June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Jonathan Hollerman

 – Deputy Director – US Task Force on National and Homeland Security

– Former military S.E.R.E (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) Instructor

#1 Bestselling Author on Preparedness

– Electromagnetic Defense Task Force(EDTF)

– Senior Fellow at EMPact America

– Member – Secure the Grid Coalition

– President of Grid Down Consulting

  Along with his time spent writing, Jonathan has spent years working as an Emergency Preparedness Consultant specializing in Survival Retreat design and has hundreds of clients and locations all over the world.  He performs on-site survival retreat analysis and designs off-grid infrastructure for families working on a budget up to multi-million dollar compounds. Jonathan also provides his expertise through phone consultation.

    Jonathan has a two-disc instructional DVD called “Survival Bugout” shot in coordination with The Survival Summit.  He is currently in talks with a major production studio for hosting a TV show on preparedness.  Hollerman has recently completed work, alongside two screenwriters in LA, to turn his book series into a TV series.  Hollerman also donates his time and expertise to various organizations trying to raise awareness to the vulnerability of the American electric grid and convince Congress to protect it.  He is always and ceaselessly working on “the next” book.

#1 Bestselling Author

     Author of the bestselling EMP: Equipping Modern Patriots Series.  Within a single month, EMP: A Story of Survival rose to Amazon’s Top Ten Bestseller’s List in both Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian genres where it stayed for almost four months.  The book has received over 500 positive reviews while maintaining a 4½ Star rating on Amazon.

    Jonathan decided to pen EMP: Equipping Modern Patriots after reading numerous prepping manuals and prepper fiction that were offering terrible advice from “experts” who had no professional survival experience or even a basic understanding of the sociological impacts of food deprivation and extreme environments. His EMP series was written in a fictional format yet offers valuable life-saving recommendations throughout the story which can be implemented should a breakdown in society come to pass.  

     In April 2015, Jonathan released the sequel “EMP: The Aftermath” to rave reviews.  In April 2016, he released a preparedness manual called “Survival Theory”.  Survival Theory later went on to become the #1 best-seller in Survival and Emergency Preparedness Genre on Amazon and all four of his books inside the top-10 in their prospective genres!

    In November 2017 he released the third book in the EMP series, “New Beginnings”.  He also co-authored a book called “Alone: Beth Ann’s Story of Survival” which follows the Beth Ann character from the EMP series and is written from a woman’s perspective.  

Military veteran

     Graduated as one of the few and elite S.E.R.E. Instructors in the Air Force, managed and was accountable for the lives and the training of 100+ students while they were put in the harshest weather environments and confronted with food and sleep deprivation.  Although in charge of personnel that usually far out-ranked and were much older, maintained professionalism resulting in not one negative critique during three years as a Survival Instructor.

SERE Instructors are trained in every major climatic condition: arctic, desert, tropical, ocean and temperate.  They must complete intensive training in the following areas: wilderness living, shelter construction, fire building, map and compass navigation, backpacking, food and water procurement, wilderness medicine and first aid, signaling and rescue techniques, escape and evasion, conduct after capture, and the techniques needed for instructing all of these skills.


Jonathan Hollerman is a #1 Bestselling author in Amazon’s Survival and Preparedness genre,

and a Top-ten Bestselling author in Amazon’s Post Apocalyptic and Dystopian genres.

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