June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Brandon J. Weichert: Iran sets Mideast on fire – January 24, 2024 (Hour 2)

Brandon J. Weichert, geopolitical analyst and author.

Weichert is an educator, who travels the country lecturing leaders in the US military, academia, and business communities on the current trends in geopolitics and high-technology research and development. He has been described as a “panic-and-anxiety inducing scholar” who lives by Dr. Herman Kahn’s mantra that “I’m against fashionable thinking.” 

Weichert is also a prolific writer who is a contributing editor to American Greatness, The Asia Times, and The Washington Times. He is a former Congressional staffer who holds an MA in Statecraft & National Security Affairs from the Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C., and he manages The Weichert Report: World News Done Right. He splits his time between sunny Southwest Florida and bucolic Northern Virginia.

Website: https://theweichertreport.wordpress.com/ 


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