several Mexico City natives, they say that rent has skyrocketed since foreigners began to move into desirable neighborhoods like Roma Norte and La Condessa.

Court Blames Russia for Missile That Struck Malaysia Airlines Plane, Killing Nearly 300

2 Russians, Ukrainian found guilty over downing of Flight 17 in Dutch court

A court in the Netherlands determined what country manufactured the missile that struck down a Malaysia Airlines flight in 2014 over eastern Ukraine, killing 298 people.

“The court is of the opinion that MH17 (Flight 17) was brought down by the firing of a BUK missile from a farm field near Pervomaisk, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew members,” presiding judge Hendrik Steenhuis said, according to Reuters news agency.

That flight is different than Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared in 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing. The location of Flight 370, which disappeared about four months before Flight 17 was shot down, has still never been determined.

The statement was issued in the trial of several Russians and a separatist Ukrainian who were found guilty in absentia of the mass murder for their alleged involvement in shooting down Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine.

G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme

Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks” that build on existing digital COVID-19 vaccine passport schemes.

The joint statement followed the conclusion of the G20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia, where leaders discussed global challenges and coordinating policies in response, including to future pandemics.

“We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations,” the G20 joint declaration reads.

The International Health Regulations (2005) is an instrument of international law developed under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) that lays down a global framework for responding to the international spread of disease.

The WHO-backed standard, which entered into force in 2007, required countries to strengthen surveillance capacities at border crossings and introduced a series of health documents, including international certificates of vaccination.

Besides acknowledging the utility of the IHR framework, the G20 leaders said they support ongoing “international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics.”

They added that these global digital health networks should “capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.”

COVID-19 vaccine passports—and various other forms of digital identity schemes—have been criticized as an invasion of privacy and as having the potential to enable governments and corporations to coerce human behavior by, for instance, denying access to infrastructure or services.


‘This Is an Investigation of Joe Biden’: House Republicans Allege Biden Was Involved in Hunter’s Business Dealings

The House Oversight Committee will investigate President Joe Biden and his alleged involvement in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals, Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) announced on Nov. 17 ahead of the GOP retaking the chamber in the new year.

Contrary to the president’s claims, the elder Biden was directly involved in Hunter’s international business dealings, Comer said, citing whistleblower evidence.

“This is an investigation of Joe Biden, the president of the United States, and why he lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business schemes,” he said at a press conference.

Comer, who is the incoming Oversight Committee chairman, said the Biden family “flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family.”

“This committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partners, and whether he is a president who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence,” Comer said.

Lake Issues 1st Major Update in Arizona Since Hobbs Declared Victory

Arizona Republican candidate Kari Lake said on Nov. 17 that she’s still fighting in the state governor’s race, in her first major update since Democrat Katie Hobbs declared victory.

“I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that I am still in this fight with you,” Lake, a former television anchor, said in a video statement.

Lake said concerns raised by her campaign about Hobbs, the Arizona secretary of state, overseeing the election and electronic voting equipment turned out to be legitimate. As an example, she pointed to how tabulators across Maricopa County weren’t working properly on Election Day.

Lake said that she spoke with voters who had to wait in line for hours, including a man who went to three different polling sites before he was able to finally cast his ballot.

“Our election officials failed us miserably. What happened to Arizonans on Election Day is unforgivable. Tens of thousands of Maricopa County voters were disenfranchised,” Lake said. As secretary of state, Hobbs is the state’s top election official.

“Now I’m busy here collecting evidence and data. Rest assured I have assembled the best and brightest legal team. And we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done this past week. I’m doing everything in my power to right these wrongs. My resolve to fight for you is higher than ever.”

Hobbs declared victory on Nov. 14, after outlets including The Associated Press called the race for her.

The only statement Lake issued was a terse, one-liner on Twitter that said, “Arizonans know [expletive] when they see it.”

Since then, updated vote counts have seen Lake cut into the lead Hobbs still holds.

The current margin between the two candidates is 0.6 percent. If it ultimately ends up at 0.5 percent or less, an automatic recount will trigger. Thousands of votes still need to be counted, including more than 16,800 in Maricopa County.

GOP Senator Says Republicans’ Strategy ‘Isn’t Working’ After Mitch McConnell Is Reelected Leader

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said that Republicans’ strategy “isn’t working” after Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was again elected leader of the Senate GOP.

“I think Sen. McConnell’s view is that [former President Donald] Trump is largely to blame” for the party’s poor midterm showing, Hawley said. “That Republicans have an image problem with Trump. I don’t agree with that.”

“I think that frankly, that lets the party off too easy. I think that Republican-leaning independents, that is, people who don’t like [President] Joe Biden but don’t identify as Republicans. I think they look at this party and they’re like, ‘Man, I don’t think they’re doing it for me,’” the Missouri senator said. “That’s why they stayed home.”

“They don’t like what’s going on in the country. They looked at Republicans, and Trump wasn’t on their ballot, but looked at the Republicans who were. As a group they were like, ‘We just don’t think you guys do anything for us.’ I think that’s a huge problem,” Hawley elaborated to reporters after the vote.

Chuck Schumer Ripped After Admitting ‘Ultimate Goal’ to Grant Citizenship to ‘All’ Illegal Immigrants

A “path to citizenship” should be granted to “all” illegal aliens in the United States, according to Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer who received backlash online after arguing that such a move could solve the problem of the country’s declining population.

Standing outside the U.S. Capitol grounds on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told the press that immigrants “make us stronger now more than ever.”

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” he said. “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.”

Pence Says He Will Not Testify Before Jan. 6 Committee

Former Vice President Mike Pence has ruled out testifying before the House Jan. 6 committee, saying that Congress “has no right” to his testimony.

The comment was made during an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Nov. 16.

“I am closing the door on that,” he said, contending, “We have a separation of powers under the Constitution of the United States.”

The former vice president said that such an act would create a bad precedent.

“And I believe it would establish a terrible precedent for the Congress to summon a vice president of the United States to speak about deliberations that took place at the White House,” he said.

Pence further raised concern about the partisan nature of the Democrat-led committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach.

“But I must say again, the partisan nature of the January 6 committee has been a disappointment to me,” he added. “It seemed to me in the beginning, there was an opportunity to examine every aspect of what happened on January 6, and to do so more in the spirit of the 9/11 Commission—nonpartisan, nonpolitical—and that was an opportunity lost.”

Pelosi to Leave US House Leadership but Remain in Congress

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Nov. 17 announced she would step down from leadership of House Democrats after Republicans flipped the lower chamber.

“Scripture teaches us that for everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven,” Pelosi said on the House floor in Washington.

“For me, the hour’s come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I am grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility,” she added.

Pelosi, 82, said she will remain in Congress.

Texas governor invokes obscure constitutional provision to repel ‘border invasion;’ judge strikes down Title 42 next day

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday he is invoking the U.S. Constitution’s invasion clause and taking “unprecedented measures” to repel a “border invasion.”

Abbott announced his plans in a tweet, a press release and a letter to county officials along the border.

The invasion clause is at Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution.

It provides: “No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state or with a foreign power or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.”

Abbott said he will deploy the National Guard to “repel and turn back” immigrants trying to enter the country illegally. He will also deploy the Texas Department of Public Safety to arrest and return to the border immigrants who came into the country illegally.

Abbott also plans to build a border wall in multiple counties, deploy gun boats, enter into a compact with other states to secure the border, and “enter into agreements with foreign powers to enhance border security.”

Abbott first authorized the National Guard and Texas police to act in July, directing them to return immigrants to ports of entry. He also referenced the invasion clause at the time.

Joseph Nunn, counsel for the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, called the invasion clause approach “flagrantly unlawful” in a post that he wrote for Just Security in July. He made a similar point in a tweet thread responding to Abbott’s latest announcement.

Nunn said Texas was not “actually invaded” and was not in “such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.”

“Even if Texas were being invaded,” Nunn tweeted, “that would not permanently transfer any authority over national security from the president to the governor of Texas. At most, U.S. states have the power to mount an initial defense to a sudden invasion. They may not fight a war.”

Nunn said Abbott’s actions were actually “a thinly veiled effort to take the reins on U.S. immigration policy.” But that would also be unconstitutional under U.S. Supreme Court precedent holding that immigration policy is “unquestionably” and “exclusively” a federal power, Nunn said.

“For all these reasons, the Biden administration would likely succeed in court if it sued to stop Abbott from carrying out his plans,” Nunn concluded.

China’s Secret Police Station in NYC ‘Violates Sovereignty’ of US: FBI Director

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is violating the sovereignty of the United States through the creation of secret police stations on U.S. soil, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“I’m very concerned about this,” Wray said during a Nov. 17 hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “We are aware of the existence of these stations.”

“I have to be careful about discussing our specific investigative work, but to me it is outrageous to think that the Chinese police would attempt to set up shop—you know, in New York let’s say—without proper coordination. It violates sovereignty and circumvents standard judicial and law enforcement cooperation processes.”

Wray’s comments focused on the creation of China’s so-called “service stations,” which effectively act as overseas police stations for the CCP, which rules China as a single-party state.

The overseas police stations ostensibly serve administrative purposes normally entrusted to an embassy, including assisting Chinese immigrants with renewing driver’s licenses without having to leave the country.

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s House Race Expected to See Automatic Recount

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO) only leads Democrat challenger Adam Frisch by roughly 550 votes in the tight race to represent Colorado’s Third Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, so the race is expected to go to an automatic recount.

Nine days after Election Day, Colorado’s Third Congressional District remains undecided, as Boebert’s lead was cut in half after the most recent ballot drop. Boebert only led by 551 voters Thursday night; she had 163,758 votes (50.08 percent) to the Democrat’s 163,207 voters (49.92 percent), with 99 percent reported.

Alaska Update: Kelly Tshibaka Maintains Narrow Lead over Sen. Murkowski in First Round, Sarah Palin Trails Democrat

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is cutting into her Republican opponent Kelly Tshibaka’s lead in the Alaska senate race, and Republican Sarah Palin trails Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola in the race for Alaska’s lone congressional seat, according to Alaska’s latest vote count update.

Tshibaka, who earned an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, has a narrow lead over pro-impeachment Sen. Murkowski. After roughly 27,000 more votes were counted on Tuesday, Tshibaka’s lead was cut from 3,000 to 565.

Lawsuit Claims Massachusetts and Google Installed COVID-19 ‘Spyware’ on 1 Million Devices

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly working with Google to install “spyware” onto the Android devices of a million state residents without their knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Plaintiffs Robert Wright and Johnny Kula were among 1 million Massachusetts residents who had the state’s “COVID Exposure Settings: US-MA” app auto-installed without their consent, according to the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), the nonpartisan civil rights group that filed the lawsuit (pdf) on Tuesday.

The app, once automatically installed, didn’t appear on the device’s home screen as newly-installed apps typically do. Instead, it was invisible and could only be found by opening “settings” and using the “view all apps” feature, according to NCLA.

This meant that many device users were unaware of its presence. Many have decried this as an invasion of privacy.

The NCLA declared the action a “brazen disregard” of civil liberties, saying in a statement the app was installed “without obtaining any search warrants, in violation of the device owners’ constitutional and common-law rights to privacy and property.”

“This ‘android attack,’ deliberately designed to override the constitutional and legal rights of citizens to be free from government intrusions upon their privacy without their consent, reads like dystopian science fiction—and must be swiftly invalidated by the court,” said NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel Peggy Little in a statement.


Biden’s Top Econ Adviser To Leave White House Amid Inflation, Recession Fears: REPORT

President Joe Biden’s top economic advisor, Brian Deese, is anticipated to depart from the administration by next summer after Biden expressed frustration with Deese’s failure to predict the long-term impact of inflation, Bloomberg reported Thursday, citing anonymous sources.

Deese, director of the National Economic Council, is anticipated to leave at around the same time as Cecilia Rouse, the first African-American chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, who is expected to conclude her two-year public service leave from Princeton University in early 2023, according to Bloomberg. With a recession considered almost certain in the near future, if not already ongoing, replacements for the outgoing duo would join the Biden administration at a critical time, simultaneously fending off the newly GOP-controlled House of Representatives and continuing the administration’s efforts to combat inflation.

Despite having been previously rebuked by the president at multiple meetings for underestimating the impacts of inflation, according to Bloomberg, the president and other advisers have reportedly expressed a desire for Deese to stay. Talk of personnel changes were simply rumors, one White House official told Bloomberg, citing the lack of a timeline for Deese to depart.

Report: Joe Biden’s Top Economic Advisers Prepare Exit from White House

President Joe Biden’s economic team will undergo a shakeup next year, with several top advisers preparing their exit from the White House, according to a Bloomberg report.

As the economy will undoubtedly take center stage going into the 2024 presidential election, National Economic Council (NEC) Director Brian Deese is one of Biden’s economic advisers expected to leave next year. Despite the White House’s desire to keep him onboard, Deese is expected to leave as late as summer 2023, Bloomberg reported.

Gas prices dip, could drop more ahead of Thanksgiving week: AAA

Americans weighing the cost of gas against holiday travel plans may be persuaded to hit the road this Thanksgiving after a slight decrease in prices and another potential drop in the coming days, according to AAA.

Gas prices dipped to $3.77 last week, three cents less than the week before. More stable oil prices, which have fluctuated “in a narrow price range of $85 to $92 a barrel for several weeks,” were the main cause of the drop, AAA said. And prices could fall further as the nation gears up for Thanksgiving week, according to AAA.

“While the national average has barely budged, there are now about 13 states with some stations selling gas below $3 a gallon,” Andrew Gross, a AAA spokesperson, said. “More gas stations could follow, which may be a big help with road trip budgeting as Thanksgiving approaches.” 


Report: Facebook Employees Fired for Taking Bribes to Access Accounts

Facebook has reportedly terminated or reprimanded more than two dozen employees and contractors over the last year for allegedly accepting bribes in return for improperly accessing user accounts.

The Wall Street Journal reports that according to sources and documents viewed by the WSJ, Facebook (now known as Meta) has terminated or disciplined more than two dozen employees and contractors in the last year for allegedly improperly accessing user accounts, sometimes accepting bribes to do so.

Twitter hit with mass resignations after Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ ultimatum

Elon Musk is now facing a new crisis at Twitter as a wave of employees seemed to reject his ultimatum of an “extremely hardcore” Twitter 2.0 or leave the company. Hours after a deadline for workers to check “yes” on a Google form accepting “long hours at high intensity,” it seems a large number of employees have rejected Musk’s vision.

Exactly how many employees opted for severance over remaining at Twitter isn’t yet clear. The New York Times reported the number was in the “hundreds,” while other early reports suggest the number could be much higher. The departures come after Musk already cut 50 percent of Twitter’s jobs in mass layoffs.

On Twitter, dozens of Twitter employees who had survived the initial round of layoffs tweeted farewell messages. One employee tweeted a video of a group of workers inside Twitter’s office counting down to the 5pm ET deadline on Musk’s ultimatum. “We’re all about to get fired,” he said.


US Government-funded lab in Maryland plans risky study to make monkeypox virus strains more deadly

In what can only be construed as the latest sign of the impending apocalypse, a Maryland lab is planning a study to enhance the deadliness of the dreaded monkeypox virus.  Making matters worse is the fact that the tax dollars of hardworking Americans fund the lab.

The federal government-funded Bethesda, Maryland lab is planning to develop a hybrid strain of monkeypox that has the potential to prove exponentially more deadly than existing strains.  One must wonder what could be behind such a risky endeavor.

Scientists looking to create lethal combination of monkeypox strains

If the scientists at the above-referenced Maryland lab have their way, they will create a hybrid version of the monkeypox virus combining genes between monkeypox strains, potentially resulting in an extremely potent amalgamation that induces severe illness, symptoms similar to influenza, and even nasty rashes.

The experiment is being conducted to gauge whether the mutation results in a potentially lethal combination in the test subjects of mice.  However, there is the potential for the new monkeypox strain to be intentionally or mistakenly released from the lab, similar to how some “conspiracy theorists” believe the coronavirus was deliberately released from a Wuhan science lab nearly three years ago.

What could possibly go wrong with such Frankenstein-like experiments?

Let’s shift our attention to what matters most: the “why” of the new monkeypox experiment.  The Maryland scientists are using taxpayer dollars to gauge whether a mutated combination of monkeypox strains proves more lethal to determine how specific genes enhance severity.  Analyzing mutations to gauge monkeypox severity is supposedly morally justifiable as it empowers scientists to develop even more effective vaxxes, medications, and other treatment modalities.

Though there is an argument to be made that monkeypox experiments are worth the inherent risk, there is also a chance that vax-makers won’t be able to keep pace with mutation progression, setting the stage for an epidemic that proves lethal.  The federal government should recognize that there is the potential for such Frankenstein-like experiments to go wrong, resulting in the release of the strain from a lab, causing society-wide fear, panic and illness.

The worst-case scenario is the release of the new monkeypox variant from the Maryland facility, creating yet another pandemic that proves even deadlier than the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Scientists Say Alzheimer’s Is an Autoimmune Disease, Not Result of Amyloid Plaques

Alzheimer’s disease—they suggested that Alzheimer’s may be an autoimmune disease.

Alzheimer’s May Be an Autoimmune Disease

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 50 million dementia patients in the world, with 10 million new cases every year; it means that about one person is diagnosed every three seconds.

Over the years, the “amyloid hypothesis” has been widely accepted among various theories of the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but it has also been controversial as some phenomena in patients with Alzheimer’s do not fit the hypothesis. For example, people with amyloid plaques in their brains may not have Alzheimer’s. Besides, there are still many uncertainties about the clinical benefit of drugs targeting the elimination of amyloid beta.

Recently, Canadian scientists published a post saying that the amyloid beta found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients is actually a substance released by the body’s immune response. They further speculate that Alzheimer’s is an autoimmune disease centered on the brain.

Autoimmune diseases refer to diseases caused by the body’s own immune system attacking the body. For instance, inflammations like arthritis and neuritis are autoimmune diseases.

The study looked at amyloid beta as a molecule normally found in the brain, that is, part of the brain’s immune system, rather than an abnormal protein.

Amyloid beta is a product of an integrated immune response that occurs in the brain when there is trauma or the presence of bacteria in it. The researchers also emphasized that stimulating events such as infection, trauma, ischemia, air pollution, and depression can trigger the body’s immune response, causing the secretion of amyloid beta.

Besides, in vitro experiments in the study showed that amyloid beta, as an antimicrobial peptide secreted by cells, also has immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties.

However, when amyloid beta’s immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties mistakenly attack “self” neurons, it leads to changes in its membrane potential. The amyloid beta will enter neurons through the cell membrane and cause neuronal necrosis, which will trigger a series of chain reactions.

As neurons disintegrate after necrosis, the necrotic neuronal breakdown products diffuse to adjacent neurons, eliciting the further release of amyloid beta—everything keeps collapsing like dominoes and develops into a chronic self-perpetuating autoimmune cycle that eventually leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

The study also emphasizes that it is the necrotic neuronal breakdown products that elicit the release of amyloid beta and that the natural process of neuronal apoptosis does not significantly promote the release of this substance.

When to Take Amino Acids and Why They’re Important

As most people are taught, there are 8 essential amino acids that you must consume in your diet to stay healthy.  Basically, these elements are the building blocks of protein and help to build and repair your body.

In this video, Dr. David Minkoff and I discuss the importance of amino acids. We’ll details the exact name of each “essential” amino acid and the best time to take them.

Power Mall supplements high in amino acids:


My Top 10 Foods to Stock Up on Now to Prepare for Food Shortage By Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship


COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

There are over 1000 peer-reviewed papers in the preprint server system and or in the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) describing side effects after mRNA or adenoviral DNA COVID-19 vaccination.  One of the most dreaded complications is vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).  

Because the Spike protein produced in response to the vaccine genetic code causes hemagglutination and micro blood clotting, there is excessive antigenic presentation of platelets to the spleen and reticuloendothelial system.  As a result, the body produces auto-antibodies directed against a platelet receptor (PF4) which has homology with an endothelial protein.  This causes autoantibody “pinning” of platelets to the lining of blood vessel cells resulting in consumption of platelets, blood clotting and bleeding at the same time.

Unfortunate victims are fine for a few weeks after vaccination.  Then bleeding from the oral and nasal mucosa associated with bruising under the skin occurs commonly with serious blood clotting within the brain and elsewhere in the body.  Most patients are hospitalized in critical condition as doctors try a variety of medical and interventional maneuvers to combat simultaneous clotting and bleeding.

As you can imagine, in some individuals the process is overwhelming and no matter how much critical care support is given, the patient dies.[i]  The obituary of Mrs. Jessica Berg, age 37, a previously healthy vibrant mother is given in the figure.[ii]   It indicates she died as a result of VITT.

When They Are Trying to Kill Us, Do Their Motives Matter?

From new potentially deadly synthetic pathogens to blocking the sun, our aspiring masters are attacking life from multiple angles

A recent preprint reports on a new engineered variant that showed an 80% disease mortality rate in humanized mice

While that particular result was based on humanized mice, so was the approval of the new bivalent boosters

In practical terms, debates about the crazies’ motives matter less than protecting ourselves from their assaults, whether they think of themselves as saviors or just like killing people

The paradox of this moment is that under pressure, we have a chance to remember why we are here and to celebrate and honor our life’s purpose


Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma?

The political corruption we see today has grown out of a long-term unholy alliance between U.S. intelligence agencies and organized crime syndicates

This intelligence/organized crime ring is setting into place a technocratic form of feudalism, a transhumanist slavery system

Transhumanism is eugenics rebranded, and the merger of Silicon Valley companies with Big Pharma is eugenics framed as health care. COVID has now shown us that this rebranded form of eugenics can be forced on us

While transhumanism is sold to us as a way to provide health equity for all, the reality is the complete opposite. Military reports confirm that the emergence of augmented cyborgs will not create equity but rather increase disparities. Unless you’re in an elite class, transhumanism will not benefit you. Instead, you’re destined to be a lab rat to help perfect transhumanist tech, as we’re seeing right now with the COVID shots

Trump Fights Twitter Ban at US Appeals Court a Day Before He Launched 2024 Presidential Bid

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has asked an appeals court to revive his lawsuit against Twitter over his permanent suspension.

In a 96-page filing (pdf) submitted to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Nov. 14, Trump’s lawyers allege government officials use social media platforms as “cat’s paws” to suppress opinions “that turn out to be correct or at least debatable,” such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2020 election integrity.

The latest move as part of Trump’s battle against the social media giant came a day before the former president announced his third campaign for the White House in a Nov. 15 speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

The legal brief draws an analogy with Galileo Galilei, one of the fathers of modern science who believed the earth revolves around the sun, yet was convicted of heresy by the Catholic church.

“Most people once believed these to be crackpot ideas; many still do. But crackpot ideas sometimes turn out to be true,” lawyers wrote in the suit. “The earth does revolve around the sun, and it was Hunter Biden, not Russian disinformation agents, who dropped off a laptop full of incriminating evidence at a repair shop in Delaware,” the filing reads.

“Galileo spent his remaining days under house arrest for spreading heretical ideas, and thousands of dissidents today are arrested or killed by despotic governments eager to suppress ideas they disapprove of. But this is not the American way. We believe the path to truth is forged by exposing all ideas to opposition, debate, and discussion.”

The lawsuit against former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, and the federal government seeks compensatory and punitive damages and a court order requiring Twitter to “immediately reinstate” his account, which has been suspended since Jan. 8, 2021, two days after the U.S. Capitol breach.

The former president, who was once a heavy user of Twitter with more than 80 million followers, has vowed to keep posting to his own Truth Social media platform, despite Twitter’s new owner, billionaire Elon Musk, saying that he would reinstate Trump’s account.


Florida Paraglider Spots Woman and Her Car Sinking in a Canal, Executes Emergency Landing to Save Her Life

Soaring through the air over the lush landscape of south Miami, a paraglider spotted a woman in a dire situation. She’d somehow ended up in a canal with her car and was in imminent danger. The glider had no choice but to execute an emergency landing and save the woman.

Cristiano Piquet, 44, a realtor and father of two, was gliding one October Sunday, scouting for real estate before church, when he spotted an alligator in the canal below. Looking closer, he noticed a car submerged in the water—clinging to it was a woman in distress.

“I had no other option but to land. I could not leave that woman,” Piquet told The Epoch Times. “I thought about my mother, it could be my mother.”

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