June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Rick's Satellite Giveaway with The One & Only Power Hour!

Rick Caylor will be donating a FREE satellite system to a deserving listener on July 13, 2018
If you would like to be considered for a system or would like to nominate someone else for a free system please write to us letting us know why.
Please send your name, address, and phone number to:
The Power Hour
PO BOX 519
Marshfield, MO 65706
Or email us at support@powerhournation.com

GLOBAL STAR SATELLITE SYSTEMS Featuring: The Power Hour, GCN, World Wide First Amendment Radio, Scriptures For America, and many more.
Rick’s Website: www.rickssatelliteusa.com
Phone: 816-228-1801

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