July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Wayne Elliott

Wayne Elliott is a life-long herbal health care professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling,
Wayne is a spokesperson for Strauss Naturals, sharing timely herbal knowledge, and the historical uses on a wide variety of herbs, plants and plant enzymes – – – especially the extremely valuable heart-health benefits to Strauss Heart Drops!

My name is Wayne Elliott and more than 20 years ago, Strauss Heart Drops saved then changed my life in so many ways.

I had angina and all the symptoms. Leg cramps, shortness of breath, night sweats and occasional pains/pinches in my chest. I also had developed anxiety as I lost energy and didn’t want to do much of anything. When I heard about SHD from a friend in Vancouver, I called and ordered a bottle immediately. I had read about studies at Harvard and elsewhere, concluding the ear lobe crease was the best predictor of clogged arteries, in fact better than all others added together ( cholesterol, tryglicerides, hereditary, environment, smoking, obesity and stress). I had deep creases on both ear lobes, so I figured I would suffer the same fate as many in my family, heart attack, stroke, or “ hardening of the arteries” and made plans accordingly.

After two weeks taking SHD, the hearing returned to my left ear, much to my amazement, never thinking cholesterol plaque could affect hearing. Then my respiratory started to clear and I expelled lots from my lungs and breathing improved dramatically. Within 3 months, I felt a new man. Energy galore ( I all but stopped sleeping-just worked and had Jim Strauss live with me for a month at a time, learning and listening to lectures Jim gave on our tours).

For 5-6 years I became Strauss spokesperson and took over the radio shows and lectures Jim had done.

This has been the most rewarding experience in my life. Not only do I feel 40 years old and I’m 65 today, but being some part of helping people, even those I’ll never meet or know, is the best feeling in the world for me.

I’m very excited as I’ll be guest on several radio networks regularly in the USA and Canada on talk shows regarding health and my experience with thousands of people starting in October.

The miracles I’ve witnessed with so many suffering diabetes, heart disease, low energy, clogged arteries, has been truly incredible.

Painless, safe, low cost health products that work. Truly a thing of beauty!

I’ll be writing lots more regularly as I continue to experience wonderful results for so many people, who it is always my pleasure to speak with about natural health.

If not for Jim Strauss and the Strauss Heart Drops he and son Peter created, I know I would have left this earth long ago.

God Bless Jim Strauss!

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