June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Show Notes: May 02, 2019 with Guest host George Freund

The Power Hour welcomes noted historical investigator Eric Zuesse back for discertations on the complex issues of the age. We will try to cover four critical issues.
I’ve said for years we do not have elections. We have illusions. In this article Eric explains the roles of the billionaires in recent elections and their hold on The White House. Sheldon Adelson owns a newspaper in Israel that sets the stage for Benjamin Netanyahu to get around contribution laws. Jeff Bezos the CIA man bought The Washington Post to massage the minds of the masses in the U.S. Your thoughts are not your own. They probably never were. 
The western NATO coalition created, armed and controlled ISIS to do regime change in Syria. The operation was financed with the theft of Syrian oil. It was sold on the black market through Turkey for gold. That treasure was repatriated to Uncle Sam with the help of the complicitous media owned by the biollionaires. 
The House of Saud runs it all. George W. Bush was a buddy of Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud. He donated a million dollars to al Qaeda prior to the 9/11 attack. Prince Salman al-Saud who became king was also involved. Prince Bandar paid two of the fifteen 9/11 Saudi terrorists from his personal checking account. The so called rebels of today were part of Operation Timber Sycamore. It was reported on by Jamal Khashoggi. You know what happened to him? Crown Prince salman is close friends with the president’s son in law Jared Kushner. What a tangled web we unweave. 
The infamous BUK missile was in the Russian inventory. They sold it to The Ukraine in 1986. OOPS! The governments of The Ukraine, Malaysia, The Netherlands and Australia signed a secret deal to keep the evidence under wraps. If they were telling the truth, why would they have to hide it? It would prove their case. The Ukrainians diverted Flight MH17 into the critical area. It was the only plane they did that to. The Russians had no role in that. MSM twists the evidence still. Those evil Russians. 
The Power Hour Nation strived to uphold the motto it’s all about the truth. Christ said it would set us free. Can you handle the truth? We had better. The choice is clear.  The truth will no longer be the most repeated lie. JOIN US!

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