June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Perry Arledge

Perry has been an ongoing student in the study and research of Bentonite Clays since the early 1990’s and an advocate for Bentonite clays ever since. Coupled with a B.S. degree and a background in chemistry, biology and veterinary science has contributed greatly to her knowledge base for understanding the intricate working of clays. Perry A has been a humorous and motivational speaker for more than 20 years

Book: Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing Balance, Detox, Stimulate, Alkalize Paperback – October 14, 2015 by Perry A~ 

You can purchase calcium bentonite clay 24/7 www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829

This is the Highest Quality U.S Lab-tested And Collected, 100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay!

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