June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Toda’s News: November 02, 2021

Cartels Using Narco Slaves to Grow Illegal Marijuana on Industrial Scale in Oregon

Epoch Times – Seven years after Oregon legalized recreational marijuana, the market for cannabis is

booming. But rather than propagate a legal agricultural sector that grows the state’s

economy as intended, the industry has taken a dark turn in Southern Oregon. Today, it

is cultivating an ecosystem of international organized crime, human trafficking, and

environmental degradation.

Oregon voters were told that legalization would put an end to the black market for

marijuana. Taxing the legal product would help to fund schools and police—both of

which have suffered tremendous loss of revenue in the state since federal policies led

to a decline in timber revenues, proponents of legalization said.

CDC to Vote on COVID-19 Vaccine in Young Children

Newsmax – The United States could begin administering Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine to children ages 5 to 11 as soon as Wednesday after a panel of outside experts votes on Tuesday on how broadly the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should recommend its use in the age group.

New Study Finds Vaxxed ‘Just as Likely to Spread Virus’ as Unvaxxed, Destroys Case for Mandates

Free Thought Project – With President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate and local government employment mandates looming, the future of countless workers is up in the air. Yet new research undercuts the stated justification for these mandates.

Big-government politicians claim that vaccine mandates are necessary because unvaccinated individuals are a danger to not just themselves but society. They argue that choosing to remain unvaccinated exacerbates the spread of the deadly virus. But according to a new study published in the Lancet, this doesn’t appear to be true.

“People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as those who haven’t had shots, according to new research,” Bloomberg reports. “In a yearlong study of 621 people in the U.K. with mild Covid-19, scientists found that their peak viral load was similar regardless of vaccination status, according to a paper published Thursday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal.”

“The analysis also found that 25% of vaccinated household contacts still contracted the disease from an index case, while 38% of those who hadn’t had shots became infected,” the report continues. “The results go some way toward explaining why the delta variant is so infectious even in nations with successful vaccine rollouts, and why the unvaccinated can’t assume they are protected because others have had shots.”

The study does stress that vaccination has a clear personal health benefit, drastically reducing the chance of serious illness or death once infected with COVID-19.

Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Close, LA Sheriff Warns ‘Mass Exodus’, Tucson Water District Faces ‘Staff Shortage’

Free Thought Project – While the vast majority of employees across most industries and sectors have acquiesced to mandatory vaccine mandates, enough Americans are refusing to  get the jab that states and municipalities are losing a dangerous game of chicken with employees who refuse.On Saturday, the New York Post reported that 26 New York fire companies have been shuttered citywide due to staff shortages caused by the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

…an “unconscionable” move some fear could have catastrophic consequences, elected officials told The Post Saturday.

The stunning lockdown came amid a pitched battle between City Hall, which will start enforcing a mandate Monday that all workers have at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine — and jab-resisting fire fighters, many reportedly saying they were already sick with the coronavirus and therefore have “natural immunity.” -NY Post

While FDNY Spokesman Jim Long insists that the closings are temporary, and the situation is “fluid,” it’s of no comfort to New Yorkers.

Across the Rockies, Los Angeles Country Sheriff Alex Villanueva has warned of an “imminent threat to public safety” caused by a “mass exodus” of thousands of deputies and civilian personnel who refuse to take the jab.

Just In Time For The Holidays, The Biggest Mandate Of All Is About To Go Into Effect…

Michael Snyder – What a joyful time of the year this is going to be for the countless families who are about to experience a job loss.  You would think that Joe Biden’s rapidly plunging poll numbers would cause him to rethink his absurd mandates, but that hasn’t happened.  Instead, he is has chosen to stubbornly move forward, and the consequences are going to be absolutely disastrous.

Earlier today, I watched a heartbreaking video of a pandemic hero being marched out of a hospital in California because her religious exemption was denied.  She admits that she could soon lose her house as a result, but freedom is more important to her.  Sadly, similar scenes are about to be repeated over and over again all across the country, because the biggest mandate of them all is about to be implemented.  According to the senior White House correspondent for CBS News, it appears that the OSHA mandate will go into effect in just a few days

OSHA has finished developing a rule that compels companies with 100+ employees to require vaccines or regular testing. It also requires employers to provide paid time to workers to get vaccinated and to recover from any side effects. The rule will go into effect in days.

It has been estimated that the OSHA mandate will cover somewhere around 80 million American workers.

As the new regulations start to be enforced, countless Americans will choose to willingly leave their jobs, and countless others will be ruthlessly terminated for not complying.  Needless to say, this is going to cause enormous nightmares in industry after industry.

Cars To Be Equipped With “In-Air” Alcohol Detection Systems That Test The Breath Of Everyone

Activist Post – Big Brother will soon be able to stop a person from driving their car if it detects any alcohol in their breath.

The Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc. (ACTS) and the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) program have created an open source “in-air” alcohol detection system for new vehicles.

“The new technology is the result of extensive research, development and testing by the DADSS Program, which is a public–private partnership between ACTS, which represents the world’s leading automakers, and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.”

As the press release states, “in-air” alcohol detection systems can be installed in commercial vehicles by the end of 2021 and in most new cars by 2024.

“Unlike existing breathalyzers or interlocks, the DADSS technology can be seamlessly integrated into vehicles so there is no physical hardware in the vehicle cabin. A consumer version is still under development and is expected by 2024.”

Yahoo dumping all services in China

Activist Post – Tech giant Yahoo will no longer conduct any business in China due to a challenging regulatory environment, the company announced Tuesday.

“In recognition of the increasingly challenging business and legal environment in China, Yahoo’s suite of services will no longer be accessible from mainland China as of November 1,” a Yahoo spokesman said in a statement, Reuters reported.

Netflix removes spy drama episodes after Philippines’ complaint over China map

CNN – Netflix Inc has removed two episodes of spy drama “Pine Gap” from its streaming service in the Philippines, after the Southeast Asian country rejected scenes involving a map used by China to assert its claims to the South China Sea.

Exclusive: Marine Corps Commanders Using Form Letter to Deny Religious Exemptions

Breitbart – Marine Corps commanders across different commands are using the same form letter to deny religious accommodation requests for the coronavirus vaccine, despite a legal requirement to consider each request on an individual basis, according to more than a dozen denial letters viewed by Breitbart News.

The use of the same form letter suggests blanket denials across the service regardless of individual circumstances and testimony, according to one lawyer assisting hundreds of service members seeking religious exemptions.

“They’re all identical, every single one of them. It’s evidence that they’re not evaluating them on an individual basis, which is what the regulations and federal law require, and it’s like somebody just issued a template, and they’re just rubber-stamping them,” said Mike Berry, general counsel for First Liberty and Marine reservist.

“These don’t address the specific circumstances of their request,” he said.

Chinese hospital improves hospital care with 5G

AP – A Chinese hospital has teamed up with Huawei to equip itself with 5G technology and smart devices that collect and transmit real-time health data to improve patient care. Huawei is gearing up to create new revenue streams that might offset the damage to its smartphone business from U.S. sanctions.

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