June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Carrie Madej

Meet Carrie Madej

Osteopathic & Internal Medicine 

Carrie Madej received her medical degree from Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2001. She trained in Georgia to become an Internal Medicine
physician and served as medical director, private clinician, and associate professor of medical students at PCOM in Georgia.

Dr. Madej became known on social media in 2020, when she sounded the alarm on the experimental Covid shots.  Her experience over the years have educated her on the
plan for transhumanism, genetic modification,
nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence for humanity.

She believes this technology is a threat to our civilization. Her focus is now on providing solutions to the current health crises. Dr. Madej believes a physician should be a
teacher of health to the patient, as well as identify the causes of disease. Her teaching incorporates the importance of body, mind, and spirit in achieving wellness, and that the balanced body has the inherent ability to heal
itself. It is her mission for us to remember the sacredness of life, our ability to heal, and our connection to God.

Website: www.carriemadej.com

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