July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power


Please pray that god will forgive me My since the god will have mercy on me like I will rest my soul at peace The god will heal the me spiritually meant to be physically emotionally healing That I’ve become a born-again Christian that So could be reacted and I could be a peace I can make since against god Things that I commit against god I am crying out for mercy For forgiveness from my soul I pray at be reborn I prayer become save a become a born again Christian please cry out for mercy for me I’ve been crying out for mercy for my since I’ve been very troubled because of my sins and very boundaries because of my Sims I feel very troubled I feel guilty ashamed of myself that I commit since against god Please pray I live in a group home There’s a new supervisor that runs the group home Very strict very Tricking on noxious Very nasty ass behavior Can you makes me and other residents very uncomfortable Hi put me on contract To remove me from the home he has something against me he is prejudice and screaming any holds grudges towards me He went to the higher up supervisor of the angel see made a bunch of lies and complaints against me to make me look bad I don’t even know this person He’s not the right fit for them home the way he asked away he behaves I pray that someday god will remove him to replace him to find somebody else I pray could be sooner He spreads lies and gossip to my family to make me look bad Turn against me to hold a grudge He’s making enemies in my life he’s making my family become my enemies He’s destroying my relationship with my family and course and problems chaos He says I’m a nipple later I’m a kind of I don’t need to hear that mental if use from you supervise administrator he says my family that’s my family is taking his side that they won’t believe anything I say to my family how I feel towards this person my family is taking his side and believe in everything he has said my family punishers me like I’m a 5 year-old child taken away my phone my iPod I money taking away everything I on cause they believe everything he has said he talks bad against me he never giving my family I good positive report he saw we saw nakedly towards my family My aunt’s best friend Donna is believing everything he has Yes I did against me she believes every negative thing he said she looks at me like I’m a bad person she treats me badly she punishers name she’s mentally emotionally abusive cause she believes everything he has said against me I pray that god will touch her heart to realize that he’s not a good person I she said he he’s I pray that she will catch him in ally 1 day and believe how I feel about this person she says I’m gonna later I’m a kind artist she says that to me too I get treated so cruelly with aggressive attitude from him My aunt lives in Florida please pray that she will come and June we can spend together as a family We can together as a family and we could be together that she comes in June from Florida I haven’t seen her for a while she wants to spend time with me she wants to be with me but he’s causing problems with that they gotta get permission from him and I’m very afraid of he’ll say no and make up lies and gossiping against me to destroy my relationship with my family Please bring up my aunt will talk to 1 from Florida talking to I can spend the night that I just spend time with her that she will fight for me and speak up for me and support me Her best friend is not being very supportive cause she’s a green and believing everything he has said against me Against me I pray that he will be punished he would pay the penalty for he’s cruising this towards me and other residents in the group home he very tends to residents Every resident supposed to get that monthly allowance my and gave me some money for the month he takes it in holds it against me I asking for he gets very nasty in the grass beauties we’ll see I’ll think about it I don’t deserve to be treated like that he’s holding my money my allowance against me if using to give it to me giving me a hard time Money every Tuesday Please play I get it on Tuesday He’s taking my money and holding it Taken my money and holding it against me he holds big hammocle for everything for every action he does he blames it on me he says I have a behavior problem I’m not behaving well course the problems in the home he’s just a liar and then it be later I’m a very innocent and I feel like a victim in the group home because of him I am being mentally attacked by this person he calls me and you offices and has to stay after and against me I mean picked on because of him and turning the staff against me Yelling screaming very aggressive behavior towards me everybody to make me look bad he wants to make yourself look good and make me look down in bed he’s like a bully he makes me very Can you makes me very uncomfortable and makes me very aren’t easy to be around a person like him keeping it’s flashbacks of my past music relationships with men I was severely abused by my father so really abused growing up he bring his back flashbacks and memories could he has my father’s attitude and personality and I cannot deal with being around so funny like that that will cause my flashbacks to come up He makes me very on easy to be around every time I see in my anger grows it’s the inner child anger that grows and built up He’s jeopardizing and threatening me and my house and Please put me on contract for my house From my house into jeopardy for no reason at all he put me on contract I didn’t do nothing wrong I behaving well I’m doing I supposed to do But I finally he’s been asking for a good report but he’s so naked if in puts me down to my family have sets my family when they hear bunch of lies and nothing positive my family takes it out on me Man’s best friend Donna saying I’m gonna believe him not youThat kind of bothered me when she said that she’s not with him everyday like I am He puts cameras outside in the backyard to watch us I feel like we being spied on it Very uncomfortable he hasn’t on during the They watching everyone we make Hi took away her smoking playdress this smoke outside to get a freedom to go to stores and to take walks especially towards me Before he can’t we have freedom we could go to the store we can take walks because smoke anytime 1 outside but are asking to go outside to get fresh air We made me in there residents made of contract about getting her smoking freedom back to smoked outside again He gets a smoke breaks it’s earned a time You get smoke But he’s gonna take that away Please play that the contract with work that we could get a smoking pull itches back then we could smoke freely outside people are smoking in their rooms cause he’s taking away the smoking pleasures outside for us to smoke And that is a fire has it and I will hurt people in the home and that were killed dozens of people in the whole because he took away or smoke freedom to smoke outside in the get fresh air I pray that we can get a smoking back that we get smoke outside again and get all freedom that’s way it’s people from smoking in their rooms course of the fire to the group home That’s why he put a camera out there To see if we are smoking and if we were smoking we get punished That camera needs to be removed from the backyard I need to be shut off there in a day cause it’s violating the residence rights We can’t have any fun out there We can’t have any more fun of joke around have a good time out there he took away all right and I’ll freedom this moment outside that’s why people is smoking inside of the room Please pray that the car track will work to give us all freedom back Please play that I could go home it’s been time with my family to do overnight to go shopping to be out during a day it’s not fair that we have to get permission from him and I know in my heart he’s gonna say no in spread bad news behavior about me he has a behavior probably takes his behavior on me saying it’s my fault when he is the 1 that’s causing the problem My therapist is trying to get me another house and agency waiting this for all the houses my answer refusing to get involve she’s refusing to side of paperwork and handed over tour or she can get rolling and put me on other agency waiting this father houses Please pray that god won’t touch my aunt’s hard to fill out the paperwork in facts My aunt doesn’t wanna getting balls I pray that I won’t get support to get the other house and it put me in all the waiting list father agencies I’m on some waiting list right now father houses I prayed at by the winter time that they will be an opening if possible there is a case worker at the group home I pray that she we work on putting me on all the house and reading this father group on adult home That she will work on and keep her word I need house emergency back up because of I need back emergency To get other house and I’ll be home with He is mentally emotionally abusive I pray that I going on the waiting list father house and just in case it’s emergency I have place to go I have a place to live instead of being put on the streets when don’t place to live I need a backup place Please pray for my pets bye praying Mantis I raise the neuter them for 5 years I had them since they were born I guy send and enjoy praying mantis fell over tree and about my lab the wing was injured I took it in and gave it food and water you got better then it hatchets eggs during the spring I razor newton it’s babies they’re very friendly and lovable creatures got touched my heart and say you’re an angel from heaven to protect all my creatures from human cruelty miss towards my creatures Please pray for their house not the not engine a staying good help People have killed them and I seem people have stopped on people have thrown into the dumpster he will have to watch it then they feel pain like every other creature does you know supposed Kill a horrible playing Mantis People are so cruel to them a step on them they torture them they thrown it beds I’ll they killed them they slammed them with a book on the wall they feel pain like every other living creature When they feel pain I hear than scream like that being killed calling out for that mommy and I am then mother I raise them for 5 years he spring year they have babies They protect people people don’t realize that Please pray for their safety for their protection I have most lots of my pets And I’m so afraid I’ll lose more them Please pray lose anymore of my pants that I still happen that none of them I’ll get killed none of them I’ll die why I lose all my baby Items all my pants like I will protect them I will feel very lost without them they are like my children you’re very special pets Please pray that I saying good health mentally There is a staff member there she’s Jehovah witness she talks about god she turned people away from god Thing is people do do that She turned people’s face away from god He talks about worship in the devil The house uncomfortable I pray that someday she retires and she will leave the group home and find another placement to work I pray that he retires and find another placement to work He wants to have a meeting with my aunt my family and me and the higher up agency have runs the group he wants to make me look down and make him look good to put me down to make him look good You’re taking his side and believing everything he’s I said because I’m a resident I pray that we don’t have to meeting if we To watch over me during the meeting That he will lose the case I keep my house and That god will protect my house and I won’t lose my house nobody home is on the streets that is contract we’re not jeopardize my house and I could still stay there and there there just something opens up in the future I don’t wanna be homeless living out in the streets because of him Please pray for me that we don’t have to meeting cause He’s gonna turn everybody against me to cause problems for me He’s already course in problems being in the group home Hi put other residents on contract too He makes them uncomfortable Away all freedom Went outside he took down free He have smoking times that we get smoke but I pray that the contract will work to prevent people from smoking in their rooms and not call Sophia to the group home I present my family will catch him in ally I pray that the agency would not threaten me I’ll told me oh believe everything he has say to make me look down he’s making yourself look good he’s making me look down look bad when he is the 1 that should look bad not made He says I’m gonna be late on course and problems in the group and I’m not I’m a very friendly and loving and caring person He’ll see that he season they give side of me not a good positive side of me I’m very loving and friendly and support if he doesn’t see He’s holding the garage he doesn’t accept me for hawaiie I am I’ve been abusive relationship with me but he seems to make that’s anger inside of you worse cause he has an attitude just like my pants of the nation show sometimes I wanna say to yelling but I try not to holding my feelings in Towards the anger I have towards then I have so much anger towards man I have so much anger towards men he is talking my anger the inner child anger he is talking to me Amen

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