June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Pandemic Treaty Will Give W.H.O. Power to Force Lockdowns on UK, MPs Warn

The World Health Organization could soon gain the powers to force the UK into lockdown under the forthcoming pandemic “treaty”, a number of MPs have warned.

Six members of the UK parliament have written to the country’s government urging them to reject a so-called pandemic “treaty” which will vastly expand the powers of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.).

Also known as the “Pandemic Accord“, the deal will see binding rules imposed on all member states of the World Health Organization forcing them to fight so-called “disinformation” and allocate five per cent of their annual health budget to preparing for the next global pandemic.

According to a report by The Telegraph, the six Conservative Party politicians also believe that the agreement will also see the W.H.O. given the power to unilaterally force the United Kingdom into lockdown if it so wishes, which they noted is a significant threat to the UK’s national sovereignty.

“There is, rightly, growing concern about the W.H.O.’s Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations,” Esther McVey, the MP who headed up the letter to the government, reportedly said, with the politician warning that there is evident ambition “for the W.H.O. to transition from an advisory organisation to a controlling international authority”.
“The plans represent a significant shift for the organisation, from a member-led advisory body to a health authority with powers of compulsion,” she continued. “This is particularly worrying when you consider the W.H.O.’s poor track record on providing consistent, clear and scientifically sound advice for managing international disease outbreaks.”

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