July 20, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Dennis Behreandt: Covid & The Great Reset – August 29, 2022 (Hour 2)

Dennis Behreandt of The New American

Article Archives: https://thenewamerican.com/contributor/dennis-behreandt/ 

New Book: End Game

End Game is An examination of the terrifying ideas of the Dark State’s internationalist-elite oligarchs and the disquieting technological trends that, combined, threaten the fabric of our reality and the very future of mankind

“Dennis Behreandt’s End Game makes a compelling, fact-based case that the COVID lockdowns and mandates set the stage for what either will be a Great Reset that will use modern technology to complete our slide into totalitarianism or a (peaceful) revolt against our ruling class that will lead to a Great Restoration of our Constitutional Republic. This book should be read and shared by all who care about liberty.” 

–Ron Paul, former Congressman and Presidential Candidate

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