distribute widely...there's a new hearing, so it isn't too late to submit
testimony... Dear Safe Water Advocate, We hope you can help with this emergency situation. This email is organized into the following sections: 1) Background on the mandatory fluoridation bill, HB 2025. 2) Information for people who can testify in person at the SECOND public hearing just scheduled on Wednesday, January 26, from 1 to 3pm in Room 357 (that's third floor on the House side of the building, which is the west side). Without meaning to be discriminatory, the hearing will be only two hours, and we have to share the time with promoters. We are working to have the most qualified people we can find in the room. If you are not a scientist, traditional or alternative doctor, environmentalist, lawyer, water operator, mayor or city councilor etc., I regretfully suggest that you be prepared to give up your time for someone with these qualifications. We would encourage you, if you have the time, still to COME and be present, but simply willing to defer, if the Chair has way too many people to speak for the time allotted. Please read carefully through the instructions about how to testify, and plan to bring 25 copies of your testimony, as requested by the committee. The names of committee members and other information to put on your testimony is in the next section of this email. 3) Information for people who cannot testify in person, but who will submit written testimony. Testimony can be emailed or faxed up until Wednesday morning. The committee, however, has to make 25 copies to distribute, and it will be more and more challenging for them to do that as they get closer to the hearing. Thanks in advance for your participation. We need to show strength in numbers to defeat this bill. 1) BACKGROUND ON THE MANDATORY BILL: On January 10, opening day of the legislative session, HB 2025 was introduced giving power to the Dept. of Human Services to require all water systems serving 10,000 or more to fluoridate. The bill was assigned to the House Water Committee. On January 14, we learned that this bill was being fast-tracked with a public hearing scheduled January 19. We also learned that the Oregon Dental Association hosted a breakfast in Salem for the Surgeon General, David Satcher, who then gave a press conference about fluoridation. But the story didn’t get much media attention. So many people came to testify on January 19, that this second hearing was scheduled for the 26th. WE NEED: - People with special qualifications to come to Salem to testify in person. - And others to submit written testimony to the committee. 2) IF YOU WILL BE TESTIFYING IN PERSON, PLEASE: - Confirm immediately by email that you plan to be there; if you'd like to carpool with someone, we can try to hook you up. Once again, the meeting is at 1pm on Wed, in Room 357. There's an info desk in the middle of the main floor of the building if you need help finding the room. Also, I am fairly lucky finding parking in the large block surrounding the building. Many of the parking meters are for up to 10 hours; each hour is 75 cents. Once in awhile, I have to walk a ways, so please leave enough time to be at the meeting room before 1pm. We may kind of gather outside in the hallway to connect with one another before the hearing starts. - You must bring 25 copies of your testimony to be submitted to committee staff before you begin speaking. See next section for how to prepare your written testimony. - Try to make fewer stronger points rather than covering too much ground. Your testimony does not have to be long. We believe the fact that this is untreated, contaminated toxic waste is the key point that will get the legislature to turn away from it…so, please at least allude to that in your testimony, maybe in your closing paragraph. - If you are unsure about the accuracy of a point you want to make, please run it by us. We’re busy, but we’ll make every effort to get back to you. Please read the following standard procedures for testifying before a legislative committee carefully (taken from the legislative website): When you arrive at the meeting, sign the witness registration sheet. Witnesses are not necessarily called in chronological order. How to Present Written Testimony: 1) When you are called to testify, give copies of your testimony to committee staff before you begin your presentation. 2) Begin your presentation by addressing the chairperson first, then members of the committee. "Chair Jenson, members of the committee . . ." 3) For the record, state your name, address, and the organization or group you represent, if there is one. Just say, “For the record, my name is….” 4) State whether you support or oppose the legislative measure being heard. Speak from an outline if you are comfortable doing so in front of an audience, but if you are at all nervous, I recommend that you read your testimony…in as interesting a way as you can. 5) Prepare testimony for up to 3 minutes, knowing you may be asked to summarize your testimony in only 1 minute. 6) When you are finished, thank the committee members and offer to answer any questions. 7) When a member asks you a question respond: "Chair Jenson, Representative (state the name of the Senator who asked the question), the answer to your question is . . ." Remember to relax! The members understand that this can be an intimidating experience--they don't expect a perfect presentation. 2) TO SUBMIT WRITTEN TESTIMONY (for those of you testifying in person, too): - Heading: You might want to begin with something like: Address your letter to: Committee Chair, Rep. Bob Jenson Representative Jackie Dingfelder, Vice-Chair Representative Jerry Krummel, Vice-Chair Representative Phil Barnhart Representative Alan Brown Representative Billy Dalto Representative Mike Schaufler Sign your name Then print it with your street address and phone number (unless you're using letterhead that already has your address/phone) Feel free to fact check with us (503-675-7451) When completed, fax (or email, see below) your testimony to: Faxes don't always go through to the right person. You can follow up to make sure she received it with a phone call at 503-986-1286 or email her at sandy.thielecirka@state.or.us You could email your testimony if you had to, but we think that having it on letterhead and/or signed with a real signature is stronger. This issue will probably not go away for awhile, so it would be good to copy your testimony to your own local representative and senator. If you are unsure who those people are, you can find out at (sorry, you’ll have to cut and paste the address): http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/ If you have time, please email a copy of your testimony to us at ocsdw@earthlink.net . Thank you for taking the time to join us in protecting Oregon's water. Best regards, Lynne Campbell Executive Director Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water PO Box 1045 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Tel: 503-675-7451 ocsdw@earthlink.net National website: www.keepers-of-the-well.org