June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Guests This Week

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Hour 1 & 2: News + open lines


Archives for today’s show:

June 24, 2024 (hour 1)

June 24, 2024 (hour 2)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Open lines for Joyce Riley tributes.  Joyce passed away June 25, 2017.

To share your tribute on air, please call us at 844-769-2944 (#1) 

Memorial Page for Captain Joyce Riley – Share your tribute online



Archives for today’s show:

June 25, 2024 (hour 1) 

June 25, 2024 (hour 2)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hour 1: 

1st half: News + Open lines

2nd half: Dr. Michael Garko, Nutrition Advisor for Strauss Naturals.  Dr. Michael Garko is a credentialed nutritionist and holds an accredited Master’s degree in human nutrition.

All Strauss Naturals products are available @ www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829

Hour 2: Peter A. Kirby, CA researcher, author, and activist. 

Peter is the author of Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project &

The Fall of San Francisco 

Website:  PeterAKirby.com

TurthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@TheAbstract

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeterAKirby 

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nFREP0IyPjIC/ 

You can find the articles Peter has written for the Activist Post here: https://www.activistpost.com/tag/peter-kirby 

Archives for today’s show:

June 26, 2024 (hour 1) 

June 26, 2024 (hour 2)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hour 1:  News + Open lines


Hour 2: Joy Pullmann, executive editor of The Federalist, mother of five children, and author of The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids. She identifies as native American and gender natural. Her latest ebook is a list of more than 200 recommended classic books for children ages 3-7 and their parents. She previously was managing editor of School Reform News at The Heartland Institute and the assistant editor for American Magazine at the American Enterprise Institute. Joy is also the 2013-14 recipient of a Robert Novak journalism fellowship for in-depth reporting on Common Core national education mandates. Joy has taught high school and middle school history, literature, and debate, and has written a public speaking curriculum. She is a graduate of the Hillsdale College honors and journalism programs. 

New Book: False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America – June 18, 2024

Joy’s personal blog is www.1trueword.com 

Archives for today’s show:

June 27, 2024 (hour 1) 

June 27, 2024 (hour 2)

Friday, June 28, 2024

Hour 1: 

1st half: News

2nd half: Ron Gulla who helped provide information for the book PETROLEUM-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It.


Hour 2:  Power Hour Jay will be joining Dave for open lines for listeners Power Mall product testimonies.  We love hearing how you use and like our products, and we would love for you to call in and share your testimonies with our audience!  

To be live on air call 844-769-2944 (press 1)

Archives for today’s show:

June 28, 2024 (hour 1)

June 28, 2024 (hour 2)

* The Power Hour may receive commissions from your book purchases 

The information provided during this broadcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals.

33 thoughts on “Guests This Week

  1. Keep hearing Dave talking about watching the show live on Rumble or whatever, or even recorded, but can’t seem to find how to access that. Only finding audio recordings. Very frustrating. Can anyone help?

          1. Thank you. Not able to watch it live at that time. How about watching it soon after, like within a few hours,or at least a day?

  2. Could you interview Chuck Baldwin sometime? I think he’s currently a pastor in Montana.

    That said I believe he’s very articulate on many issues of the day.

    Thank you.

  3. Please don’ t forget to post the podcasts or your TPH Show for 07-22-22 it normally would be posted by now, unless there are delays due to weather or other matters. I hope all is well.

  4. Did you know Tea Party Patriots has campaigns on the website with petitions to oppose WHO treaty? Also, LifeSiteNews.com. Opensourcetruth.com also has petitions and info on this front. Gun Owners of America does great work to oppose gun control at GunOwners.org. Thanks!

  5. Is it possible to have Joel Skousen from World Affairs brief talk about our international situation some time soon. He can add alot of info regarding Russia, chance of EMPs, etc.

    1. Vincent, I would be happy to reach out to Joel again. The last time we asked if he could join the show he said he could only do interviews in the evening.

      1. Just got this. I hear you! Thanks for asking. Maybe Dave might plug his newsletter World Affairs Brief as great source of goings on and preparedness. I can vouch for that! His analysis gives good idea about what likelihood of war (nuclear) etc. there is. And I would say we are dangerously close. Cudos! There is a book that’s been circulating around called Nuclear War Survival Skills that gives great ideas on homemade fallout shelters, etc.

  6. Dave- you do good show and I enjoy listening to it on the SW radio 8-10 am weekdays. But on Tuesday’s (Nov 16) show which I heard Wed morning, you parroted MSM garbage about Alex Jones’ case in Connecticut.

    The London Independent article that the powerhour has posted on this site says:
    The judge alone issued a default ruling , saying that Jones’ lawyers had shown a “callous disregard of their obligation” to turn over financial and web analytics data.
    Fact–Jones was denied a trial by jury, and he was wrongfully ordered by the judge to turn over things that do not exist–the supposed “marketing plans” for Sandy Hook coverage that the prosecution& judge insisted that Alex and Infowars must have had. Her says they never had any such inside papers on the ‘marketing’ of Sandy Hook coverage. He simply had Wolfgang Halbig on his show a couple times to point to the questions Halbig and others raised about what happened that day. Alex stepped in shit bigtime with that whole thing, but I hope he wins on appeal over the fact that it was a sham star chamber ‘court’ non-trial and was falsely accused of purposely scheming to profit on it.
    Guess what OTHER SW and internet radio show ALSO had Halbig on more than once– The Power Hour with the late Joyce Riley.
    You Dave insinuated that Alex was guilty of causing his listeners to “sick” upon the parents of the Sandy Hook children.
    Alex is no more guilty of causing his show listeners to harass those Conn. parents than Trump is of causing some of the Jan 6 Capitol protesters to riot there.
    BTW–what happened to Daniel

    1. Scott,

      I watched this whole episode with Alex Jones go down in flames. The mainstream media, like everyone else, blew this entire scenario out of proportion. I have been a guest on the Alex Jones-Infowars show multiple times. I know the man personally and there are a lot of devout listeners that would commit murder if he told them to. Unfortunately, Alex did step in “it” by keeping up the tirade when he should have urged peace, like he did when he told people not to enter the capitol building on January 6th. It is sad when his audience took what he said to extremes and threatened those affected by this tragedy, which I personally believe there is enough evidence to show that it actually did in fact happen.

  7. Ms Wolf said a DEMOCRACY they don’t like a DEMOCRACY well neither do WE WE are r CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC They have to STOP calling it that Daniel knows this The base of power was to REMAIN in WE THE PEOPLE but unfortunately ,it was LOST to those leaders acting in the name of government such as the politicians bureaucrats ,judges ,lawyers .As a result America began to function like a democracy instead of REPUBLIC A democracy is dangerous because it is a one vote system as opposed to a REPUBLIC which is a three-vote system Three to check tyranny ,NOT just ONE American citizens HAVE not been INFORMED of their other two votes

    1. Rosemary,

      Dr. Naomi Wolf was a challenge but because of the fact she is a journalist and a constitutionalist, I invited her to speak. The beauty of this entire challenge was getting a died-in-the-wool Democrat to engage in a sensible conversation, whether we agree to disagree or not. Yes, we have a Republic. I’ve said this over and over. Even our pledge of allegiance mentions nothing about democracy. Democrats are certainly off on their own tangents when it comes to democracy (they’ve been listening to their hierarchy politicos for too long). This is why NOW you are starting to see so many of them as disgruntled as conservative voters. Daniel has his opinions on the subject and I have mine. Daniel has other pursuits and endeavors that he chose to follow and for that and his contribution, all at The Power Hour acknowledge. Community is #1. The government is not my God. Governments are necessary to do the will of We the People, not the other way around. If we put God first, nothing else matters.

  8. do you know in the Word of God WHY CHRIST is called the anointed One? There is no where in the Bible where OLIVE OIL (extra virgin ) is bad in ANY way from HEALING outside the body and in the body DID you also know that IF they followed Gods HEALTH laws in Leviticus 11 CLEAN and UNCLEAN what to eat and NOT to eat I will listen to the WORD thank I have noticed THIS man says this and this man says that SICK of it ITS what God says OILIVE OIL is one of the BEST on the earth ORGANIC in these days UNFORTUNETLY WHAT do you use to Anoint the people JAMES 5 :1-end does it say HOLY WATER ?

  9. your quest today say hes from Texas right? and he trust the Austin politicians isnt it former gov. Rick Perry the one who MANDATORY vxxine on YOUNG adults AKA young teenagers the MERCK drug GARDASIL that paralized and killed young girl and boys ????

    1. Hi Da niel and uncle Kevin I thought you fixed that problem I still have to type out fully www .powerhour OR we get a ALERT that power hour is evil and pron to hack attacks and I don’t like that beca use that’s what happened on facecr ook NOBODY cared what April 19 was not a pep on any station unless I missed it April 19,1775 The first shots of the Revolutionary War are fired at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts The news of of the bloodshed rockets along the eastern seaboard and thousands of VOLUNTEERS converge on Cambridge, Mass. These are the beginnings of the Continental Army

  10. in the Hebrew dictionary to find that Jesus stems from two Hebrews words The Sacred Name next we look up 3068 in Hebrew dictionary which is the SACRED NAME of God YHVH there r NO W’s which has a variety of meanings including “saves”,Preserves,”rescuses” and even “avenges” And NOW we have a greater insight into the name of “Jesus” our Lord and SaviourMatthew 1:1 TRACING the english word back to the original languadge Greek dictionary 2424 A nd did you know in heaven we get a NEW NAME?? ITS ABOUT the LORD and His NAME His PLAN Thank You ! ALL these questions for the NAME lady R FOUND in Gods Word He is OUR SCHOOL MASTER not MEN!SUICIDE and ALL when we were GROWING up we were taught WE WOULD definitly answer to God if we even thought that for suicide was taught as a sin as AbORTION and GAY marridge what happened ? AND THEY WONDER why the CHILDREN R confused when this nation has ALLOWED this since 1973 ?

    1. actually His name is Yeshua (some spell Yahshua or Yahusha which I have no prob with as YeHoVaH is shortened many times in the Hebrew Tanach (bible) to YAH – from whence the word Halleluyah (there was / is no J in Hebrew and wasn’t til 500 yr ago in English) means “Hallellu YAH ie Praise YHVH”
      and when Adonai Yahshua’s name is spelled with an “a” instead of “e” it thus contains YAH’s name in it. Yeshua does tho’ mean salvation

  11. Truly LOVE Dr. True Ott you should (really need) have him come on every week I bought his book awhile back from power hour there is so much the people NEED to know Thank You

  12. Daniel:
    I listened intently to the Friday, August 14 show. I am always interested in hearing what David Icke has to say, I believe that he is a rare voice of reason in this crazy World. The following is my story about being discriminated against at a store.
    Sunday afternoon August 09, at Staples Office store in a major town in Southern New Jersey. I got tossed out for not wearing a mask. I walked into the store not wearing a mask. I can’t claim any health problem that would keep me from wearing one though. I only saw one store employee at the main checkout. I got to the copy machines and started my copy routine. I copy some files at least once each month at this store, and I have purchased many computer related items there as well. Suddenly I was faced with two store employees and several customers. One employee repeatedly said, “You have to wear a mask.” That was said over and over numerous times as if this person was a robot. The store manager said if I didn’t put on a mask, he would call the cops! He then said that they had called the local police just a week before to remove another “non-mask wearing customer.” Several customers all stood around watching with glee shown on their faces. It seems they were enjoying the confrontation at my expense. I tried to talk reason, but they were adamant in their attacks. They said it was the law, I explained that it is NOT the law, that there isn’t any legislation! The copying station where I was standing is located next to the entry door. While the store employees were accosting me, an elderly black woman came into the store and joined the melee. She simply stood just inside the doorway and confronted me and started saying, “Why don’t you just put on the mask?” I tried to argue sense, but all of them had their minds made up. The black woman turned out to be a real Methodist Pastor of two churches in the region, she gave me her business card and asked me to pray with her in the store, I did not pray since it was my attitude of non-conformity that she wanted to pray about. She also told me to call her when I felt the need to pray for my change of attitude. She was totally serious about helping me see the wrong of my stance. She even acknowledged that she had given sermons that morning at her churches on this same subject, advising her parishioners to follow the law. I tried to tell her and the others that wearing the mask was a precursor to accepting the “Mark of the Beast.” That only led to more preaching that I needed the help of Jesus Christ. By the way, this woman was wearing a mask, but the whole time she was speaking to me she had it pulled down below her nose, her nose was exposed to the open air. While the woman was preaching at me and asking me to pray, the manager and the others backed away and seemed to allow that to play out.
    I am 70 years old and have seen and done many things in my life, but this was a new experience for me. I wouldn’t have thought that Americans would so easily fall victim to this “situation,” (I don’t know what is the proper word for it). I realized that the store employees are pivotal in this situation. By requiring the employees to wear masks, they are placed in a position that they don’t want to accept, but have to accept in order to keep their job. That makes them mad, like a child who is punished for doing something wrong, and when they see another child attempting to do the same, they feel correct and licensed to step in and punish the miscreant! A neat way to find someone to police your requirements.

    1. What’s the saying? “Many will come in My name”. The great delusion…We see who needs to repent. I work at a plant where they LIFTED the mask requirements here in NC, and STILL people are wearing masks. Not near as many though. Most have stopped. Pastor Butch has a great T-shirt I wore last week. No Fear shirt. I had an episode early when the masking craze started at the Wally World I worked at years ago. I went in without a mask on and had done so numerous times with no problem. Then one day i made it all the way to the checkout line and this young girl came running up the isle in front yelling that I wasn’t wearing a mask. She stopped a manager who appeared to be in the process of leaving to tell him. He came back and asked me to put on a mask. He seemed more burdened by the task than upset. Well, I was about to leave so I did, even though I was angry at all of them. Another customer in line noticed the girl wasn’t wearing one either. I curtailed my shopping there. I thought we were all going to die if we didn’t wear a mask. Now, it doesn’y matter? Hmmmmm…Amazing what propaganda can do. But, I knew that over 10 years ago from listening to Dr. Stan when he was hosting Radio Liberty.

    2. Ironic that the law preaching “pastor,” doesn’t seem to realize that the Bible forbids female “pastors.”

  13. What is the guest’s name that was talking about the Russian communist playbook that is being brought to bear in the United States? Food cards, etc.

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