July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

EMP Protection & Perry A with the benefits of calcium bentonite clay – June 21, 2022 (Hour 1)

1st half: News + New EMP guide
Sign up for our email for a free EMP guide:
Or text POWERHOUR to 22828

For EMP Protection Visit www.empshield.com

Use code “TPH” to receive $50 off your purchase

2nd half: Clay expert Perry A~ The benefits of Living Clay are untold and yet many people don’t utilize it to its fullest. To gain an understanding of how to use clay, join author Perry A. as she explains what it can be used for and how to use it effectively. With the toxins everywhere we turn, clay is more important than ever and everyone should have it in their medicine cabinets!
NEW @ The Power Mall: Head to Toe Calcium Bentonite Clay by Perry A.
Clay can be purchased in 1 or 4 lbs:
Sign up for our email for a free clay guide: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/nWsUvHW/powerhour
Or text POWERHOUR to 22828
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