June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Carolyn Blakeman

Media Director for FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation 501c3

FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation

The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is a New Jersey based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world. Many of our former feds are ‘former’ because they witnessed the corruption of our most fundamental systems firsthand and subsequently became conscientious objectors.


The mission of the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is threefold. Our primary mission (to be undertaken via several concrete primary objectives) is to restore America and the Western world to those conditions existing and considered normal prior to the emergence of the pandemic crisis and the unconstitutional mandates that accompanied it, all of which seem directed towards a so-called ‘New Normal’ we consider antithetical to traditional American and Western concepts of liberty and community. We will save lives by exposing the ‘FDA Death Protocol’ for what it is and forcing hospitals to administer safe and efficacious treatments for COVID-19. We will help people assert their legal right to refuse to submit to harmful COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates, and call a halt to what might otherwise shape into a practically inexorable momentum towards COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’ and draconian Digital ID systems.

FFFF lends its expertise to intractable law enforcement challenges of the day to both help reduce the number of victims of crime and mitigate their suffering. Victims of government agency failures, breach of duty, or corruption 1) FFFF will focus its efforts on civil forfeiture abuse. On a case by case basis, FormerFedsGroup will lend expertise and resources to cases where we believe there is civil forfeiture abuse by the government. Victims of perpetrators who are difficult to detect, deter, apprehend or capture. 2) FFFF will offer support and development of cold case investigations and serial profiling investigations by offering professional, interdisciplinary cold case review, educational opportunities, published peer-reviewed research, broad-based societal outreach programming, and by creating supportive resources for families of victims in the pursuit of truth and justice. Victims of human trafficking 3) FFFF will assist anti-human trafficking efforts, particularly when children are victims. Human trafficking continues to be a significant challenge, not only in the United States, but internationally. FFFF will deploy its global network of retired federal agents and law enforcement contacts to develop initiatives that undermine human trafficking activities. 4) FFFF will participate in the development of programs and systems that root out procurement fraud, grant fraud and scientific fraud. Victims of Inside Threats 5) FFFF will support the establishment of a training and certification program related to the mitigation of the risk of institution level inside threats, as well as field a team of inside threat experts who will be available on an as needed basis to assess threat level to those in need. Surround your cause with those who share your passion and commitment.

Website: http://www.formerfedsgroup.org
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