June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Thursday, November 23, 2017: REBROADCAST

1st hour replay: Dr. Kristen Held joins to discuss government takeover of medicine. Dr. Held will share her opinion on Obamacare and medical care from the trenches of real life medical practice. She has written numerous articles published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Washington Times, The Hill, and Dr. Carson’s American Currentsee.
Website: AmericanDoctors4Truth.org
2nd hour replay: Joining this morning is Brad Owens of the Torres Firm, who was personally on the ground in Benghazi six months before the raid and was in charge of gearing up to take over the guard duty. Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same page with the State Department with regard to the security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans. Owens, a former Army intelligence officer, said those “who made the poor choices that actually, I would say, were more responsible for the Benghazi attacks than anyone else, they’re still in the same positions, making security choices for our embassies overseas now.”
Website: www.torresco.com
3rd hour replay: Health researcher Dr. Edward Group III joins the show today to share timely tips and the use of natural remedies. Dr. Group is the founder of Global Healing Center, one of the largest alternative, natural, and organic health resources on the Internet.
** You can order Global Healing Center products by visiting www.thepowermall.com
Archives for today’s show:

November 23, 2017 (hour 1) – Replay of Dr. Kristen Held

November 23, 2017 (hour 2) – Replay of Brad Owens

November 23, 2017 (hour 3) – Replay of Dr. Edward Group

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