June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

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ReAwaken Tour WrapUp – Power Hour Interviews

The Power Hour ReAwaken America Tour Coverage
For the best listening experience please listen with headphones
Thursday, December 09, 2021
Hour 1:
In the first hour Dave Krieger interviews the following people:
Jason Wheat & Wendy Williams of www.operationfreedomofchoice.org
Operation Freedom of Choice (FL) is an organization formed by Firefighters from across the state that has unified AGAINST vaccination mandates
Website of Mention: https://americaproject.com – Powering The People To Save America
Joy & Matt Thayer of Sparrow Pictures
Re:awakening the docuseries: https://reawakeningseries.com
Kurt Hyde, Author at The New American
Hour 2:
In the second hour Dave Krieger interviews the following people:
Cordie Williams – The Megaphone Marine
Founder of 1776 Forever Free, an organization that promotes supporting the Constitution of America and the Freedoms it provides us.
Dr. Angelina Farella – Webster, Texas Pediatrician & Frontline Doctor
Website: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org– project of the Free Speech Foundation
Friday, December 10, 2021
Hour 1:
News articles:
In the first hour Dave Krieger interviews the following people:
Bruce Goodmanson – 100% Success Without College
How your kids can be financially independent by age 22
In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government by the central banks. Our retirement funds have been looted and will within just a few years be nonexistent
Historically, U.S. intelligence agencies have primarily worked on behalf of the central bankers
Christopher Key, Founder of Vaccine Police
Welcome to the Vaccine Police’s home base on the internet. Within this website you can find information on everything that is going on now in the Anti-Vaxx bubble.
Phone: 205-936-9803
Hour 2:
In the second hour Dave Krieger interviews the following people:
Kirk Launius, Texas Director of the CSPOA
Check out more information at their websites: CSPOA and CSPOA of North Texas.
News articles:
THE COMMANDER’S ARTIST – Patriot Portraits www.thecommandersartist.com
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