June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Pentagon UFO report ‘may be cover for hypersonic weapon Cold War’ between US and China

EXCLUSIVE: A university academic suggests the final report will guide the public into looking for aliens to hide the details of hypersonic drone technology developed by the US and its rival powers

The release of the highly-anticipated Pentagon report on the US Navy’s UFO sightings could possibly be used to brush off the details of hypersonic weapons developed by US, Russia and China, an expert in the field has suggested.

The US Defense Department is expected to say many of the sightings remain unexplained in the upcoming report.

According to the New York Times, one possible explanation given to some of the encounters are that they were top-secret hypersonic weapons developed by adversaries Russia and China.

Dr David Clarke is the curator for the National Archives of UFO projects, which collates all the official sightings, reports and discussions submitted to the Ministry of Defence while their UFO desk was in existence.

He believes the new report is being published as a result of the pressure of the media and government officials.

The spherical UAP was spotted by the crew of the USS Omaha in 2019
The spherical UAP was spotted by the crew of the USS Omaha in 2019

He told Daily Star: “They have got to produce the report because it’s been asked by the Senate but the dilemma is that on whether they are actually themselves creating these sightings by their own military technology.

“Because if the Russians and Chinese are doing it on the Americans, you can be absolutely sure the Americans are doing exactly the same.

“They would be using hypersonic drone technology to spy on the Russians and the Chinese.”

NASA's X-43A hypersonic aircraft reaching 7,000mph in 2004 – could the UAP's be anything similar?
NASA’s X-43A hypersonic aircraft reaching 7,000mph in 2004 – could the UAP’s be anything similar? (Image: GETTY)

The expert is convinced that the officials won’t “blow the gaffe” by revealing the top secrets of a rival power.

“From the point of view of the intelligence services, keep the UFOs flying,” he added.

“If you are military intelligence, what better way of covering up this secret war that’s been going on – the new Cold War – which is effectively what it is, than have everyone going on the false trace looking for aliens?

“Because no one asks real questions, no one takes it seriously.”

Navy pilots also reported an UAP sighting in 2004 and described the object moved at hypersonic speed
Navy pilots also reported an UAP sighting in 2004 and described the object moved at hypersonic speed (Image: DoD)

Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell has released several videos showing the unidentified craft swarming US Navy vessels during 2019.

He told Daily Star that the hypersonic explanation is “just a charade”, pointing out: “Many of these craft literally hover with almost indefinite endurance. Nothing to do with speed.

“A lot of them are also completely invisible to the human eye and it takes forward-looking infrared to even see them. Who has that tech?

In one of the most famous UFO sightings analysed by the Pentagon, Lt. Alex Dietrich and former Navy pilot Dave Fravor recalled seeing a tic tac-looking object hurtling at unheralded speeds in November 2004 off the coast of San Diego.

Another ex Navy pilot, Lt. Ryan Graves also came out and claimed he saw “unidentified vessels” flying off the coast of Virginia every day for two years beginning in 2019.

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