June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Patient Betrayal: The
Corruption of Healthcare,
Informed Consent and the
Physician-Patient Relationship

Background and Purpose The purpose of this study is: first, to review disciplinary threats made to healthcare professionals by their governing bodies in the US; and second, to review medical literature for complications related to the COVID-19 vaccines and data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), particularly those related to pregnant women and women of reproductive age. The authors also aim to bring attention to the populace, healthcare workers, and healthcare administrators that illegal and unconstitutional gag orders have been placed on all healthcare workers in the US, and to alert everyone that no healthcare worker can be trusted since they are under a gag order which renders informed consent null and void. It is our intent to put governing bodies of healthcare workers on notice that they will be held accountable and lay legal groundwork for possible Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) violations, collusion, and fraud. These potential criminal acts, exposed in a court of law, can pierce legal immunity of Big Pharma and others, and pierce any perceived immunity given to hospitals and organizations via the CARES ACT.

James A. Thorp1*, Thomas Renz2, Christiane Northrup3, Charles Lively4, Peter Breggin5, Richard Bartlett6, Neil Karrow7, Steve Kirsch8, James Welsh9, Phil Euell10, Ryan Cole11, Jeff Childers12, Bryan Ardis13, Benjamin Marble14, Eric Feintuch15, Daniel Nagase16, Richard Urso17, Paul E Merik18, Peter A. McCullough19

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