July 20, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Double Feature: Dr. Lynn Carey & Professor Francis Boyle – March 10, 2023 (Hour 2)

1st half: Dr. Lynn Carey, a Doctor of Chiropractic, Author, and Entrepreneur, has had a remarkable journey. After two spinal surgeries for scoliosis in high school, she was constantly sick until she discovered chiropractic, which changed her life. She opened her own practice in Wilmington, Delaware in 1998 and practiced there for 18 years. During this time, she also went on chiropractic mission trips to Brazil and India, where she learned that there is only One-verse in this universe: love.

Dr. Carey believes that to be healthy, one must examine every area of their life. She loves to empower individuals to create their desired life of health, wealth, and perfect self-expression. In December 2016, she followed her bliss and moved to Miami Beach, where she continues to be an entrepreneur and homeschools her teenage son, teaching him how to be financially free.




2nd half: Professor Francis Boyle joins to discuss Coronavirus is a Biological Warfare Weapon.

Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.  Professor Boyle served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, as a consultant to the American Friends Service Committee, and on the Advisory Board for the Council for Responsible Genetics. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

Global Research Articles: https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/francis-a-boyle

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