June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's Guest: Wayne Elliott + Andy Gause

Tuesday, April 10, 2018:
Wayne Elliott lifelong herbal healthcare professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely information on the heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops.
Check out Wayne‘s personal website at www.rawmaterials.com
You can purchase Strauss Heartdrops 24/7 @ www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829.
Joining today on The Power Hour is Andrew Gause, one of America’s foremost experts on American monetary system and the history of US currency.
Listeners can request Andy’s FREE Informative CD explaining the US monetary system by calling 800-468-2646 or by visiting www.andygause.com
Archives for today’s show:
April 10, 2018 (hour 1) – Wayne Elliott
April 10, 2018 (hour 2) – Guest Andy Gause

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