June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Week of (January 11 -15, 2021)

Monday, January 11, 2021:
Hour 1:  New + Open lines
Hour 2: Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) joins to discuss vaccinations and the Coronavirus.  Dr. Orient believe now more than ever Americans need unfiltered news on COVID-19.
Website: www.drjaneorient.com
Archives for today’s show:
January 11, 2021 (hour 1)
January 11, 2021 (hour 2)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021:
Hour 1:  New + Open lines
Hour 2: Joining The Power Hour today is ground breaking Author & Public Speaker, David Icke, who has devoted himself since 1990 to researching “who and what is really controlling the world.
Website: www.davidicke.com
Archives for today’s show:
January 12, 2021 (hour 1) 
January 12, 2021 (hour 2)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021: 
Hour 1:  New + Open lines
Hour 2: James McCanney joins to discuss the state of American and where we should go from here.
Website: www.jmccanneyscience.com
Archives for today’s show:
January 13, 2021 (hour 1)
January 13, 2020 (hour 2)

Thursday, January 14, 2021 
Hour 1: Guest host Wayne Elliott
Hour 2: Encore of National Security journalist Mary Fanning.
Website: theamericanreport.org
Book: THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else
Archives for today’s show:
January 14, 2021 (hour 1)
January 14, 2021 (hour 2)

Friday, January 15, 2021: 
Hour 1: Jeffrey Daughtrey “The Christian Whistleblower” joins in the first part of this hour
Website: www.jeffreydaugherty.com   
Follow him on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UClh-0Vy0Uw-XX4m_olK-OVg 
In the second part of this hour is Dr. Cass Ingram, a foremost expert in medicinal herbs and spices and will discuss natural healing.
North American Herb and Spice products are available at ThePowerMall.com 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.
Hour 2: Gerald Celente, publisher of Trends Journal joins to discuss the Top 10 Trends for 2021 that will shape the course of new realities this year.
Website: www.TrendsJournal.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCCs_FjJR8A7rompHCnW0-3g
Archives for today’s show:
January 15, 2021 (hour 1)
January 15, 2021 (hour 2)

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