September 20, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Edward Bartlett

Edward Bartlett is the Founder of SAVE. He received his PhD from Johns

Hopkins University. Former faculty member at three universities, and

former federal regulator at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials. Proud father of

three and an avid bicyclist.

December 20, 2023 – When feminist Clementine Ford issued her latest misandrous screed, little did she suspect that noted columnist Antonella Gambotto-Burke was at the ready, waiting to expose Ford’s divisive ideology with laser-like accuracy.

Gambotto-Burke would not be the first, of course, to reveal the deep-seated feminist antipathy towards men. Canadian Senator Anne Cools once commented, “…this feminism that has grown up suddenly in the last few years, where all virtue and goodness are stacked up on the side of women, and all evil and violence is stacked up on the side of men.” (1) And former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously quipped, “I hate feminism. It is poison.” (2)

The most withering critique of feminist ideology has come from former University of Ottawa professor Janice Fiamengo: 

“Feminism was never sane. It was never without deep rancor and bitterness against men, never free from the claim that women were absolute victims of male predation, never uninterested in destroying the family, never accurate in its claims about women’s social situation, never unwilling to slander men in the most vicious and unpitying ways, and it never expressed any appreciation for men nor recognition that men had made any contribution to society or that men had ever acted out of love and concern and compassion for women in the laws that had been made or social instruments that had been developed over time. It was always a deeply misandrist, man-hating, man-blaming kind of movement.” (3)

 Now fast-forward to Clementine Ford. Like many feminists, Ford experienced mental health challenges as a child, struggling with body dysmorphia and an eating disorder (4). Feminists insist that mental health problems are one of the countless manifestations of the dreaded patriarchy (5). As a result, they don’t seek professional help, and end up projecting their pathology onto others.

Women who issue artless denunciations like “Kill all men” (6) typically lack the ability to establish long-term, respectful relationships with members of the male sex. So faced with a demanding newborn baby, Ford would later admit that these words about her partner began to enter into her head: “I hate you” (7).

 Ford recently published the book, I Don’t: The Case Against Marriage, a tome that avoids all mention of the most important fact of all – that married men and women live longer, happier, and more prosperous lives, compared to their unmarried peers (8).

In response, commentator Antonella Gambotto-Burke published an essay this past Sunday exposing the shortcomings of the book, and charging that Ford “displays a deep, sustained, and ugly rage against men.” Like a television evangelist, Ford “whips her audience – for the most part, hurt, lonely, overburdened, or vulnerable women – into a frenzy of fear and loathing for men.” (9)

 Hate is a contagious emotion, and Ford began to express her venom towards members of the Jewish community, as well (10). In response, an online petition recently was launched calling on publishing house Allen and Unwin to de-platform Clementine Ford.

ABOUT SAVE:  Mission is to assure that every student and faculty member across America is afforded their constitutional protections of fairness and due process, especially in the context of sexual harassment and sexual assault. In particular, SAVE seeks to assure that the federal

Title IX law is applied consistently and fairly to all students, both male and female. SAVE carries out this mission through media campaigns , legal advocacy, legislative activities, and monitoring of university compliance.


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