July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Thursday, January 04, 2018: Ed McCabe + Dr. Caroline Leaf

Getting oxygen, hydrogen and trace minerals into our cells is vital now more than ever with all of the assaults upon our bodies from the foods we eat to the air we breathe. Cleaning our intestines out is a must if we want to get our immune systems healthy and Ed McCabe will tell us how his products will benefit everyone who uses them.

Recommended Power Mall Oxygen Products: OxyEarth, OxyLift, OxySulfur, OxySil

Author Dr. Caroline Leaf joins The Power Hour today to discuss the new year and The Perfect You .  Dr. Leaf will address questions of identity and the I-factor, and how each of us has a unique way of thinking, choosing and feeling. No two minds are alike—our ability to think, choose and feel is our particular blueprint for identity.  Dr. Leaf’s passion is to help people see the power of the mind and the link between science and God as a tangible way of controlling their thoughts and emotions, learning how to think and learn and finding their sense of purpose in life.   We are not defined by where we are or where we have been, but where we will be. Finding out who we are at your very core is a journey, and it can be an awe-inspiring one, depending on the attitude we choose!

Website: drleaf.com

Blog: drleaf.com/blog

Facebook: www.facebook.com/drleaf

Archives for today’s show:

January 04, 2018 (hour 1) – News + guest Ed McCabe

January 04, 2018 (hour 2) – Guest Dr. Caroline Leaf

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